Fireside III

Salviac village bisIt is to the Village Square that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom. Then when their minds have been filled, they retire to the tavern on the western side of the square where they share in social discussion, learning of each other’s events and challenges, happinesses and sometimes sadnesses, too. With a mug or glass in hand, they collect in front of the great Fireplace that dominates the long wall. Benches and chairs are often filled on market day with those who have come from farther away, bringing news of events and views the local people delight in hearing.

If you are feeling disoriented by all the philosophical talk by the fountain in the Village Square, then come sit down on the bench here with us for a while just to soothe your mind and share a mug of tea or coffee. Let’s all make sure the conversation is quiet and simple, caring and thougtful, exactly the kind of talk you might have around a warm hearth, the only light filling the room coming from the fireplace.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is the third installment in the Fireside discussion series. After we reach 900 comments, the page takes too long to load on your computer, and so we start another fresh page. To review previous discussions, we keep the old pages (Fireside I and Fireside II) which you can find under the ‘Village’ tab on the navigation bar at the top of screen under the image of the tree.

1,011 Responses to “Fireside III”

  1. Annie says:

    Hola a*migo !

    Just 4 hour difference.
    That explains the hot flashes (:

    I must have missed the Benjamin Smythe site when Nina mentioned it. Thanks Nina!

    I’m always amazed how much Trust some people have. He will come and live with you if you pay for his expenses, feed him and allow him to hold the sign in your neighborhood. Not sure if he brings his own cardboard and markers? His sign, “You’re Perfect” was yesterdays lesson “My holy vision sees all things as pure” in action. There was not a video per se …I just perused the site and found it to be very generous in a non preachy way. You just can’t fake that kind of kindness.

    Enjoy your family time – hope there are wonderful parks for you to take junior to. He must have a few teeth by now and be absolutely scrumptious in every photo.

  2. katrina says:

    Yeah, Annie, Benjamin Smythe is like a giant zen leprechaun. I think he’s come from Adyashanti learnings, but freely refers to the BK’s Work and Tolle. He pulls them all together, seems to add the Tao de Ching, and does it all with a casual backward flip and cartwheel. Makes you laugh because you completely understand him! Maybe Michelle will get a chance to pop over to Berkeley to bring us a live report!

    Nina — thanks for all your explorations and sharings. Didn’t dear little Tommy Huebl get a nod from you, too?
    Kissing your eternity, as Ben says

  3. katrina says:


  4. katrina says:

    a, that does it. I’m looking up flights from LAX to Brazil right now.

  5. Nina says:

    Katrina – Tommy Huebl, was he another of the three boys in Tree of life?
    they were all outstanding. Each and every role shimmered with real life.

  6. katrina says:

    Nina, I guess I must have heard of Thomas Huebl from somewhere else. He is a young German who looks a lot like the image we have of Jesus. And he talks like Him too. He’s kind of a German angel and dedicated peace-nik.

    I’m planning to see Tree of Life, if and when it comes to a theater near me. Hope I don’t have to wait for the video. The Night in Paris never even got here, will have to wait for the video on that one. (There are drawbacks to living in podunk backwaters.)

    a, well I won’t be in Brazil soon since the LOW fare is $1600 (EACH), and the flight is 17-20 hrs. Yet another vain imaging!

  7. katrina says:

    I ran across this from an American in Russia, who found a great teacher for his kids:
    “When I asked Bogin to explain Shchedrovitsky, he asked a question. “Does 2 + 2 = 4? No! Because two cats plus two sausages is what? Two cats. Two drops of water plus two drops of water? One drop of water.”

    And another one — There were 10 crows on a fence. A cat leapt up and captured one. How many were left on the fence? 9? Noooo, none – you think those crows would hang out after the cat attack? (Of course, we know that they may be hovering over the cat’s nap spot later, thanks to info on crow behavior thanks to Lawrence.)

  8. winnie says:

    G’day my darling everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo

    Oh it feels like for ever and a day since i have been to the Village. I have not been able to get online for weeks, and i only have this short overnight opportunity to be here. It will probably be a few weeks before i will be able to get online again.

    I am at Thargomindah which is over 1100 kms from the coast and tomorrrow i am heading west to Noccundra which is on the edge of the desert.

    I have been staying at tiny places, often on river banks, here and there, and dont know how to begin to tell you how wonderful it all is.

    tee hee – i just spotted Katrina calling me in 403 …… You musta known i was close {{Katrina}} In the Australian bush ya “cooee” to one another. I think it is an aboriginal term. You put your hands each side of your mouth to make the sound travel farther and you go “coooeeee” and you make the “eee” part go high so that it’s like a stockwhip cracking…..maybe you “ccooeee” over there too ? If not, Pam tell Cory to give it a go….

    When you get right out west, there are no rules and regulations telling you how long you may stay. That, coupled with the fact that they are free of charge, contibutes to the wonderful sense of freedom, that the birds constantly sing about.

    I had no idea the outback would be so beautiful. I am loving it.

    {goes off to make a billy of tea and some damper for the soOOOoooo beloved tribe and then to catch up on some posts}

    { comes back in with a big bunch of wattle. The wattle is in flower everywhere. It is always in different shades of yellow and has such a sweet perfume………Fusses around making a nice arrangement}

  9. katrina says:

    Okay, coooooeee’ (the accent mark is to denote the highness of the my whiplike cry.)

    Wiki says that Noccundra is on the Wilson River, and there are 4 permanent residents at the hotel, the only structure in town. Boy, are they in for some delightful adventure when you get there.

    Good night, I’ll sleep better now, thinking of you among the lovely yellow wattle.

  10. Annie says:

    So our katrina has pyschic abilities – good to know (:

    Hello Winnie!!!

    Along with your many talents katrina you can now add the whiplike cry to enhance your storytelling tales from around the world. (btw loved the Russian math lesson).

    Now that the Wattle is beautifully arranged let’s see who else will waddle in????

  11. Pam says:

    Waddling in; Hello all, Haven’t had much to say as of late but lots going on in the noticing department. Nifty things come to mind to post when I’m away from the computer but when at it “blank”. So much good stuff this last week or so though,have read it all. Hugs to everyone.

    Winnie what is a damper?

  12. winnie says:

    Good morning my beloveds { squeezes everyone with a big exuberant hugsy}

    Oh i am feeling sentimental and happy to be back at the ole haunts … tee hee

    Damper, my dear Pammikins is what Aussies love to make around the campfire, a tradition stemming from the days of the early settlers when all they had to make bread was flour, water and a bit of salt. It is roughly formed into a shape of sorts and then baked in the hot coals and is surprisingly yummy, especially with lots of butter.

    Yes Noccundra only consists of a pub but they let you stay there free. I have discovered that i only have one requisite and that is somewhere to walk. I can do without anything else. I am not hopeful that Noccundra will be able to provide that so i may not stay very long.

    Yesterday on the way here i stopped off at an inland lake to have my walk. There was not a soul around and the track was through thick long grass so i was keeping my eyes peeled for snakes, when suddenly i heard a heavy running through the bush coming my way accompanied by grunting and i stopped in my tracks. An emu then appeared right in front of me, stopped and looked directly at me. I just stopped and looked back at him. Then he walked slowly to the bush on the other side. I remained motionless and then farther ahead, i saw four or five emu chicks crossing the path. The i understood his need to stop me.

    Oh i gotta go have a cup of tea…….. keep my seat warm…..

  13. Nina says:

    Winnie ( hugs back loong) – what a place Noccundra must be if there is no place to walk to – I fantasize of landscapes where there are only sharp egged stones – or only water – or cactus – or poisonous grass – or snakes – oh my what an adventure you’re on
    is the big Silence still there, around you?

  14. winnie says:

    Ahh… that’s better…ooh i am a bit excited … This place has such flash showers and it even has a swimming pool. I had a swim yestaday and might be able to catch one before i leave.
    The thing about out here is that it is quite cold at night and then when the sun comes up in the morning it quickly goes from warm to hot.

    I am having a teabag in my tea this morning coz i feel so posh and excited. I have been discovering more and more things i can do without – yes even without my herbal tea bags. i just have warm water with a dash of lemon { if i have some} and call it tea ……………… TEA- hee..

    I didnt get a chance to read any posts last night but i hope everyone is well and happy and having a lovely time….

    The last place i stayed at was wonderful. I found so many tracks in the bush to walk through. It was on the banks of a creek 1 km out of town. I found a billabong to walk to right out in the bush and that was the highlight of my day every morning and afternoon. The bush is so musical and beautiful i never took my mp3 player. I have been learning to be comfortable with doing nothing in between times, which i know i brag about doing really well. When it comes down to it though, i feel very uncomfortable doing nothing at all. So i have been learning to simply stay with that discomfort for small periods.

    Last week, my son rang and said he was going to come all the way out here with his little girl to visit {it being the school hols an all.}
    Was i thrilled ? No, i was dismayed….I dreaded it, much as i love them.

    Every time i felt the dread, i asked for help and understood i needed the experience. It took him 2 days to get here and then they only had a day and a half before beginning the long journey back. We had a wonderful time but there were moments of such high anxiety for me, that i had to i ask myself – have i learnt nothing ?….. and did i even once remember to forgive my terror while they were here – no i did not….

    and can i explain to you what i am talking about – no not really…..and yet i do understand what is going on…..My children and my grandchildren are where i have hidden, concentrated little potions of my own extreme vulnerability. I heard myself silently shouting at the top of my voice more than once ” I loathe with all my heart being a mother and a grandmother !!”

    We actually had a very precious time together – i dont want to give you the wrong idea. This other stuff is what lies beneath and it is with you i share these secrets.
    I always thought my reluctance to grandparent was just a manifestation of my 100% selfishness. It is this relationship as far as i can tell that most clearly shows inequality. Grandparents are supposed to be all-giving and grandchildren all-receiving. I dont want to do that. I dont want to give nobody nuttin, { and i want as much as i can get for myself}
    I have learnt to not judge myself for this selfishness and had already decided to patiently continue to look at that for as long as it takes.
    However after they had left, i began to realize that all this time, the problem hasnt so much been about selfishness as about fear and as i write this, a lump comes to my throat.

    I realize this probably doesnt make much sense. You see my son has very unorthodox methods of child-rearing. He doesnt “protect” her the way most parents do. He lets her {she’s five} work out a lot of stuff herself, which she does, but it frightens me terribly so i have to not look.

    My biggest fear while travelling out here is being attacked by a poisonous snake but i would rather face one of those than spend time in the above situation.

    My son says he is going to bring her to see me every school holidays no matter where i am in Australia………. > DOH !…..

    Looks like every school holiday i’ll be in class…..

    I love you guys ! xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

  15. Tex you says:

    2 + 2 = 22

  16. Tex you says:

    Oh, and Winnie – I ♡ YOU!
    Hey – that kinda rhymes!

  17. winnie says:

    love you too Tex xoxox

    Hugs Ninarina…. ah the Big Silence – It’s more of a big Stillness…

    I’m not experiencing here at Thargomindah. I’m standing in my hot van dripping sweat having just walked around the river and explored the old hospital – something about old hospitals that move me and remind me how much i loved being a nurse { and wearing a little starched cap}

    Gonna have lunch at the pub as a treat before moving on out….

    The Big Stillness – It’s where there is very little diversity, just plain blue sky that seems to go on forever, and blue-green trees that all look the same but sigh together in a gentle wind as if of one mind. The country is flat. The road is brick-red sand. There are no cars, no noises bar the sweet tiny songs of invisible birds. The temperature is perfectly comfortable and as you walk along, you feel such a sense of uninterrupted vastness that it almost feels like you are walking in a holy place.

    I always thought the coastal areas were pretty and so they are, but the outback is magnificently grand – It reminds me of John Denver’s song “you fill up my senses” – that’s how you feel – fulfilled !

    I have been taking little videos of everywhere and i want to put together very short little pieces if any of you are interested ?

    Well there probably wont be any internet at Noccundra so until next time my beloveds – big fat hugs and kisses XOXOXOOXOXOXOOO

  18. Nina says:

    Winnie, this is for whenever you read this. I cried reading your description of utter vulnerability experienced at the visit. I have the same with my daughter and her friend – and so much in my mind just goes poof and hides in order for “me” to be able to function like “normal.”
    Still – always those visits leave me with something to work on, forgiveness-wise – and I need to see it and let it go.
    But mostly I am alone, as you, and love it.
    I think we all would love to see your videoclips from your trip and the great outback of Australia. I am in love with the names too: the seem to arise from the oldest tribal consciousness, deeply concerned only with Nature and Spirits.
    May you be happy

  19. a says:

    18 comments and 4 days later, I return to my beloved FireSide, and the FireSide-loyalists (:, whether present or not, their seats are always kept warm for them when they return.

    What a blessed morning to awake to – Lesson 268 speaks to me to “Let all things be as they are”. every word drips with peace. It is impossible for me to not to feel peace when I hear this.

    I awoke at 2:30 am this morning, kept trying to sleep, but realized soon enough that it was not to be. Why fight something when it’s clear that it’s not meant to be ?

    It’s not like I was sleepy. I felt awake, alert, in the dream, mind quietly active with many things being considered these last few days. There really was no need to sleep, other than a belief that I “needed” 8 hours, or 6 hours, or whatever the heck I had conditioned myself into believing these last 9 months since my son was born.

    I have been through these phases before. Awake at dawn (I rarely use an alarm clock – 9 days out of 10, I awake with my body clock, (or as is more frequent these days, with my son’s body clock (;).

    I love it when I awake like this. It doesn’t bother me one bit what time the clock actually shows. And those periods in my life, when this “spontaneous-peaceful-dawn-pre-dawn-opening of the eyes” happens, I count as my happiest periods of my life (and I have had several of them already since 2000/2001 – can’t remember exactly right now). They usually last at least a few days, if not weeks, and on a couple of instances, a blissful two-three months ! (: Who knows how long this time it will last, and who cares ? (:

    Since my last post, I have read the wonderful news that Zafu’s son lived here in Brazil, and that Katrina was inspired to want to come here, and that Annie, although uncomfortable with the heat (:, is doing well. I love you all, or at least, in this sleep-deprived state (:, love seems easier to access right now (:

    I read about Winnie’s adventures,and boy – am I glad that she’s stated it, and it’s not the first time, that there’s definitely hatred beneath this parenting role that I have assigned myself. There are any number of times that I have held my son responsible for depriving me of my peace of mind, and the guilty mind really spares no one from its treachery. Whew – thank god for the Blue Book. At least I don’t judge myself anymore when I stumble onto that hatred in my mind, and it tends to pass sooner too, these days.

    In fact, the more I think about it, the more sure I am, that one of the greatest gifts that the Course offers me is that freedom to get comfortable with my hate, to observe its frequency, its tenacity, its absolutely bizzare behaviour, and just to say “that’s all right”. “Let all things be as they are”.

    Because surely I am more than that. Surely my petty hatred cannot define me. Nina wrote me a lovely email in response to something I had sent her (that she asked for), it brought me a few tear-drops. It moved me so much that I don’t think that I will write back to her email for a few days. I just want to keep it in my inbox, and savor it’s contents. She saw me with Love, she perceived me in Love, even at a time when I don’t know what Love is anymore. Whether I am capable of it, buried as I seem to be in so many of my well-hidden hateful thoughts arising constantly. Truly, a great blessing from Nina !

    What more can I say, my friends (: – a couple of notes re:minutaie –

    Annie, I don’t know if Nina had posted Benjamin Smythe’s site here at the Village, perhaps I saw it at her blog ?

    Katrina – I seem to recollect that you live in San Luis Obospo ? Well, I went through that Amtrak station there once, and even got off to meet an old college friend who drove up/down/whatever (: from VictorVille so we could meet. My sis used to live in San Diego, so I took the train to SLO to visit him. What a charming and beautiful station !

    Zafu – Some days ago, on Ken’s Q&A listed at Jamie’s site, I came across a phrase – “If you are wholly free of fear, and if every one that ever thinks of you feels peace, and things of you in peace, then you can be sure that perhaps you have come closer to God”. When I read that, your name popped immediately to mind (: — may your days always be peaceful, and all ours as well.

    And so it is.

  20. Nina says:

    A- “buried as I seem to be in so many well-hidden hateful thoughts”…I think I am not the only one here to see through the guilt of each other to the Love beyond. The only one I cannot do it with is myself – which shows me how identified i am with that grumpy old sour-puss who seems to believe she is me. The last days, this split between “me” and “her” is even stronger than before – and I have even started to reach out a hand to her, just sit with her and listen. She seems so O L D – about 12 decennies –
    and has such a “foreign” feeling about her – and still, it seems she occupies my mind as “me”. I have seriously (oops) started to contemplate her being a soul that has attached herself to me.
    Anyway – easy to sense the Love in others – and let all things be as they are (:
    Nina ( sweating now, after writing this)

  21. Annie says:

    I opened the fireside comments last night and thought I saw a comment by katrina now this morning its gone. Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

    Then the lesson to not use the bodys eyes today…which I guess means I should just retract the question.

    I watched myself fill with rage in my dream last night…I knew I was dreaming and because of it I allowed myself to just let it rip…I even had Gary Renard play the part of my girlfriends x-lover who happened to be there fixing the chandelier watching the whole scene unfold. At one point he tried to warn me not to go there (saying things I would regret) and I couldn’t believe he would try and protect her as she clearly used him and was still using him. I was just calling it as I saw it…it was all true…but it wasn’t kind… I couldn’t stop myself…I didn’t want to stop myself and this morning I look back at the whole process and I can see how I luxuriated in the destruction. I felt like I woke up with blood on my hands and I could sensed this part of me wanting to be in shock, like, how did that get there? but the memory of what just took place couldn’t be denied it was me…each character was me and I was only hurting myself.

    Now I’m angry that the ability to project just boomerangs right back to me. The system is broken. There is no turning back now is there? The Course and its great undoing is right on schedule. It should feel like good news …but I think I’ve got me an old sour puss too holding on for dear life. (it cracked me up Nina that you pegged yours at 12 decennies) btw I think its the sourpusses who are the ones sweating this out.

    Didn’t mean to bring you all down this morning.

    Write us another lovely post a* – your words are always so gentle and soothing.



  22. Nina says:

    Annie – I want one more early-morning-sunrise-coffee-poem from you please pleaase
    – and you know, a’s posts are just as wonderful read the second time, I noticed
    hugs to all

  23. katrina says:

    Annie, well, here’s a replacement post. Pretty funny, cause I have no idea if I did one or not. I am not using my mind’s memory today.

    I have really loved the first sentence each day of What is the Body. “The body is a fence the Son of God imagines he has built, to separate parts of his Self from other parts. It is within this fence he thinks he lives, to die as it decays and crumbles.” What a dumb idea! I’ve shaken off nightmares thinking it was just another ridiculous ego ploy to get me to buy into feeling bad.

    a, so glad you had a chance to see SLO town. Yes, it is classic pre-development California. No industry along the rail line, just white stucco buildings with red tile roofs. Once Santa Barbara was like that — and to think about 100 yrs ago, that’s what LA looked like.

    ({Nina, Pam, Kendall, Lawrence, Bernard, Anne, Zafu, Winnie, Laura, Bev}} ({and all who my mind’s memory is not popping up on the fly, here!}}

  24. Tex you says:

    I saw this once (20 years ago) in a NewYorker style cartoon.
    Two cave men were sitting around pondering.
    One says “What is 1 + 1?”
    And the other one answers “Huh? What’s ‘1’?”

    So I showed it to my (then) ACIM teacher.
    He laughed, and asked “What’s one? – When all there is – is One!”

    So maybe 2+2 (and everything else) really = One!
    Only in a dream (of separation) could it be anything else.


  25. Annie says:

    Thank you ladies for staying the “Course” and responding from your loving hearts and right mind. My dream world boundaries (day and night) seem to have blurred and I need to dismiss both as having any meaning or purpose other than the Will of God.

    Might need to employee that “giant zen leprechaun” Benjamin Smythe, to follow me with that sign of his (:

    Who is the Perfect One Son of God?

    And what is He doing here?

    Wake Up!

  26. Pam says:

    Hugs to All this morning. Annie you didn’t bring me down. The honesty is what this place is for it helps break up the log jam and get things out to be looked at. extra HUG for you.

    I have been looking at the guilt that was sublty hidden away by my not posting very much lately. Uh oh you’re being rude by not saying something might cause people to worry whats wrong with you or maybe they will think you think something is wrong with them. You’re not being helpful by not giving suggestions or advice. Am I seperating by not “joining” in the conversation more often? Excertra so on and so forth.

    There has also been the “counterpoint” Lots of little connections that just seem to disappear when I sit at the keyboard and nifty little insights just refuse to be put into words at this time. Yet there is a stillness and peace more often it seems with it all.

    Still looking and loving as best as I am able. ((:

  27. Nina says:

    Pam. Sense that stillness around you.Glad to read you again, though. Good to know where you are – thank God we don’t have to be clever and smart around here.
    Hugs to you. And anyone knows where Laura is? I miss her so.

  28. katrina says:

    Pam, when I read the posts and yours was not among them, I thought — ahhh, you are outdoors getting all the harvest duties done before the inevitable cooling down.

    Annie, I am practicing Ben’s ‘No’ in his ‘How to move from people pleasing to self fulfillment’. pretty funny.

    2+2=1 I like that.

  29. zafu says:

    fire side conversations … sharings … feels happy and friendly in here!! … how fun to see each of you here!! … nina’s blog about the kind old man wrapping her purchase like a gift with ribbons delighted me and reminded me of the joy in the generous kindness when people do happy sweet things like that …

    every morning I do about an hour long walk along the beach … am walking in the surf … letting the ocean soak me while I walk and loving the random waves that vary in power and size

    there are usually a couple of other people out and about on these early morning walks … and they are alllll so kind and calm … we share a good morning … or aloha … or some remark about how gorgeous it is … how big the rainbow is … how rough the ocean is … how the giant old turtles look safe resting on the beach … it’s all so wonderful

    am love love loving being over here … mom is getting a bit better and stronger each day … she didn’t eat anything for a month or two but now is actually eating again and doing soooo much better

    she’s getting up now … gotta go

    love to all

  30. Nina says:

    Zafu, reading you now brought the whole walk at the beach and the getting soaked…i literally sensed the showers of infinitesimal droplets spraying over me, and the peace you feel – isn’t it wondrous how we can share in each others happiness
    Love and songs

  31. katrina says:

    Zafu, mom (in-law) used to live at Coco Isle. When we visited, I’d slip quietly out of the house just before sunrise, and hike up to Hanauma Bay, then back down the hill to kick the waves in the surf at the little inlet before I headed back into the neighborhood. Your walks bring it all back, I am smelling the flowers in the wind, and seeing the beauty of the ocean, palms, plumerias and ginger. (I needed to be sneaky and early or I wouldn’t escape the hubby/kids demands. I was!)

  32. lawrence says:

    Me too Nina, Me Too! Just substitute Grouchy for sour-puss. “buried as I seem to be in so many well-hidden hateful thoughts”…I think I am not the only one here to see through the guilt of each other to the Love beyond. The only one I cannot do it with is myself – which shows me how identified i am with that grumpy old sour-puss who seems to believe she is me.” Nina, and Annie, this is for you too, at a doctor’s appointment I brought an old note book and found this “Our problems are not what others or the world do to us, but rather what we believe we have done to ourselves. Let me repeat a line that I quote frequently. “Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself unfairly treated” (text, p. 523; T-26.X.4:1) I can be treated unfairly only by myself, and for that I have already been forgiven. This is the essence of the curriculum of A Course In Miracles. This is in Ken’s “The 50 Miracle Principles”, Miracle 47.

    I have been thinking of all my Ladies, and my Gentlemen friends. I wonder if you all do the same thing I do? Seriously, at different times everyday the Village comes to mind. I may not be posting as much as I would like, but I am loving you all always. The silent ones, the regular posters, the not so regular posters (me) J, and HS and of course our mayor, God bless him.

    Life seems to be moving faster than I would like at the moment and I am slowly aging and not up to the pace. I long for things this dream can not give, I long for home, and have for a very very long time. It is truly though a journey without distance, so at any time any one of us can awaken from the dream. So what are you guys waiting for already! I want to hitch a ride with one of you. We have already been forgiven, so whats holding us back?

    I see my red headed friend is warming his hands by the fire, I think I will join him. He doesn’t say much but when I am around him my concerns seem to vanish. The warmth and light seem to go right through me. The fire though blazing seems dim and in the distance, and yet I stand right in front of it. I will ask him to sit at one of the tables in the hope that some of the other villagers might join us, and so that I don’t fall down.

    I wrote a new quote in my notebook today. The problem with our ego growing stronger and meaner seems to turn up in a lot of our posts. So I thought this appropriate.

    “The False can never grow into truth by growing in power” Rabindranath Tagore “Stray Birds”

    God bless us every one


  33. Pam says:

    Hi Katrina, Not far off,I don’t do any harvest work any more but there is still plenty of yard work here and at my mom’s house. She just turned 74 so with my not so great physical health and hers being good(and we want to keep it that way) we work together pulling weeds,trimming dead flowers etc.

    Lawrence,Like you I think of all of you many times during the day. A line or a theme someone brings up reverberates through. I also have been asking the “whats the hold up?” questions too. Then I realize it’s just the fear–False Evidence Appearing Real syndrome and I laugh.

    Best wishes to all of you…..My lovely ACIM touchstones.

  34. lawrence says:

    Pam, I like what you said, it rings so true “I realize it’s just the fear–False Evidence Appearing Real syndrome and I laugh. I must remember to laugh, look what trouble I got into when I forgot the first time.

    I hadn’t read your post #426 when I posted. It hits really close to home to me, and I am sure others as well. No suprise there though you are a deep running drink of water, and I have enjoyed so much what you and Cory have added to the Village. I am glad your mom is around for uou and you for her, of special relationships that’s a beauty.

    Peace & Poster’s my friend, and much good health.


  35. Nina says:

    ( Taking a seat beside Lawrence at the fire, waiting for the red headed to join us at the table. I hear Lawrence’s heart ( or is it my own?) I pull out an ananas and put it on the table. Start to slice it in eadible pieces.
    The red head is looking at me and smiles. It is completely impossible to utter a sound.
    His eyes are so blue, and there is a softness happening around my heart…like it is all utterly simple. Looking at Lawrence and smiling, waiting for you all to show up.

  36. Pam says:

    As are you dear Lawrence, as are you.(:

  37. katrina says:

    Who’s the redhead? Me? or my twin brother?

  38. lawrence says:

    Katrina, He is somebody different for every body. He is as close as your breath and as near as a star. Katrina you and Zafu both remind me of the time in my youth that I spent a little over a month on the island of Kauai. It is called the garden isle, in fact for a short while I wore no clothes. (:


  39. a says:

    Annie dear – you didn’t bring me down. Your words only increase my love for you.

    Lawrence – how nice to see you by the fireside. This red-headed stranger perplexes me, but that’s OK – sitting eating sliced bananas with you and Nina by my side allows me to mull over my perplexion in quiet (and fun) silence.

    Katrina dear – you have red hair ? (: — oops, I really must do a better job of noticing women’s hair (: It took me four years before I could notice when my wife cut her hair. (but to be fair to me, she would only cut it off a couple of inches, and I was supposed to notice that ??? huh (:

    Today belongs to Love, dear friends. Let me not fear ! (:

    (L 274)

    It’s 5:02 PM on the streets of that wonderful city where Helen and Bill worked for 7++ years to bring us that great classic. And it has been a day filled with Love ! (:

    I am grateful to you all, dearly beloveds ! (:

  40. Tex you says:

    Hi, All…
    I took a different road home today….
    Drove by my sister’s house… half-sister, really…
    The yard was over-grown with weeds and tall “trash trees”
    like 20 feet tall! It looked like an episode of Hoarders.
    Junk all in the yard… like a freaking nightmare!
    The last time I saw her, she was 400+ pounds.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that… it’s just a fact.

    Instead of being angry for past hurts (she loves to give)
    I was overwhelmed with this kind of empathy for her!
    The poor dear… she has gone “dark,” and must be very miserable.

    And one more bit of the puzzle fell into place for me!
    My happy floaty feelings are still just trucking along…
    Every now and then, I get hit upside the head with some
    Cosmic (or comic) space debris… but mostly, just floating
    along like Major Tom – or some Kubrick movie!

    So there ya go. Love the fire- it’s cozy in here.
    Thanks for letting me share this, eh?

  41. lawrence says:

    Katrina luv, so the answer to your question be who is the redhead be, is you and your twin brother, how cool is that. Sorry about the no clothes comment but my mind races 100mph in the morning. I had to run and didn’t have time to tell you what I was thinking. I stayed on a beach that you had to hike to, over a rocky cliff like trail just to find, and clothes were optional. It was Paradise.

    I and a friend met a woman named Mary who was in her 40’s her boyfried was my age, early 20’s. She taught us how to protect ourselves from burns from the sun. My friend and I spent the first night in a cave real close to the ocean. It had little Buddha statues and some remnant’s of candles. It was a shrine. We didn’t think it right to keep sleeping there so we joined the crew camped on the beach and the hill surrounding it.

    I think I told this story before, but years later I was home in Pittsburgh and I saw a TV special and there was this woman dying of cancer (I have goosebumps just telling this) telling her story, and it was Mary. She told how she lived on this beautiful beach, with beautiful people and she said that life was good. I had tears in my eyes and rember riding into town on the back of the a truck to get supplies with her. The naked comment was my remembering that time and that beautiful woman.

    a, I wrote a response to one of your posts that touched me. (no big surprise) it was a few weeks past. I read it and was pleased with myself, and what I said, and how good it was. I was just about to send it along, when it disappeared. I sat looking at the screen and smiled at the lesson I was being given. You of all people, my dear friend should not get such a tainted response. Sharon and I have been working hard at starting a fledgling business we can do on weekends. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.:) I want you to know I am so pleased that life is embracing you in these many different ways, enjoy my friend, Ti’s a blessing.

    Tex, I just saw you post, but gotta hit the hay. We are getting up at three in the morning. I am glad that my good friends are finding life good, and so it is. God is in his heaven and all is right with the World! I hope you know how much I love you girl.

    God bless us every one


  42. Nina says:

    a, just to give you the right image, sitting there with Him with the flame-colored hair: It was ananas – not bananas –
    very nice
    it is 4.52 am here, and I have been tricked by my paranoid “me” again – checked it out with the person i thought was thinking bad of me, she wasn’t at all – and it is such a comfort to know that these are my thoughts just until I remember to call them “just paranoid thoughts” and drop the me- thing.
    I realize again and again how used I am to think these paranoid thoughts – and the feeling they give me – is me.
    Who would be after me, then? 🙂
    Looking at the red-haired Jesus – he’s gobbling ananas, chewing with the mouth open and giggling at the same time
    this is SO not serious
    Love to all
    So good to hear from you again, Anne
    still missing laura

    natti – or good morning

  43. Tex you says:

    I read the RSS every day, Nina –
    Just cuz I don’t write more often – I’m still here.
    I just prefer my little gargoyle perch way up yonder
    Doing the bell-tower thing…

    Keeping outta the way
    Singing dumb little songs to myself. ♫♬♫
    Mainly Phantom…But lately Hair is on the radar!
    It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
    Next month it’ll be West Side…

    I like music and find it to be a nice companion.
    I did without it for a few years… glad it’s back!

  44. Pam says:

    Lawrence, I saw nothing wrong with the line “for a short while I wore no clothes.” Even before the Course I saw nudity(ie nudist camps and such) as a way people were trying to get in touch with thier more authintic selves and make a break in our over sexualized socity from the seeming auto-response that naked = sex = bad/shameful.

    I remember a cartoon that summed it up for me; A nurse at the counter has a dumbstruck look on her face as a group of very dour looking people with a warrent in thier hands say ” We hear you have naked babies being born here!” ((:

  45. zafu says:

    pam, tex, nina, lawrence, a, annie, katrina … happy to come to the fireside and see you guys here!

    katrina … loved your sharing of hawaii memories … the morning is the only time I get to walk (just like what katrina shared) … it’s more quiet calm peaceful and cooler … sometimes I get the entire beach to myself even though it’s spectacularly gorgeous and I wonder why the whole world isn’t here!! …

    lawrence … loved the no clothes … have had visits to magical esalen in california several times and tassajara … clothing optional areas … it’s a fabulous and wonderful experience … in fact, I really don’t like swimming with a swim suit on … ever at all!! it is sooooo much better au naturale! and loved your story about mary

    each and every sharing is so welcomed … honored to hear the sharings

    am about to head out for my morning walk now

    love to everyone gathered fireside … even all the quiet ones too

  46. Annie says:

    I started typing out 3 different posts…deleted each one.
    Where to begin? I feel so behind in reponding.
    Frustrated with myself I quickly recognized I had not read todays lesson.
    So I went back and took a moment to hangout with the redhead.
    As usual he was right on Topic.

    The Naked Truth.

    “My Son is pure and holy as Myself”

    p.s. Before I head off, a quick high five to Tex for checking in on Sis. I’m sure it meant the world to her. Candle light in darkness is a prayer answered. Big Hug to you.

  47. Tex you says:

    ♡ Annie ~
    And everyone else I love so dearly here!

    Love you – and you …. and you; yes, you….
    And you – and especially you!
    Oh – and you!

  48. zafu says:

    hi annie … how funny … in wanting to respond to you in an encouraging and welcoming way, I see that I have started and deleted several times as well!! and I was going to say something like deleted messages are ok as they are … then I kept deleting and starting over …

    hawaii update …
    today oct 3rd … have now been here helping mom for 3 months … every day … the only time I leave her side is for the morning walks … only for the first month was she really about ready to die every day … then I figured out if she really was going to die she would have … so then I wondered if maybe she wasn’t going any time soon

    since then she’s been weaker and stronger … it’s weird … she’s doing really well … she needs a lot of help to move (walkers, wheel chairs and her favorite way is walking with me as her walker) … she’s almost pain free naturally … she’s eating food again … she’s fully present and with it … mentally she’s clear and strong …

    for the first month I thought I’d be going back to california soon … then when I noticed I was here and this was home it shifted all the pieces into place … mom knew she could rely on me to stay … and I know this is what I’m here to do

    so here we are …

    3 months into it and it feels wonderful … much to learn … every outing there’s soooo much to figure out … every movement and distance and configuration of space and her ability to endure or maintain varies … it’s quite an adventure at every moment

    my heart is singing, I have found the way
    the loveliness of love is all around

    allow all things to be exactly as they are

    pure and holy

    how cool is that??

  49. Nina says:

    Zafu, reading that and being with you make the breath come right through me. What a blessing you are living and sharing. What a remarkable willingness to heal between your mother and you – oh, there’s only One here…Oh – this must mean my mind is healing
    thanks you for showing me that

  50. Nina says:

    Writing through a very very confusing and stressful day – maybe I – or you – could see what is going on here –
    I feel very much at home here – I am sure you know – I also feel at home at Authonomy, the reading-books-site -. Today I was editing something at my Profile, and suddenly the site would not accept my password. i sent for a new one, used that and got the same messages all day (yes, i tried it again and again…) and the messaged were insane: they asked for my mailddress and confirmation of it – that is, that i write it twice – and then, i get in red at the bottom, “duplicate email-addressed ” DOHHHH! and complaining about this to the site just give me new passwords, and I can’t get in…
    I can’t get in …
    — then i discover that I can get in on my old bookmark –
    but still, i can not edit anything any longer –

    I am feeling so exasperated at doing everything perfect, providing everything they ask ( now I am crying) and still the inane messages about duplicate mailaddresses (that they have asked for)

    Oh h h h
    any of you seeing clearly here? practically or Coursishishish…