Village Square II
In our AcimVillage, we have the plane tree that stands in the central village square. Its enormous branches spread out to cover an area wide enough to provide shade on a warm day for many a traveller or tradesman. Water bubbles and trickles from a stone fountain on the eastern side. It is under the plane tree and by the fountain that wandering sages have traditionally lead conversation with the local people, before setting off again on their way; it is here that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom.
Rules to ponder…
Study of A Course In Miracles benefits greatly from sharing our experiences in its practice. Here you can talk about what works, or doesn’t, for you, taking obvious care not to be ‘preachy’, please. We all learn best when someone talks from their own experience, rather than tries to tell us what we should be doing differently. Let’s take the position that none of us are teachers, we are all at the same point returning on the path Homeward. All of us will still be making mistakes for a while yet, so let’s be particularly humble and caring in how we deal with each other. Please keep in mind that this is a site dedicated to the approach Kenneth Wapnick takes to teaching ACIM. I shall certainly do my best to bring everyone back to the core principles as taught by him.
I would also like to point out that AcimVillage is the place to come to explore our judgments, but not to express them as judgments. If you feel you need to gripe, criticize and vent, even subtly, then contact me privately (at where I will receive you with kindness and understanding. Please do not do so in the forums where I will inevitably moderate out this kind of post. Remember, you will feel better only when you are able to move past the investment in your judgments, not simply by unloading them for everyone to see. This means taking responsibility for your perceptions and acknowledging that ultimately no one has prevented you from feeling completely peaceful and safe, despite what might appear to be the unfortunate conditions of your life at this time. (I know, this is hard. Contact me if you’re struggling.)
So, two basic rules here. One, we avoid mention of other approaches to the study of ACIM (non-Wapnickian) as well as to other philosophies we might be studying. This is purely to achieve a stable, comfortable learning forum where we are all aiming at the same goal, using the same symbols and language to get there. This is not to cast any judgment on any other approaches or philosophies. ACIM is a sufficiently difficult path to undertake without bringing more confusion into our study than our minds already contain! If you have benefited from other paths and would like to share your thoughts, by all means do so. Just please do this in the privacy of your personal emails. It’s also my personal opinion (take it or leave it) that at some point a student of ACIM is much better off sticking with one set of symbols and one teacher, and working with these thoroughly, instead of getting too dispersed. Rule two, we try not to play ‘teacher’ with each other here, reminding ourselves to be humble and always equal with our brother.
Enjoy the discussion!
New Horizons
As of September, 2010, I’m proposing a direction for our study of the Course, which is to work together through Ken’s workshop The Meaning of Judgment. We’ll be using his transcript notes for this taken from the Foundation’s website (see link in the tool bar at the top of the page). Below you’ll find the notes for the section we’re currently working on. For previous sections, click on the ‘ACIM’ tab on the navigation bar, and then hover your mouse over the ‘Meaning of Judgment’ tab to choose the relevant section. I chose this particular workshop because it gets immediately into the real heart and practice of the Course while taking us through its basic principles at the same time. So, for those interested in finding out where the ‘rubber hits the road’, even though it might get a little confronting at times, then join us on this little adventure Homewards!
The Meaning of Judgment
Excerpts from the Workshop held at the
Academy & Retreat Center of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles
(3:1) All figures in the dream are idols, made to save you from the dream.
1. Everything we perceive and believe is outside us is part of the dream. These are the idols, and their purpose is to make the outside dream real to protect us from the dream within our minds, which we do not want to look at. Course students compromise this over and over again by trying in whatever way they can to make some aspect of the external dream reality. That is why many students place such great emphasis on seeing Jesus or the Holy Spirit as doing things for them in the world. That is a subtle way of making Them part of the illusion, whereas in the Course Jesus asks us to take the illusion to the truth, not to bring the truth to the illusion. We have a strong investment in making the outside dream real, because if it is real outside, we do not have to look at the dream within our minds. What better way to make it seem real than to have God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit operate in it?
2. That is why it is a mistake to confuse A Course in Miracles with New Age thought systems. The Course in no way compromises the truth that the entire physical universe is an illusion. But we want to make the figures in the dream reality, including the Holy Spirit and Jesus so we are protected from the underlying dream inside our minds.
(3:2) Yet they [all of these idols] are part of what they have been made to save you from.
3. These idols were made to save us from the idol we made within our own minds (the ego thought system) that says, “I have stolen from God and I now exist. I have what I have stolen. I no longer have to give it back, and I exist on my own. And now God exists outside me.” The ego begins with that initial thought of judgment, which is the beginning of the dream. It then becomes a full-blown dream within our minds that we are different from God, that we have stolen from God and sinned against Him. And our guilt over this now tells us God will punish us. This is the terrifying dream within our own minds. It is so terrifying that we do not look at it, but project it so that it now seems to be outside us. And anything that roots us further in the dream outside will nicely serve the ego’s purpose, even if it goes under the name of God, which is what religions have done for centuries. It is extremely tempting for people to do the same thing with A Course in Miracles — to bring part of the truth into the illusion, making the illusion real. If you do that, you will never get out of the dream, because you will not know it is only a dream.
(3:3) Thus does an idol keep the dream alive and terrible, for who could wish for one unless he were in terror and despair?
4. The “you” Jesus is referring to in these passages is the mind, the part of the mind that chooses — what I refer to as the decision maker. It is the part of our minds that has first identified with the ego thought system. It is a thought system of terror and despair that tells us we need to protect ourselves from the terror and despair by denying it, which means we would never look at it again. And then we project it and see it outside ourselves. That is why we need a world of specific people and specific objects. We project all of these thoughts of sin, guilt, and judgment so they are no longer seen within, but outside. As long as we believe in the reality of the idol, we will never know that the idol really rests within our own minds.
(3:4) And this the idol [anything in the world outside of us] represents, and so its worship is the worship of despair and terror, and the dream from which they come.
5. This is true for the idols of specialness we think are wonderful and make us happy as well as the idols of specialness we hate. Earlier in the text, in “The Obstacles To Peace” (T-19.IV), Jesus speaks about this in another form: “While you believe that it [the body] can give you pleasure, you will also believe that it can bring you pain” (T-19.IV-A.17:11). Pleasure and pain are opposite sides of the same illusion. Both of them make the body real because both say there is something outside us that can make us either happy or unhappy and bring us pain. The truth is that the only thing that can bring us happiness is choosing the Love of the Holy Spirit. The only thing that can bring us pain is choosing the ego. That is all. There is nothing else.
6. The lines here represent the same idea. That is why we become so invested in the world. It is easy to fall into this trap, even as a student of a course that teaches that there is no world, for we still believe that external behaviors somehow mean something. They mean nothing in and of themselves. Their meaning lies only in what meaning we give them. What is important is never anything external — not what bodies do or do not do — but our internal decision to choose either the ego and separation, or Jesus and joining. Once we focus our attention outside and believe what we do is important, helpful, healing, or loving, we are getting caught in specialness, worshipping the idol of specialness. We will think that we are serving a function of healing or love, but it really is an idol of despair and terror.
7. In worshipping the idols of specialness outside, we are worshipping not only terror, despair, and guilt, but the whole dream, of which terror, despair, and guilt are only components. We are worshipping the dream that we have what we have stolen from God and will never give it back, for now we exist as individuals on our own. We love terror, despair, and guilt, or we would not feel them all the time. We love them because they make real the thought of separation — the thought of the original judgment against God — which makes real our separate existence from God. That is why we have such a tremendous investment in our self-importance, in being a unique individual — it establishes that the dream is real. The state of terror or despair in our minds says the dream is real; the guilt and the sin are both real.
(3:5) Judgment is an injustice to God’s Son, and it is justice that who judges him will not escape the penalty he laid upon himself within the dream he made.
8. It is important to realize that the entire thought system of the ego is real within itself. It is not reality, but within the dream itself it is all very real. When we sleep at night and dream, we will experience the dream as very real. This entire world is a dream. As Jesus explains elsewhere (e.g., T-18.II.7-14), there is no difference between what we call our sleeping dreams and what he refers to as our waking dreams, such as we are experiencing right now. They are all the same — just different expressions of the thoughts within our minds. Within the ego dream, the fear of punishment is very real. Within that dream, our fear of experiencing harm — physical or emotional — is very real. We are not asked, as students of A Course in Miracles, to deny what our experiences are. We are asked, however, not to make these experiences reality. There is a crucial difference between those two approaches.
9. In other words, we all experience fear, and we believe our fear is due to something external to us that can impinge upon us. The ego interprets this as the wrath of God visited upon us — that is our experience. We may not consciously experience it as God’s wrath, but we certainly do experience fear as caused by something external to us. Remember, our own bodies are just as external to our minds as everyone else’s body is. But that does not make it reality. That is where the Christian Churches were mistaken; they took their experience of fear and wrote a theology about it. They said this is the reality of God: God sees our sin as real and has a plan to help us atone for it, basically a plan of murder. The plan then becomes one of suffering and sacrifice. If we believe we are sacrificing so God won’t be angry at us, then we will feel good about sacrificing. But that does not make it reality. Our experience is that the sun rises and sets but that does not make it reality. In reality, it is the earth rotating on its own axis that makes it appear as if the sun moves around the earth. And in fact, it is the earth that moves around the sun. Similarly, people may experience the Holy Spirit or Jesus doing things for them in the world, but that does not mean that they really are. Don’t confuse your experience with reality. The ego always interprets our experiences in order to construct a theology that serves its purposes, which of course is why we have the experience in the first place. Within our dream, whenever we make a judgment we are asserting that we are different from God; we have separated from Him, sinned against Him, and have stolen from Him. Our guilt over that will then demand that we not escape the penalty of God’s anger. This whole world, which is a world of change and death, then stands as the witness to the fact that what the ego has taught us is true. If our existence, which we call life, was ultimately stolen from God, then when God steals back the life we stole from Him we will be without life, which means we will be dead. That is the ego’s interpretation of our death.
(3:6) God knows of justice, not of penalty.
10. God’s justice of course has nothing to do with justice as we think of it. God’s justice states that nothing happened. If nothing happened, there is no guilt and no punishment. (3:7) But in the dream of judgment you attack and are condemned; and wish to be the slave of idols, which are interposed between your judgment and the penalty it brings. But we are not condemned by God. We are condemned by the projection of our own guilt, which makes up a God Who is angry. We then deny the whole dynamic and make up a world in which we are continually condemning and judging others, while believing they condemned and judged us first. But our judgment is within our minds; that is our guilt. We project it out and make up a world of idols that will punish us; and we actually think there is a world out there that affects us. This is all part of the dream, which seems very real from within the dream.
Beautiful Winnie –
That was beautiful, Winnie!
We say the words of the Course:
“This world is an illusion”……”There is a different world beyond this world”….
And I think (and my friends think) this is the craziest, most ridiculous position!
The world is messed up – yes.
But the Course “cure” seems more insane – at times!
Today, I woke up thinking how convoluted the whole mess is –
When I remembered this line:
“You can not leave insanity by going somewhere else.”
This “real” world – the one we all want to see – the happy illusion…
I think I prey – oops – I mean “pray” that I’ll finally be allowed to cross over
into this promised land – me and Moses – going to the land o’ milk ‘n hunny.
However, I know that this is just a glorified version of Jesus-As-Santa…
And it’s still a correction of form or oblivion –
that I want – with all my heart, mind and soul.
It’s still me, trying to fix the dream, and tell it what it should be.
Now, for me, the “theater” image comes to mind more often.
The idea of projection, etc.
How fitting that the March Temecula seminar was held in a theater!
I’m watching all this “life” play out – and I’m more mindful
of who (or whom) I am watching it with.
[And I’m not talking about Harvey, my Invisible Rabbit, either!]
The special (relationship) effects aren’t what they used to be!
I’m finally starting to learn that the ego is pain, and brings pain.
Because that is what it does.
The Holy Instant maybe isn’t holy because it finally pleases me.
It’s only Holy – For They Have Come!
Great morning ponderings Win & Tex.
I join you in being still-silent and absolutely grateful.
God Is.
Winnie, oh, how beautiful. That was a real gift, a real joy. What a lovely sharing. Thanks for the walk together – I’m so glad you took your Village friends along with you. We’re looking forward to more of these remarkable voyages of yours.
Anne, you’re also moving in such deep territory these days. Thank you, too, for sharing with us.
Michele, thanks for your lovely comments on the Blog page. How is your time going at Lake Tahoe? Is it the beautifully inspiring place that everyone says?
Winnie & Tex…… word for no words.) Annie….wow for you too. *I join you all…..
With Gratitude and Love….
“to sleep or not to sleep doesn’t matter … what matters is laying all my feelings at the altar and leaving them there” thank you … that is wonderful … love it … lay awake watching the stars winking at me … so peaceful
and yes, how amusing and ironic that ken’s week on death and dying was in a movie theater … right with posters of yogi the bear and all kinds of movie images … popcorn and all!
yes, as melody says … wow
Winnie, Tex, Melody, Zafu and Bernard who I didn’t thank for the kind words recently. I am reading the morning posts and other posts for an hour or so. Winnie nice post and TexAnne, real nice sharing old friend. I have always loved your honesty and insight. I have missed you girl and its real nice to bump into you.
I am writing on a new to me, but older laptop. I am having problems like Pam was having. I can’t fix my mistakes. I guess that is what friends are for. I missed you all. Melody, Tex, Katrina, Lisi, I should have said hello before now, but I love and missed you all. Peace & Posters to you all and of Course.
God bless us every one
Lawrence – Hi!
It’s like our Village is a meeting place for old – and new – Course friends.
Good to see you back, too!
I try to lay low these days… but even as I write the words,
an image comes to mind – of a pink flamingo lawn ornament!
So much for laying low, eh?
Zafu – this last Spring in Temecula was truly a time for healing
and bonding – it was a real awakening for me personally.
I am so glad we got to meet in person!
I have been thinking of Jamie the two last days. I feel so much gratitude for the way he taught us in the Monastery how to be kind, and hold a tone of respect and kindness. I remember his “are you clearly kind?” It’s like this teaching has all really taken roots in us – and mr Mayor is such a great new teacher and pal.
I remember int the first time when the Monastery started to build, and we overflowed with creativity and making new rooms and climbing trees and galleries and grottos and felt so playful and safe and loved and safe. I remember when the Will-drama-started, and we were quarreling about a photo of Ken, and how some felt it was wrong to “adore him” – and bickering started. I felt unsafe – and Jamie came in crystal clear with the rules for communicating that we have followed ever since – and why this has become a haven for me and us, a safe place to be and learn and share and love.
Thank you Jamie, and THANKYOU Bernard for taking on the heritage and making it flow and live in this beautiful Village.
I love it here and I love you all
Thanks Texy {blows kisses} … yeah it was very fitting that the workshop was held in a theatre.
“But the Course “cure” seems more insane – at times!” – > yes – my switched-on youngest is apt to quietly say if ever he catches my saying someone or some idea is crazy ” it’s nowhere near as crazy as what you believe winnie”…… and i always somberly agree with him.
And is it no wonder we feel the extreme feelings we do at times….sometimes i think Ken doesnt cut us enough slack. It is very difficult to “be normal” while one is literally having one’s mind blown !
Thank you Bernard …big hugs xxoxoxo and to you too dearest Melody, zafu, Annie and Lawrence and all
Nina – The monastery was wonderful. – > “I remember the first time when the Monastery started to build, and we overflowed with creativity and making new rooms and climbing trees and galleries and grottos and felt so playful and safe and loved.”
– yup it was not just really good fun but was an excellent forgiveness forum as well. For me those forgiveness lessons were huge but they were all to do with facing my own inner self-hate. By the time the Monastery was …. um, demolished, – i felt like i had forgiven some of my worst inner demons. I will always be grateful to dear Jamie for that time, and i understand it had to go, i do.
Now we have our lovely little village [sighs happily}
p.s. Nina you are a wonderful teacher. You have been an inspiration to me.
New entry in the Mayor’s Journal on the home page, folks. Will be out of touch for two days. Have a great weekend, one and all. (Blows a big kiss to the Village)
Oh Winnie – that makes me happy and peaceful –
I am inviting you all to listen to one of my most beloved pieces of music at my blog – (you can google Ninotchka 44, its’ on the top) -it is Schubert’s “Nachthelle / Shimmering Night /- I am going to bed listening to it – maybe one of you have the English translation of the German text by Hans Grillpartzer?
natti and lots of hugs
Winnie – 350 was a haunting, moving post (haunting in a good way ! (: —
thanks for writing it out.
a* – do you mean 360?
hi nina – went back and re-checked. no, it is 350 on this page(Village Square) – the one where Win talks about her walks and her thoughts.
(360 is Bernard informing us about the new Journal entry, right ?)
lots of numbers (:
love (and good night — off to bed (:…
ah. thats’ because my was moderated (innocent reasons) – and it came out as 350, and wins as 351. Glad to understand, thanks, a*
a very early natti natti – today felt like being somewhere i have no idea where, isolated, boring, just greyish no time in a weird day –
maybe i will sleep through it
Though I’d post a dream from last night, since the dream fairies don’t visit that often.
I have been asked to take the Sunday school group or something like that, this morning. [There is an air of otherworldliness about this dream].
I don’t want to. I don’t feel able to and I keep procrastinating. There is no pressure on me. The children just wait quietly. I become thirsty and discover that I have to walk through the church to reach the water fountain[ I was actually thirsty. My thirst had woken me up before this dream but it was too cold to get up and get some water, so I went back to sleep and conveniently dreamed that I was thirsty.]
As I walked through the church I realized that all the people were waiting for the minister who in turn was waiting for me. Everyone was quiet. No one said anything and I understood that no one was even silently accusing me. I realized to my discomfort, that I had kept everyone waiting for about 2 hours.[ In “real life” I loathe keeping anyone waiting]
So I went back to the Sunday school group to begin. They were all watching a coloured tv, but as soon as I started talking they were immediately attentive to me. I sense they are not really interested, so I stop momentarily. Unfazed they go straight back to watching the telly, until I start speaking again. I can tell they are very sincere and intelligent. They are just doing whatever is required of them. I finish my talk and then the church service takes place. Throughout the dream everyone is silently and sincerely happy. By the end of the dream, I am beginning to feel as if my presence makes no difference. I’m beginning to feel grumbly inside, as if I’m being ignored. I don’t like it. Everyone else is perfectly happy and I understand that it wouldn’t matter who was doing the talking.
As soon as I awoke, I thought of the time I told my daughter that it is way worse to be ignored than to be hated. She disagreed and I, realizing I was espousing a Course truth, changed the subject. The fact was that even though I believed it must be true since the Course said so, I couldn’t really believe it either.
But it is much easier to believe after last night’s dream. I think I would have preferred for “them” to be annoyed with me, despite the fact that in “real life”, I boast about not wanting to buy into conflict and drama.
The contrariness of the ego / the firm belief in its own inadequacy/ the very hidden desire for specialness, spiritual specialness at that, and the malcontent brewing that although not shown in this dream must lead to the next, titled “I’ll show you God … I ‘ll make you sit up and take notice of me, while all the while pretending sweetly and pseudo-honestly, otherwise, were all represented here, as was the authority problem
The religious symbols, the fountain, the quietness, the smiles on every face and complete lack of judgement whether I did do, or whether I didn’t do all serve very nicely in the dream as symbols of God who doesn’t know anything about me. Love had asked the love in me to join with it, and I had declined.
What wonderfully gentle teachers our dreams are xoxoxooxo
(skipping along the royal road that leads to the activities of our unconscious mind) Oh look there’s a yellow brick road at the next crossroads !
Thanks, Winnie. Perfect timing. This post was not there when I checked-in an hour ago. Now when I need it most, it’s there ! (:
Peace (:
Glad the dream fairies delivered that dream to you Winnie-I know that I wouldn’t have taken the time to tell it so well.
But there I go making separation real with a statement like that.
“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together” Goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob g’goo… (etc.) damn that walrus! [shaking fist in air- smile on face-these insane thoughts are coming at warp speed]
So its a left at the yellow brick road?
Soft smile and loved reading your dream Winnie. Hugs, Kendall
That was a really great dream, Winnie. I just loved how they ‘ignored’ you, and just did what they were being asked to do next. No investment or after-thought on their part, just the next thing. I was wondering though, perhaps they were not ignoring you, perhaps there was an unspoken invitation to just do like them. If you spoke, you spoke, if you didn’t, you didn’t, and it didn’t really matter. What mattered was just that you did what you felt was next to do, like them, joining in that inner quietness that spoke to them, and was speaking to you. I think I would agree that it might be harder to be ignored than disliked. But then maybe we won’t have to face either. Maybe we can just hang around being adored! No? Okay, back to the drawing board…
Didn’t see you kicking up much mischief in my absence, Miss Winnie. Am I missing something? Did you put a whoopee cushion on my armchair in the Tavern, pepper in my bierstein, a toad in my bed?
Bernard, i got the exact same idea when reading Winnie’s dream. If it were my dream, i would have thought it meant this. But since it is her dream, there is no way to know, is there – but fun to notice that we both got the same idea.
And Winnie, if you can post, I would also love to hear about the lovely stuff you journaled about. We love lovely stuff!!
Today i read something David Hoffmeyer wrote in his book “Healing in mind.” I can’t quote because of copyright – but he reminds us that the ego’s anger is in fact at God for not granting reality to the time-space universe, and that this anger and hatred of God is kept outside of awareness.
As soon as I read that, it clicked. It is very helpful for me – I have searched so much for finding the causes of incessant anger and irritation, and that only gives ego fuel to its fire. But the real cause is anger at God for not praising my “creation.”
love and hugs
Reading #372 Nina had me thinking that we the sons of God are trying to “copyright” Gods creation.
Well -Hello!
Imitation the highest form of flattery…
But who doesn’t want the real thing?
It’s always been a worthiness issue for me;
now I see it’s just plain ole anger.
Smiling kindly at my insanity
“Smiling kindly at my insanity”
that’s exactly how it felt for me too, Annie
what a relief – wasting my essence on something that never happened
At the moment i am in love with the song For the Beauty of the Earth sung by St Paul’s Cathedral choir in London.
It’s a hymn in praise….. well….of what a fabulous job we did – and hello much better than Big Chief God did ! He can keep his boring old oneness…
I love it just for the musical delight that it is. Normally the words of a song are very important but these ones do nothing for me, and yet i wonder if unconsciously i get perverted pleasure out of them. If i believe i am here, and i do, then i must be secretly delighting in what a fabulous job i did in “creating” such “beauty” in the earth. Is that why i am mesmerized with watching those cherubic young choir boys singing and looking like angels in their ruffs and gowns….. Am i cannablizing their “innocence”….. – undoubtedly this is so in the enjoyable moments when i don’t look.
But in the Enjoyable moments when i do, i must see our own innocence reflected back and the music melding into one glorious note.
Hi, Winnie!
Possibly, we need to dub you our cock-eyed optimist. I so dub you! (Every
group needs one). You are the part of our Mind that sings songs of cheer
and dances through the glade and swoons over sunsets. We cherish that!
I seem to have a different angle of viewing this dream. I agree with a
description in the Course that talks of this world’s creation as if someone
painted a picture and soon thereafter it began to crack and crumble.
Here’s the hopeful part…we created this world and did a rather piss poor
job of it (except for a few good and fun parts that show up intermittently to keep us guessing). Think, though, what the Real world is like if Someone created
it who knew what He was doing and in proportion to our creation…it is WAAAAAAAAAAAY better?
So glad it is that way! It’s a win-win (Is this a term of endearment for Winnie? 🙂 for
Hugs! Laura
Oh boy i’m getting knighted ! [gives Laura a big fat hug xoxoxooxoxo}
Wow, Winnie…that was appreciation! Thanks!
You might have to be a Dame…instead of a Knight…or if we are in France, possbily it is something else?
I’ll just do the dub a dub dub…and you pick the title?
Hugs to the new….?
-and now to something very serious :-):
“When you come to see that you are not responsible for the error–that is, the confusion, disorientation, fear, guilt and the myriad of ego thoughts that may attempt to assert themselves in your mind–then you can sink back into a gentle watching.”
The ego would like to maintain guilt by whatever means necessary, including by telling us we are guilty for haven chosen wrongly. The Spirit would show us our fears and mistakes and look to the solution rather than focusing on the error. We are responsible only for this correction, allowing the thoughts of fear and guilt to be seen as mistakes and remembering our innocence instead.
“Guilt is inescapable by those who believe they order their own thoughts, and must therefore obey their dictates. This makes them feel responsible for their errors without recognizing that, by accepting this responsibility, they are reacting irresponsibly. If the sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself, and I assure you that it is, then the responsibility for what is atoned for cannot be yours. The dilemma cannot be resolved except by accepting the solution of undoing.” (T-5.V)
OK, I think I have misunderstood this before. I have believed that Ken has taught us that we ARE responsible for everything that happens to us – and therefore for the thoughts that come out of that choice – otherwise we would be victims, right?
The two paragraphs on the top comes from a minister at David Hoffmeisters organisation. I love the feelings of ease i feel when i read it – but it seems to me that Ken has said something much more stern all the time…I don’t want to “cheat” – gulp – could anybody please unravel this for me?
Perhaps it’s just the confusion that always arises when we use words ?
…..I do not resonate with the first paragraph at all, but then i like my teachers stern and totally non-compromising, and i like to be treated like the decision-maker i believe myself to be, which is why i need Ken to remind me that this book is an epic poem and needs to be read thus.
I think that the text quote given is a play on the word responsibility much like the way terrorists “take responsibility” for their highly irresponsible actions.
Perhaps some Course teachers take stuff out of context to make it say what would feel good. It seems to me that we are too far down on the ladder to start thinking that we can skip steps and go right to pretending we are the Holy Spirit personified.
Big hugs Nina and thanks for the opportunity to debate…. I miss my days in ancient Greece….
on a walk … village square … goings on
hello … aloha … have loved the postings … all the thoughtful sharings and ponderings
my son continues to do fantastically well … he’s back to skateboarding and riding his bike … says both those are somehow easier than getting into his car! he’s my baby … still, he’s about 6’3″ !!!…
am over here in hawaii again … taking care of my mom … very possibly these are her last days … one never really knows … she’s happy calm peaceful and ready … am loving the opportunity to care for her and share with her and be with her
it’s so quiet and peaceful … she’s barely conscious … yet still present … precious and delicate …
am learning a lot about hospice care and what to do and what’s natural and what are the phases and stages and ways to keep her comfortable
she just sits there and I just sit here … the two of us … so happy and calm and sweet and silent
got hawaiian music playing softly … every now and then a song comes on she loves and she smiles …
people come by and wake her up to check in … kiss and say I love you … and she’s back to sleep a moment later
it’s all heavenly … gentle … kind
brings out the best in everyone
somehow last night my computer e mail was spam/junk/something and sent fake e mails to my entire contact list …
a blessing it turns out … now I’ve exchanged real e mails with so many dear friends I otherwise would not have been up to date with!!
who knew!!
and now I’ve changed my password so hopefully that will fix the problem and there will be no more pirated e mails that I did most certainly not send … and I have no idea how/why that happened
it’s a lovely hawaiian day here … breezes are blowing … ocean is calm with easy gentle waves … it’s truly beautiful
Happy Helen’s Birthday to everyone!
Good to “see” y’all –
Thanks for the B-Day reminder Tex. So our Helen would have been 102 today!
Will wear my best shoes today while I do my dishes in her honor (:
Would take a picture for you all but I’m in desperate need of a pedicure so I’ll spare you.
Feeling the Love-Gentle Breezes-and Sweet Silence from the Hawaiian Island. Zafu your gentleness and centeredness is such a balm. Sweet Blessings to you and yours.
Michele my Belle, girl I love when you swing thru with you way of speaking and loving us all. You perfectly described the way I read Lawrences post. I was right there at every turn it flowed flawlessly for me too.
What I would love to see is a picture of Richard with a hanky in each hand and tears just ready to spill over. What a sweet sight…In fact I think I can envision the whole front row with the boys [Richard, Bernard, Lawrence, a*, Robert, Jaime, passing the tissue box]
Onward with the Forgiveness Plan that Helen so dutifully scribed…
My icon “Cause -ette” and I also wish you all a Happy Bastille Day.
Everyone – run out in the street, and protest the ego!!
No more!
Then celebrate! Yay! “Why are you not rejoicing?”
Because it was only ever a dream.
Loving breezing through on a Hawaiian wave, bringing soft and gentle thoughts from a quiet and lovely place – thank you, Zafu. Wishing you and your mother blessings from the Village, for that journey we all take together. Lots of love, B. PS Say hi to the turtles for me.
Yes, Happy Bastille Day – 14th of July! “We’re gonna have a revolution…” Er, check, make that an Evolution. A natural evolving from a separated state to a perfect remembrance of exceptional harmony and oneness. Try to find the time to have a look at Susan Dugan’s article at on “Declaration of Dependence” for all those who enjoyed their 4th July celebrations.
Laura thanks to you i now have a new name – {bows graciously}…o’ course i wouldn’t have taken the honour being so humble an all, ‘ceptin it came with a big box of chox… what’s a knight to do….. it’s funny you should suggest “Dame”…I actually hate titles and refuse any mrs or ms or whatever… but some companies insist upon it, like when i was getting my new phone for instance………so i said to the girl, well show me what ya got…. I read through the list after the usual Mr Mrs etc down through Dr Rev Sir Chairman President …. none of them appealed so i settled for Dame and now my daughter is always amused when my mail is delivered to her place addressed to Dame Winnie etc….{chuckles}
But now i think i rather think it might be fun to be a “sir”…It sounds so grand ! and in the name of equality, being Bastille Day and all, i refuse to by influenced by gender….Thinking of you Bernard and hoping you are getting enough sleep
Zafu … i can feel the gentle Hawaiian breezes and am so glad your mother has you with her at this time..i bet that’s why she smiles ….It’s wonderful to hear news about your son too… big hugs darlin’
happy update … this is too funny …
this morning my mom quietly says to me … and I quote exactly … I kid you not …
“I would certainly like it if you would write a synopsis of the closing of the gap.”
I respond … “this whole process?”
she says… “yes, it slips away, I’m barely conscious … I don’t know whether it’s real or not real or whether I imagined it.”
so I say … “what is ‘IT’??”
she says.. “the disappearance”
I say … “of what?”
and then she laughs heartily … like I just told the best joke she ever heard!! then she says, “we’re going to get into one of these things … is this the way the separation is? the information … am I learning something or simply describing it … it’s very funny!”
truly, I was taking notes … (like winnie does when ken speaks …getting it word for word …)
it was such a bizarre and unexpected morning encounter … so I was writing it down as it happened
she’s just sitting there in her chair … and I’m ready for whatever she says … but this was amazing!!
in my research it seems that just before one passes often there is a ‘golden day’ … of ease and joy and clarity … a fresh energy
so we’ll see
maybe she’s checking out … maybe she’s checking back in
as acim says … give up your need to know
it will reveal itself
aloha … things are really sweet and good and calm here … loving this
Wow- Zafu!
What a great story!
I’m glad all is well. Good and calm.
I sit all day by dying patients.
Every now and then one of them wakes up.
And one asked me one time “What happens next- after I die?”
And I asked him – “How would I know the answer to that?”
So I told him to just try to rest and maybe get some sleep.
And everything is going to be ok.
Some twilight dreams… in the happy gloaming…
Maybe that’s all any of us really want to know.
That every thing’s alright.
Tex – “And one asked me one time “What happens next- after I die?”
And I asked him – “How would I know the answer to that?”
So I told him to just try to rest and maybe get some sleep.
And everything is going to be ok.”
I think that what we really are asking, is “will I be safe” –
and because you see us and know Who we really are, you would know that the answer is YES, and you would be able to say it with complete calm certainty –
if i was afraid of dying,and I had you as my helper, your knowing would mean a lot to me .
and I know you know, my love –
lately there is such a radiance around you – a clear shift, a “getting it” –
Zafu -how wonderful is that – thanks for sharing! I guess I still am not ready to give up my wish to know what she says – or experiences…not as a recipe – but as an example of being in a state of surrendering the old old story it seems –
what a symbol she is for you, my friend
and for me
Wow Zafu so cool.
Hi Zafu,
You have been making such a lovely contribution to us via your visits to the Village. Such an extraordinary time for you, such an extraordinary experience with your mother. What’s going on? we might ask. Is it momentary and complete lucidity as some clarity seeps through? How lovely.
Know that you are well accompanied in this journey, as you in turn accompany someone in this great phase of her life.
All our blessings, Bernard
Zafu your daily experiences of late seem to circle around the two realities we call life and death.
First your son’s accident and now your mothers transition at hand. Two very different scenarios with you calmly seated at this open window reporting back to us the breezes and sites you see, feel and hear. Thank you for allowing us to share in this very private and privileged moment. The kindness and love you that sustains you is very palpable.
So true dear Tex that we just want to know everything is alright. That restful place called Peace.
Not yet for me….Dearest Annie –
Not peace per se!
Just floating above it all in a happy mix of ….
“That Which Cannot Be Named”
And speaking of highways…. The major highway here is 635.
I once used that number (old page numbering system)
as a reminder of one of my fave lines/chapters EVER…..
“The real world is a state in which the mind has learned
how easily do idols go when they are still perceived but wanted not.”
Life in the fast lane – the HOV lane (High Occupancy Vehicles)
It is, after all, for two or more at a time! Entering the ark – and all that.
When I babble out loud/ to myself, my thoughts remind me of
the movie “A Beautiful Mind” (I also lived on a street named Nash)
And how he would always mumble and joke to his self…lol!
Nina – Thanks!
I don’t feel peace – or radiance…
Funny – I don’t feel anything at all?!
Not like I did before.
Except, I think I’m in a good spot….
I guess that would be like peace!
*The time that was spent on questioning in the dream
has given way to the Creation and to its Eternity….
*and of the questioning WHETHER OR NOT ALL THIS IS POSSIBLE…
Are two more of my fave lines (they are all my faves!)
I only constantly quote from the Course, because it is
constantly on my mind… and it really IS all I think about
or do. It just lives in my mind all the time.
Whatever that means.
Now…. what’s for lunch?
Sir Laughalot is bringing giggles for lunch. It has to do with the dubbing. Bubbly all around.
A Side Note: (I really like the Sir. Not a believer in gender.)
And I like ‘your serene oneness’ …
Tex, I hope it is still ok to call you Tex. I have enjoyed you posts, back in the day and now. Being in a good spot is a good place to be in this crazy dream, you or I am having? I’ll flip you for it. In my dream I am in a good dream where things I normally wouldn’t talk about don’t fall upon deaf ears.
Pretty cool huh? There is a place, a village where others like ourselves come and sooth each others fears, with a healing word, or just a knowing glance where no eyes are needed, just heart. I am proud to call you a friend, and proud at what you do, and have done for others.
God bless us every one
You’re so funny Tex! I agree with Lawrence, I always enjoy your perspective.
Keep floating -observing – and mumbling along.
We will get there before we know it.
zafu aloha to you
“things are really sweet and good and calm here … loving this”…. we’re lovin’ it too hon xoxox
yep Annie and Nina i agree… ->
“So true dear Tex that we just want to know everything is alright”
After all we are only very little children as Ken keeps reminding us. This reminds me of how Ken says one of the best ways we can comfort people is to tell them that the stage they are in right now is exactly the one they should be in right now, that everything’s fine or words to that effect. I find it comforts folk when they want to hear something from me and i really have nothing to say, but a lot to think.
{ chinks glasses with Laura}…..yes and i dont like having to state my gender on forms either. It’s none of their business. Nothing brings out my authority problem like having to fill in forms ! { chuckles}
I was never into the bible or any religion but i always resonated with calling everyone my brother, including everyone in my family. There was sometimes someone who didnt like it and argued against it. I let them but it puzzled me that people made a fuss about such a benign term, especially female people who really didnt like it. I guess i loved it so much because in Australia we are not really into God or Jesus { unless you’re a “born-again” and they keep to themselves}. Referring to everyone as my brother was my secret way of expressing my goal to learn to love everybody equally.
Lawrence love this line – >
“In my dream I am in a good dream where things I normally wouldn’t talk about don’t fall upon deaf ears.”.. yes we are lucky arent we xoxoox
hugs to you Katrina xoxoox