Fireside II
It is to the Village Square that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom. Then when their minds have been filled, they retire to the tavern on the western side of the square where they share in social discussion, learning of each other’s events and challenges, happinesses and sometimes sadnesses, too. With a mug or glass in hand, they collect in front of the great Fireplace that dominates the long wall. Benches and chairs are often filled on market day with those who have come from farther away, bringing news of events and views the local people delight in hearing.
If you are feeling disoriented by all the philosophical talk by the fountain in the Village Square, then come sit down on the bench here with us for a while just to soothe your mind and share a mug of tea or coffee. Let’s all make sure the conversation is quiet and simple, caring and thougtful, exactly the kind of talk you might have around a warm hearth, the only light filling the room coming from the fireplace.
On the ‘Ho’oponopono’ on Wikipedia, worth a good look:
“After Simeona’s passing in 1992, her former student and administrator Ihalekala Hew Len, co-authored a book with Joe Vitale called Zero Limits[34] referring to Simeona’s hoʻoponopono teachings. Len makes no claim to be a kahuna. In contrast to Simeona’s teachings, the book says that the main objective of hoʻoponopono is getting to “the state of Zero, where we would have zero limits. No memories. No identity.”[35] To reach this state, called ‘Self-I-Dentity’, one has to repeat constantly the mantra, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”[36] It is based on the principle of 100% responsibility,[37] taking responsibility for everyone’s actions, not only for one’s own. If one would take complete responsibility for one’s life, then everything one sees, hears, tastes, touches, or in any way experiences would be one’s responsibility because it is in one’s life.[38] The problem would not be with our external reality, it would be with ourselves. To change our reality, we would have to change ourselves. Total Responsibility, according to Hew Len, advocates that everything exists as a projection from inside the human being.[39] As such, it is similar to the philosophy of solipsism, but differs in that it doesn’t deny the reality of the consciousness of others. Instead it views all consciousness as part of the whole, so any error that a person clears in their own consciousness is cleared for everyone. This idea of an individual having the ability to benefit the whole indirectly can be seen in the theory of the Hundredth monkey effect.”
Good to hear you are coming here, Bernard (and Pat?). I hope you will make sure to meet me (or vice versa if I recognize you!) I know Ken has mentioned that the ‘100th Monkey’ idea is NOT what ACIM is teaching. So you might want to discuss that with him??? I’m looking forward to this coming academy as April’s was abbreviated for me being that my NY daughter was visiting at that time. So…..see you soon! Will be nice to meet you.
Of course, Jean, we shall meet! It’ll be great to meet you! It’s just I knew you’d be there, so forgot to mention my intention to say hello.
Of course, you’re right, the 100th monkey idea is not part of the Course tradition (in ACIM, we all need individually to do our personal Atonement work – we cannot rely on a ‘critical mass’ doing the work for us). Aside from that last line, I thought this little article reflected nicely the principles we are being taught, especially the line: “everything exists as a projection from inside the human being.” It is so rare to hear this concept articulated.
Yaaay for Bernard and Pat!!!!
Bernard, that dr Len healed a whole psychiatry ward by sitting in his office ( no contact with the sick ones physically) and by focusing on them, one by one, and saying ““I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”
If you google dr Len and Ho’oponopono, I am sure the article about this will come up.
First off, I’m so jealous that I’m not going to be there with all of you!!!!! Ah geez…..yet another forgiveness opportunity – just when *I was starting to feel peaceful….lol….!
Ho’oponopono is for me, a very nice symbol and I used it when my mother in law died.
She and I really had some issues going on and off for 40 years – and the day after she died, my husband sent off a picture for our oldest daughter Nicole (who “loved Grandma the most”) of all of us at Nicole’s wedding.
Although while she was alive, and thanks to the Course, *I was able to start to heal in layers – through forgiveness – I remember feeling very sad and guilty on the 40 minute drive to Nicole’s that day.
I held that picture in my hand, while saying to my mother in law – “I’m sorry – please forgive me – I thank you – and I love you.” It gave me a feeling of peace and joining which I am so grateful for.
Of course, it was the choice for the right mind, vs the thought system of hate, at a level I wasn’t even aware of that happened first, however my experience was that saying those words healed another layer of guilt in my mind.
Very interesting article Bernard, thank you!
Love and Gratitude to all,
I saw Dr Hew Lin speak in Mill Valley maybe 5 years ago for a celebration of Forgiveness day. He glowed. I’m glowing with the news you and Pat are winging your way to T Town Bernard. Fabuloso!!!
Hi guys ….Oh boy this is fun…i`ve got the internet AND power at the same time…. I`m having a lovely time in a very peaceful campground where all is green and pretty….
What a lovely dream Richard…. It is so nice to dream about Ken. I love that he was bringing the drink trolley.
How wonderful Bernard that you are making the pigrimage to Temecula !
I went to an evening a couple of years ago when the head honcho of hoʻoponopono came out to tour Australia. I didn`t want to go but a couple of friends asked me to come along, and since i get so few invitations and since i really didn`t want to go, i figured it might be an opportunity to to remember i am never resistant for the reason i think.
It gave me the heeby jeebies from the beginning. It just reeked of forgiveness-to-destroy and while my friends sat on either side of me oohing and aahing, i was inwardly rolling my eyes while outwardly behaving appropriately and concurring whenever my concurrence was asked for. I didn`t want to argue with anyone…..and yes every inner eye-roll revealed starkly my extreme arrogance that i knew better, which i recognized as the arrogance that got me into this whole mess in the first place. I felt very grateful that night to have come up against a big chunk of my guilt, so the evening was well spent in silent practice.
The fellow seemed exhausted. He was an older guy who, i think, learned directly from the dude who claimed to have healed all the insane people in the asylum. I thought to myself that i would be exhausted too if i stayed for too long with the belief that i am responsible for all the suffering i see.
And interesting too, that the original fellow who claimed that his sitting quietly in the office thinking hoʻoponopono, was what cured all the patients. How could he possibly claim that was his doing? Maybe the patients were going through their own kind of process? Very strange coincidences can happen in this world.
Not long after that evening, the people i went with decided to have ongoing group hoʻoponopono sessions. I went along with it, only because again i was invited to, and i had my own agenda – I wanted to watch for any reactions where i felt different, superior, arrogant etc…so i didn`t say much, and i guess they thought i agreed with them about the whole thing.
During the first of these sessions, a friend related an incident that just happened to involve me, {There had been some tension between us} where she claimed a victory to hoʻoponopono.
We had both gone out walking. She was coming back and i was just setting off, when we saw each other at a distance across the very wide paddock coming slowly towards each other. I was thinking about my issue towards her and with her in my sights to remind me, i was practising forgiveness. It turns out that she was practising hoʻoponopono on me at the same time. When we came face to face, she gave me a wonderful loving embrace . It was lovely but i thought no more about it til i heard her talking about the experience to prove how effective hoʻoponopono is!
I think that whenever we are “sorry”, it is always coming from guilt.
Whenever we ask for forgiveness, we are making the error real, and saying “I love you” at that point is a lie, a cover-up for the hate we secretly feel.
On the other hand, since words are meaningless, we can say them til the cows come home and they could serve either the wrong mind or the right mind, as you experienced Melody. And of course saying sorry is behaving normally in our world. It’s a matter of etiquette.
In my opinion, hoʻoponopono is just another form of magic, that despite having some sound metaphysical ideas, like that excellent one you quoted Bernard, still seems to be about changing externals.
Hi Winnie,
I appreciate your thoughts on this. A while back I learned of this ho’oponopono and it seemed interesting to me…..though I am a skeptic at heart. But then I had some conflicts with some new-agers online — in that I seemed to approach ACIM from a rather different direction than what I heard them saying. (now I feel it’s because I’m more aligned with Ken Wapnick – but at the time I didn’t realize this). I was planning to go to a conference where they would all be – and the main person and 2 of her friends called me to do a ‘ho-oponopono session with me. (they asked first and I said o.k.) But I kind of felt like they needed to do this – like they were doing voo doo or witchcraft to make sure all would go well at their gathering! I would never do anything and was hoping to get to know them a bit more……so this kind of put me on edge. I didn’t say anything because by this time I just felt the less said, the better……but it colored my feelings about them thereafter. I think that I agreed to do it thinking we might share a bit afterward or something — but like I said, I just felt I was being ‘judged.’
So….it’s all in the intent – or as Ken would say, ‘the purpose behind it’ – the content. But it is because of these kinds of uses/misuses (maybe they didn’t have the intent I felt they did – but I think ACIM says somewhere that ‘it doesn’t matter if your brother believes this or not…you will think he does’)
Just wanted to share this since the topic had come up and Winnie shared a similar experience in a way….
Jean W.
Hi Jean and all…
In the group sessions that followed, i said as little as possible. I`m really good at acting dumb, and i`m loving that i don`t need to express myself any more…{ except when i`m here at the Village, where i revel in spewing out crap… tee hee}
Anyways the sessions began to focus on our friend Dr Lisa who was very ill and any other problems that group members could think of. It was all about loooking for results, a best possible outcome to be sure, but still external results of some kind was the goal. I only wanted to be there as long as i felt some kind of separateness or superiority on which i could silently work. Soon i wasn`t invited to the group sessions any more. I guess they figured i wasn`t much of a contributor.. tee hee..
Soon after arriving back from America this year, with all the concern over the instability of the nuclear power plant in Japan, I was asked to join in a world-wide Ho’oponopono, purportedly put into motion by the famous Dr Emoto :-
Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone
Please say the following phrase:
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant,
we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”
Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put
your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere
This time the inner eye-roll wasn`t as strong, but slight or strong is all the same…… I nodded non-resistingly outwardly and looked at the inner resistance, but a few hours later, another friend came up urgently insisting that for the sake of the world, i must not forget to join in !
This time, i was delighted to discover that there was no resistance at all inwardly. I simply felt at one with my brother who had asked me to do something “outrageous” and i was happy to oblige because it does not matter. Outer content and inner content were congruous.I still had no intention of doing the form of ‘Ho’oponopono’, but that was of no consequence. I had heard the call for help loud and clear without any interference and responded accordingly. And i was happy that so many folk at least were becoming aware of the power of the mind.
p.s. I take wicked delight at how the power station lived up to the first syllable of its name
p.p.s i love p.s’s
p.p.p.s. ‘Ho’oponopono’ might be a wonderful path for some. It`s just not
for this die-hard, or really die-soft Kennethist.
p.p.p.p.s. We usually work with our personal
reactions but interesting that there was a global
reaction to a reactor.
big loving hugs to all
Winnie and Jean – excellent sharing on the ho’oponopono – wonderful and thought provoking content – thank you!
My perception, is that this is a wonderful example of both of your process in putting ACIM into practical application, which is always helpful to me!
Love and Gratitude to all,
Thanks everybody for all these posts. Really interesting read about this. Winnie I loved both your dissertations, and how nice that you come here to delight us, I am going to paste here something I liked a lot:
“This time, i was delighted to discover that there was no resistance at all inwardly. I simply felt at one with my brother who had asked me to do something “outrageous” and i was happy to oblige because it does not matter. Outer content and inner content were congruous.I still had no intention of doing the form of ‘Ho’oponopono’, but that was of no consequence. I had heard the call for help loud and clear without any interference and responded accordingly. And i was happy that so many folk at least were becoming aware of the power of the mind.” This was beautiful, the Course works, trusting the process really gives us immense rewards.
Hugs to all,
Bernard, wow, just read your 700. How wonderful that you and Pat will go to the next Ken´s workshop. It will be great for you both, and it is also great you are going to meet Annie, and Jean, and Zafu, and maybe Katrina, it´s going to be really nice. And all of us will benefit from your experiences and notes.
Lots of hugs,
Just in case ya thinkin’…. “gee winnie’s such a good girl”, let me tell you that smack bang in the middle of writing my “dissertations” yesterday, a fellow caravanner came over to me. At first I thought she was just being friendly. I was sitting at my little outdoor table with my laptop and it was such a lovely day.
It turns out she was “selling” wrist bands to raise money for a special needs vehicle for a quadriplegic athlete. I was shocked, not about the young quadriplegic-with-a-young-family-story, but by her audacity ! . I loathe being accosted for money especially because I ‘m a girl that cant say no. It makes me feel so helpless and manipulated. I usually step to the other side of the street. I have absolutely zilch interest in any kind of charity. I want all my money for me. What’s more, I saw right through both of her goody-two shoes clear up to her supercilious smug tone, that she thought she had hidden. There was a moment of silence. I was trying to find any way at all that I could simply say “no”, but I knew I was way too gutless.
So seething with hate and resentment, I handed her the $3. Every inch of me knew that those three dollars would have been much better spent on chocolate.
Did I feel even slightly guilty for thinking the above – not at all. Did even the slightest thoughts of forgiveness enter my mind – not at all.
In fact i’m going to start practising purposely walking up to the next charity seller I see, look like i’m gonna buy, and try not to…… and damn it all, i’ll keep practising til I can say ”no” easily……..( laughs evilly but lovabley )……….
LOL — you are very funny, Winnie! I always like to think of the quote from Eclesiastes (sp) about ‘a time for this and a time for that.’ I mean, we can’t do every aspect of ACIM – so you are working on the ‘setting limits’ part — ‘without malice’ can come later! haha
Jean W.
Gee, Winnie, that’s it, I had been thinking you were such a good girl. I mean, you had been taking down all those notes and everything. Didn’t she realize she was interrupting your holy work? Sounds like those $3 were the best you’ve ever spent if you managed to articulate these thoughts so clearly. I liked Jean’s response: ‘without malice will come later’! LOL. Right now is the time for conscious malice, eh?
But it really is a tough call. I go through the same thing when I see someone on the street. I’ve really tried walking past them knowing I’m not going to give money and just smile at them when they beg (mostly people out of work looking for some help). I just try to remind myself that the real help I can give them is reminding them that they contain all the power and love within their own minds. I just try to become aware of my thoughts of ‘poor you’ which would be an attack on them, reinforcing their belief that they live in a harsh, cruel world in which they have no choice but to suffer. And I try to become aware of my thoughts of feeling attacked by their request because in this world of ‘one or the other’, of ‘all I give is NOT given to me’, then I feel guilty and ashamed for protecting my meager belongings and psychologically throwing him out to the wolves to be eaten in my place. (Sheesh!) Sometimes, just sometimes, I actually manage to feel that I’m there just a little, that seeing their strength is a better answer than giving in to handing out money to avoid my self-attack. Then sometimes I give money when it just occurs to me, and then sometimes I don’t and wonder after if I’ve done right.
How ’bout you all, Pam, Laura, Bev and others… How do you manage – honestly – to pass these people by in the streets?
Freudian slips: how many of you have made some funny slips in going through your notes or the blue book. I’ve found some hilarious ones that I regret I didn’t note down. But here’s a couple that just occurred to me.
Reading my notes to myself… “my work with the Corpse… ” (instead of Course). And “you’re just trying now to let go of your old goats and ways…” instead of ‘goals’. I thought it might mean scapegoats! No way, Jose, I not let go of scapegoats – need too much.
“How ’bout you all, Pam, Laura, Bev and others… How do you manage – honestly – to pass these people by in the streets?”
I just do. I guess *I’m a cold hearted snake. 🙂 Other things really do get me tho, with the same content, albeit different form…, I guess *I’m a split mind..yeah…not a cold hearted snake – only when joined with the thought system of hate in my mind. 🙂
Lol at the Freudian slips! I know I have had them too, just can’t think of the particulars at the moment, I wish I would’ve written them down as well!
Excellent notes, as always Winnie, thank you – and as I was lol at your #714, I completely resonated with it!
Gratitude and Love to all,
Re – passing homeless in the streets. I use to work in NYC and take the bus into the Port Authority terminal – saw lots of homeless. It really bothered me in the beginning. Of course, all of NYC bothered me! – the fast pace – crowds – coldness……but a therapist at the time told me to give $$ to them was not helpful – it enabled their victimhood. But two incidences stand out: one was a homeless man that stood each morning in the same spot on 8th Ave. and softly, in a very calming voice, wished each person a good day as they passed. One day he wasn’t there but there was a sign that he had died. So many commuters stopped and read the sign – interesting as we didn’t stop when he was there….but were visibly saddened when we heard he had died!
Then, in another scenario I was waiting on line for my bus and this man was begging and I said no (being faithful to my therapist!) – but then he approached a man in a suit who reached in his pocket – pulled out change – thumbed through his change and gave the man a penny! I was SO enraged that I went up to the man and started yelling at him saying ‘If you don’t want to give him money, don’t. But why humiliate him? What kind of man are you?’ – or something like that – I just went off – probably all my anger at whatever, was loaded in that instant! (this was pre-Course!) Wonder how I would handle this now? I am sure I’d still feel that anger — but won’t act on it. And what does that anger represent for me? Judgment I believe…..the kind of judgment that has made my dream miserable at many times.
So….mostly I don’t give money – but if I feel moved to I do….now feeling as Ken quotes from Shakespeare ‘There is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so….’
LOL win win or should I say- you win some you lose some 🙂
That was refreshingly hilarious because of your honesty.
It reminds me of a story I heard told by Stewart Wilde once, have you ever read any of his stuff? Anyhow, he’s talking about how one day while walking with some friends to to local restaurant a homeless person put out his cup right in front of him and asked him for some change. Without blinking an eye Stewart puts his hand in the cup and removes a quarter. Flips it up in the air and catches it (ok I may have added that part in) thanks the fellow and proceeds to walk away with the coin.
His friends were horrified at his behavior. How could you do that they asked him? Stewarts rationale was that it’s the act of giving that makes one feel abundant.
He said he was just helping the homeless man experience that feeling – that he had plenty to share. Now wether his intent was right minded or wrong minded- we’ll never know. And maybe its none of my god damn business…(I’ll be using this catch phrase all week).
OMG I just received an email from guess who? Ken!!!
That’s freakin crazy and I’m loving it!!!!
Don’t get all jealous- I am one of hundreds if not thousands subscribed to the RSS feed of his Foundation -you tube videos. I can’t help but think now that my catch phrase may need to stay with me longer than a week. (:
So the topic is: Lesson 49# “God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.”
about tipping: if I judge by quick appearances, I am out swimming. If I allow my heart to lead, it is very simple. Sometime I give a smile, sometime a little money. Some of them has such dignity and kindness about them, it feel like a privilege to serve them. i don’t these think of themselves as beggars at all. I remember one…he had made a little “installation” on the street with red roses in a bottle of bear, and around that he had decorated with strange stuff. It was wonderful. he had great presence, and we talked for a while, and I gave him alittle. he felt completely FREE to me, and felt lovely just to spend time with.
Others – especially the Rumenian beggars, who make business out of this – i feel like vomiting on them ( and always feel bad afterwards) – like the old lady sitting in superdirty clothes and shawls – on her knees!! and begging in a constant prayer-pose – yak!!!
But this therapist who councelled Jean I would love to smack on his head: what a judgment – as if they are all believibng themselvws to be victims. Clearly, he only saw them as that, point.
And Winnie, how I love that you want your money for yourself – and could you just tell that to them? I can just see their shocked face :::giggles:::
P.S I got a new PC today ! hp.
Winnie re post 714. So much self awareness and honesty with yourself. When I read it I wonder what I’m covering up.
Not many people begging in my part of unreality. Last year in Honolulu there were many. I have to say that I did not give them any money but that is because I don’t view them as victims because I don’t want to see myself as a victim.
There are many organizations raising money for various medical conditions that canvass for money every year. I used to feel guilty if I didn’t give and now I don’t give and I don’t feel guilty. I use the rationalization that all healing takes place in the mind so it doesn’t matter what research is being done but in all honesty maybe I’m just being selfish and saving my money for a trip to Temecula. I try not to analyze too much and trust that if I’m to give the HS would give me a strong nudge.
Here’e some honesty: I’m grateful that it’s Friday and I have a short work day and have tomorrow off. Peace to everyone Bev
Yep Bev i’m with you babe – Here’s to saving up for Trips to Temecula……i’ve got about 5 minutes before my battery goes flat…This camp spot doesn’t have power. It’s 4 am and i’m about to make a pot of lemon and ginger tea and wait for the Dawn Chorus. Oh it is such fun to wake up to a different view each morning. Each morning walk is full of delightful new scents and scenes…. glad you got a new pc lilNin……
*I’m a split mind..yeah…not a cold hearted snake – only when joined with the thought system of hate in my mind.” – damn right m’lady Melody….. I love it when i have very intense experiences like that. They come so unexpectedly, are usually brief and completely non-ambivalent, allowing me to clearly see the 100% selfishness of my ego.
love the “letting go of old goats” ….Hmmm Bernard how well do you get on with your mother-in-law? { tee hee}….whoops i gotta go xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
homeless people… out picturing of my inward misperception because I mistakenly bought into the idea that I am homeless(not in heaven)and depending on which “version” of my ego story I wish to indulge is how I “feel” about giving or not. Am I giving money or food because I feel sorry for myself unconsciously?.. Am I feeling guilty for acting in such a way as to have gotten myself kicked out of heaven and I’m trying to make up for it?.. Am I angry because I’m feeling manipulated by God?.. Am I trying to manipulate God?..Am I not giving because I’m trying to punish them/myself?…Am I trying to punish God for kicking me out?…. the list goes on.
Wow, one little homeless on our side of the street and all these questions! That’s me! I’m the Homeless person, how great. And the cold-hearted snake. And… the list goes on, as Pam says. And none of it can really possibly matter, that’s what’s so great. It’s allllll the game. There is no real problem, it was all fixed, a long time ago. So maybe I can give or not, and it makes absolutely no difference.
Hey, Winnie, waking up a 4 am to write to us, or to do your ‘matines’ prayers? I love that early morning time between 4 and 6 when all the world’s asleep but the night is turning to day. BTW where are you now on your journey? A town name?
Interesting topic here. Whether it’s a homeless person or ‘goodwill’ companies asking for money – it’s all the same. I did want to add that I do remember Ken speaking about this at some academy in the past year – (or was it on an MP3? – again, it’s all the same!) Anyway, he said it isn’t about whether you give or not……to do what feels right in the moment. I appreciate this because it makes me feel that the point is learning to trust ‘Me’ (with the help of H.S., of course – notice the capital M) and, of course, the form matters not. It is the purpose behind it. So in one case the right thing for me is to give money and at another time the right thing is not to. I don’t know why I love this — it just is so freeing in a sense — no ‘rules’ from the world – just learning to trust my inner guide…….
Oh, and re the therapist – just for clarity – she was a ‘she’ – not a ‘he.’ I am glad I gave up on her. I have come to realize she was strengthening my ego……and suppose that is what many therapists feel will help us in the world (which is true….but who wants to be here?)
Where is Winnie? Yes….I’m curious about what you are doing. It sounds so nice to be camping and getting up at 4 a.m. I am NOT a morning person — but I so want to be! I try but it just doesn’t seem quite as enchanting when I try to get up at that hour as how I envision it beforehand! I’ll keep working on it…….one of these days…….
Jean W.
Annie just got a notice about ‘God’s Voice Speaks to me all through the day’ — but I just got one for ‘Be Kind’ — Ken must be working overtime (although I know he isn’t even in the office today! Hmmmm??)
The Kentucky Derby lineup: (was watching the news and they said tomorrow is the day – 4 pm Pacific time…….so thought I’d post the list. Anybody else want to choose a horse? Will post the results/winners? tomorrow!
Jean – Decisive Moment
Laura – Shakleford (jocky’s name is Jesus)
Melody – Comma to the Top
Bernard – Dialed In, Brilliant Speed
Pam – Master of Hounds
Jean i looked up the horses, honest i did, but nothing appealed {looks forlorn) but since i don’t want to miss out on any fun, i’ll choose “Pants on Fire” cause i’m such a liar……..{ recalls Ken’s words “if you think you understand this course then you are a liar”}……
Ummmm will there be prize ? {looks excited}
there should be one, winwin (:
ps. thanks !! for answering my q on ken’s statement from the workshop comments.
Jean: how cool to know if Ken is in the office for the day or not (: and thanks for sharing the kindness link…that’s a keeper!
I heard Uncle Mo got pulled out of the race for possible intestinal problems. That’s the only name I remembered from reading the line up earlier. That must be a heartache for all involved
(including bookies).
Went back to pull a name (why are their names so weird sounding?)
I will choose Archarcharch 🙂 cuz its the weirdest of all.
See ya at the races!
OK, Winnie and Annie – will add your names and horses. I love how we all seem to choose horses based on ideas from the Course or Ken! And Annie….when you said Archarcharch I immediately thought of the ‘arch of peace’ – Ken’s little book on ‘The Arch of Forgiveness’ — though I didn’t even think of it the first time I perused the list of horses names. Why such weird names? I don’t know but makes it interesting – perhaps because they are pedigree and can’t have any duplicates?
Re Ken in the office — yes, it’s been a very nice year here getting to know him a bit…..I am sure it will be (as it is now) a ‘highlight’ in my dream! Hope to meet those that will be here in May……I’ll be sure to wear my ‘nametag!’
OK – it’s post-time!! Why do I get so excited about this? Maybe it was that ‘rodeo-trick rider’ they hired to be my live-in babysitter when I was 4 years old? They say I use to tell my parents which horse won, and came in 2nd and 3rd — she taught me well. Here I am, 57 years old and STILL lovin’ the races…..even after learning of the unkindnesses they can put the horses through – wherever there is $$$ there is corruption.
Well…..just moments away to see who will win!! Put your TV on channel 4!!
Oh, my! At first a few of us were in it — this was the first 1/3 of race: Comma to the top – pants on fire – Shacklefire takes l lead. D.M. rides the rail in 5th. Schackleford D.M. Pants of Fire —
But then as they cross the finish Animal Kingdom – then Nehro – and then Mucho Macho Man! (this is unofficial) They are saying now that Archarcharch’s saddle slipped —
Thanks all –
rats !
Yeah, WInnie, I’m with you! I had this idea that whoever won I’d say they got the $10,000 but in content only, of course! And that since when one of us wins we all win, we all get $10,000 – but in content only, of course! And now I can’t even say it because we all LOST!
oh well it’s the thought that counts {hugs Jean}….such a well-worn cliche the above, and yet ACIM breathes new life and meaning into it…
I’ve just now been able to watch the Happy Birthday Video you made Bernard…You are such a sweetie-pie…..It was lots of fun especially when you got to the end and wondered who you had forgotten – I’m like “me – ya big poop!”…tee hee
Yum! Several quiches to pick from. Here’s a funny, in my neck of the prairie real men don’t eat quiche but if you call it egg pie they scarff it right up and want seconds. (-:
holds up glass of orange juice(it’s breakfast ya know); Here’s to all you Blessed Villagers!!! Where losing is Winning!!!! Losing our fear ya know.
Now about the horses,bummer I guess it’s another classroom. (-;
As far as the weird names go it is because of lineage. The baby gets part of mom’s name and part of dad’s name so if you’re really into the horse thing all you need is a name and you know who the parents and grandparents and maybe even greatgrandparents were at a glance. So after several siblings and half-siblings and a couple generations later you gett some really strange combo’s.
I woke up light this AM which feels lovely. My family treated me to a home cooked breakfast of eggs and bacon and hash browns, which I truly love, for Mother’s Day. May every one experience a day of lightness and Peace. Bev
Oh the quiches are lovely…I’m assuming all the boys got together to put on this spread.
We truly are blessed here.
Joins in with the orange juice toast-its still morning here.
Here’s to (the) Animal Kingdom!
Well Done horsey. Never knew that about the names. It’s such an elitest sport that the names just struck me as somehow too silly for that kind of tradition. Everything looks funny when one is looking from the outside in.
I guess that goes for the ego too. Jesus is trying to get us to just get outside of ourselves long enough so we can see that some of our behaviours are basically down right silly. Looks like I continue to react in similiar ways that my parents did and the way their parents did (despite my rebelious ways).
Like you said Pam losing our fears is the way we will win in this backwards world.
Roses for everyone and yes Lightness and Peace most of all.
AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!! My horsie didn’t win?? There goes all my pocket money for a month. And the winner’s name had nothing spiritual in it – where’s the justice? I ask.
Hey, Annie, the guys certainly didn’t make any quiche here – no way. But we brought in some wicked good egg pie. Pass some more of that one with the bacon bits in it. Sheeeeit. Quiche – who ever herd a such a thing? And pass me some of that coffee from the pot on the stove – the one which still has some grounds in it. Yea, that’s my enamel cup, stick it in right there, ma’am. Now, gotta go out and find me a real horse that can win a race. (How I’d love to visit the West!!)
I been outta town since yesterday morning, and headin’ out again tomorra till Tuesday evening, folks. Well, blessin’s all ’round, y’all.
{bakes a big batch of pumpkin scones – can’t have our Pam hungry for the nibblies} hugs to all xoxoxoxooxoxxoxooxoxoxoxoxo
Well, if the horse didn’t win…do we stay with the same horse or choose once again? There’s another race coming up in two weeks…second one of the Triple Crown. Hmm, I’m thinking maybe to give up the race? Otherwise, it’s thinking maybe it was the starting gate…maybe dirt wasn’t loose enough…maybe if the horse had a better position? Uh, ever notice race tracks never go anywhere? Just round in a circle?
ahhh. (putting feet up, Rufus in lap.)Got some sweet Rhubarb-cider here, a nd some fresh cinnamon rolls too. Please serve yourself with a dollop of creme too.
What a great day it has been. I miss Ruth-Anne, though – and hope Lawrence will come back soon.
Going to be soon in my part of the world
natti natti all
love and hugs
hehe going to be night soon
nighty night Nina,sweet dreams.
yeah you’re right Laura – the horses just run round and round in circles
This is so cool!
I have for more than 6 months obsessed with thoughts of a neighbor. Nono, not those kind of thoughts – I have spun him into a story and projected stuff on him. There were things I had to discuss with him concerning our row of villas (they’re connected:-)) – and i was CERTAIN that I would flip just by talking to him. I have seen him as a son of God and prayed to H.S at least once a day concerning this connection – and visualized all the exercises that is in the lessons – putting it all in His hands.
Yesterday I felt I had to do something: I wrote an excellent proposal of what to do re workers on our houses, and said what i was willing to take on.Showed it to the two neighbors who were at home
It felt so good it was unbelievable – but I still worried what Andy would say.
Today, I felt – I simply was not afraid any longer! Amazing feeling. Then, later this afternoon: my oldest neighbor comes, and we agree, We’re standing outside my house, the weather is wonderful. There comes Andy . I feel FINE with him and love him. We talk in detail and decide who will be responsible for what.(You have to know that we have talked about doing this for 3/4 years – and it felt like old mud.) And there comes the last neighbor – all are attracted to this wonderful meeting in front of my house. – So, she now invites us all to champagne when the work is done.
It feels like “staring” in a production signed H.S. And I truly believe that my initiative unplugged the mud and that i would never have done that, if the fear had not disappeared.
It just took daily work for 2/3 year. Well, that’s not bad, eh?
(doing extra somersaults and yelling a lot)