Fireside II
It is to the Village Square that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom. Then when their minds have been filled, they retire to the tavern on the western side of the square where they share in social discussion, learning of each other’s events and challenges, happinesses and sometimes sadnesses, too. With a mug or glass in hand, they collect in front of the great Fireplace that dominates the long wall. Benches and chairs are often filled on market day with those who have come from farther away, bringing news of events and views the local people delight in hearing.
If you are feeling disoriented by all the philosophical talk by the fountain in the Village Square, then come sit down on the bench here with us for a while just to soothe your mind and share a mug of tea or coffee. Let’s all make sure the conversation is quiet and simple, caring and thougtful, exactly the kind of talk you might have around a warm hearth, the only light filling the room coming from the fireplace.
re: #798-That sounds like the equivalent of being in the world but not of it – good one Tex!
Kendall I always get this grounded feeling when you pass thru the Village. I like what Pam said and how she said it with excitement and cheer. What looks like backwards is actually the undoing …oh to be surrounded by friends who know the difference!
re: #799- Sounds good to me Bernard…when you find that tree (the one on the top page of the Village Ponderings) that’s the property to buy. I love that tree more and more each day. And speaking of weather…I’m listening to the sound of rain hitting my roof top fluctuating in intesity as the wind shifts. Darn it!! I was really wanting it to be blue skies to welcome the Mayor and his lovely wife. On the other hand it should clear out some of the smog so that breathing won’t be so obvious. Hey Jean-what’s the forecast for Temecula? Sometimes these weather patterns don’t always make it to that neck of the woods?
Perhaps, Miss Annie…..
But probably just hungry!
There’s something to be said for
single-mindedness of purpose “even” here!
Now off I go to Saxen Hausen to check out the “ghouls!” with Bernard!
I think he needs a body-guard! (#795)
tex:“nom nom nom” is the “internet” sound of some one eating –
and not paying any attention to anything or anyone else….
KInda like “yum yum yum” with your mouth steadily chomping!
ha- we say nom nom nom too, in my country – which proves that the internet’language is invented by Norwegians.
Love all of you to bits! Today is our national day, when everyone you meet say “happy birthday” to you! everybody dressed in their best clothes, children marching singing songs and hoorraying with flags -its a holiday, and a very good way to create feelings of oneness ( and specialness.) onenness amongst Norwegians is not a bad thing either
Yes, next stop Annie’s Village Cottage in L.A. – how nice! We’re so looking forward to it. I’ll be bringing Mayoral greetings with me wherever I go. Then on to the Temecula Taverna! What do we care if the weather isn’t great?
Nice to see you Kendall!
If the weather isn’t great, we use the Village-not-great-weather-wear which the Mayor so kindly and conveniently has stored in every shoppe and tavern. If somebody by hap should have lost theirs, there’s always a new one just nearby. He thinks about everything – – typical Mayor B.
We are very grateful to him. For that, and so many other things( not to mention his skillful and inventive cooking/baking.
Nam nam!
Nina( chewing)
That’s great, Nina! In fact, I have outfitted every shop with this handy dandy sweater that becomes thicker and woolen when it’s cold, and lighter and cotton when it’s warm. Not bad, eh?
re;799… Mr Mayor here in Scotland it can be very frustrating to get a straight forward answer for anything, or even to fathom out what anyone is saying…the phrase “it would seem….” often precedes any statement and ” aye it would appear so…” is a common response to any attempt at stating a fact, however there is one area where all of Scotland agrees without contradiction ….its cold….. However today i saw a thing that sang into my mind. I was wondering about how one becomes a conduit for of Heaven in this dream (as you do), i have always been stuck with this idea, it always seemed so grand and out of reach, but today i saw our gigantic and all powerful sun effortlessly reflected in tiny cup of water, and i thought wow, there’s my image. I cannot put into words the effect on me but it showed me something, and i just thought i would share the lesson… Godspeed to You and Pat, keep the lighthouse in sight…. Love to Ken..
p.s comrades to France we go with pick and shovel, to build our inner (and outer) garden. oh the joy..
wish i was heading to LA and temecula. have fun
Yeah, really – I miss L.A!
“Conduit to Heaven” our Mayor with the ability to weave with a sleight of hand. Great wee visual you shared Richard. {Slipping on Bernards sweater and munching some kale chips} Viet Viet
On the Bulletin Board: The Mayoral Procession to Temecula
The time has come when all good sons must pay a visit to their spiritual father, and so tomorrow my wife and I wing our way across the Atlantic, and the US continent to dip ourselves in the holy waters of the Foundation’s Fountain (and the Pacific!). My visit to Ken has been delayed too, too long, a testament to my resistance perhaps, but I feel more to a commitment I felt I was lacking. Not that I hadn’t been working assiduously with the material, like all of us, but rather that there were certain areas of my experience I had been lazy about calling into question. I was indulgent with my ‘baby business’, and though it was going to take me into scary territory, I knew something in me wanted to step up the level. I shall try to keep you all informed of daily developments in Kenville as the proceedings unfold in real time. And I’ll send your love to our dear professor who, I’m sure, is just waiting to give me a hard time. I still remember his roughing up and tripping up and general manhandling from the last time! It can’t have improved; I know it’ll be worse! But why can’t I do it back to him?? Moreover, I’m prepared to learn to laugh some more, to realize just a little more how totally un-serious everything in this life can be. Everything, including this life I take myself to be. And how beautiful it will be finally to see through this illusion that has been such a source of confusion and pain – self-chosen, at that!
New subtitle on the home page:
“Find the darkness to accept the Light, then smile with me that we ever thought Love would leave us cold and lost.”
Richard, so brilliant, really! “today i saw our gigantic and all powerful sun effortlessly reflected in tiny cup of water, and i thought wow, there’s my image.” I mean, how simple! We’re all a tiny cup but we can be filled with the reflection of the all-mighty sun! Just like the cup’s surface mirrors this awesome light, and that’s all you’ll see if you stare at it when it’s just focused right. That’s a real ‘wow’ experience. Now all you need is to take a photo of that and we’ll post it up. Come up with some catchy by-line, and make your poster. That one ray of rare Scottish sun was worth all the dreary days this year, I’m sure.
Well let me start with Nina’s Norwegian National Holiday and express a very Happy Birthday to you all (: I like that idea, takes the pressure off remembering everyone’s personal birthday- even though that wasn’t the intention.
I have a feeling we may have forgotten someone Birthday out there ~ its been a while since we’ve thrown a party. Maybe we should use the Village Birthday to exchange our Happy Birthday wishes to all so no one is forgotten. We can take a vote after we celebrate Winnie’s Birthday- she did mention that this year she wishes to make a big fuss! So nevermind about that…don’t worry Winnie it’s gonna be spectacular!!!
Still cold, (54 F) rainy with gray skies in L.A. will be on the look out for a cup of sunshine
and learn to count my blessings. Don’t bother packing your swimsuit Mr. Mayor. That sweater is perfect – bring me one in every color (:
{{{katrina}}} good to see you-was hoping all is well in SLO town.
{{{Tex}}} even though you have your own In and Out burger joint now you still need to come to L.A. for the original lettuce wrap burger. I know trucky loves the drive.
{{{Michele}}} I can’t seem to get excited about those kale chips (:
{{{Pam}}} How wonderful that you gave yourself the gift of a mentoring session. I am happy to hear that. And sharing the gift-well I join in with everyone else ~ thanks.
{{{The Entire Village}}} Lot’s of Hugs to all helps keep the warmth in 🙂
{{{Village}}}} Have you any idea how much I love you?
Hi my Village friends. Just finished reading all the posts. Great symbol Richard, I really liked it.
Bernard!!!So very great that in a few hours you will be in our Continent. Wow, I am going to feel you really closed. And your meeting with Annie I am sure it will be great. Give a kiss to her on my behalf. And then Temecula, Wow and Wow I am just waiting to hear your news from there. We also expect a lot of pictures!!! It will be great to share all this with you.
Lots of hugs to you all
Richard, re.#807, Thanks for sharing the lesson. The image has been with me all day and it brings a calm smile to me with subtle but powerful wordless shifting.
Off to an early start, and we’re checked in at the airport in Toulouse. Next stop, Paris, then a non-stop to good ol’ LA. It has been 12 years since my last visit to the US, whereas I used to visit once or twice a year. So good to be coming ‘home’. Taking you all with me…
Bernard bro – how exciting !! happy that you were able to write in post-check-in. Nice to imagine you as you make your journey to LA. Lesson 139 – “I will accept Atonement for myself” plays in the background on the audio section from acim’s dot org web-site.
Happy travels, my friend !
Nina: I have a pretty good idea how much you love us (: …whenever I allow myself to sit still long enough I can tap into that peaceful pool of sunshine.
And the sun is up and shining this morning!!! It must have gotten the memo that Pat and Bernard have taken flight. I promise to take plenty of photos of our Mayor and his lovely wife…I already warned him I would.
a* how interesting that you mentioned listening to the daily lesson.
I had been meaning to play the audio on this site:
[world wide web dot themiracletimes dot com/acim/lesson_text.php?l=139] .
It’s been a very long time since I’ve listened to a lesson so I was curious if this site had the same guys voice reading the lesson. I was pleased to find that it didn’t. I have to admit that man’s voice irritated me on the acim dot org’s website….it just sounds like I was listening to a radio program from the 40’s…it feels so dated. For whatever reason my mind can’t reconcile the freshness of the message with that voice. Resistance shows up in all manners doesn’t it. (:
Sort of like you mentioning Pam that prayer from childhood…for whatever reason if something feels creepy …there must be a forgiveness lesson in there somewhere.
Today I shall try to accept my choice for Atonement…I know I don’t mean it!!!!
I just want to get my Mayoral Hug.
Anyone made any plans for after the End Of The World on 21 May?
I sure am going to miss you – oh, wait – I already do!
Heh Tex, I just checked, and I have a dr. appt on the 23rd. Hmmm, maybe I’ll be fine by then. I had to laugh about the guy who has spent all his money before 5/21. If you believed it was the end of the world, what could you possibly need to buy?
I just got home from my trip to Portland (Oregon) to see my sister. She has been having chemo, and had a little surprise trip to the hospital for pneumonia. She’s better now, and I felt better to be able to go see her and do at least something small to help her. Didn’t get a chance to stop at the Grotto and take some pics, so we’ll all just have to close our eyes and remember when.
Sure would have loved to scamper down to Temecula to see Bernard, Patricia, Annie, Jean, Zafu, Ken and Gloria all together. You will have so many wonderful laughs and Annie knows where to take them for sing along in the bar. Maybe Jamie & Bonnie will make it to see Bernard, and may be verbally communicating, too. But googley eyes are good, too.
Tex, I’ve been excommunicated from the Lessons and Urtext sites. Not sure for how long. I was overwhelmed during my family visits. (I have 5 sisters and my brother, and I saw ALL of them individually in their homes!!) I made it through my lesson each morning, but what on earth was Ken thinking with 8-12 pages commentary on each day? Obviously, chuckling about doing a fresh new lesson each day. Seems to me that last time I tried doing his Journey thru the workbook, I realized that I had to retire to get all the commentaries done on a daily basis. Apparently, I need to also move to a mountain top.
Big hugs to everyone.
Hi All……I have been a bit quiet because I was having that difficult time…..but I have come out of it now. I had a nice talk with Ken (I truly have been so blessed to have had my D.M. help me get out here to Temecula – and, though it was a most difficult classroom/journey – that it culminated in getting to know Ken and have him help me — I mean, what more would anyone ever want? So I am feeling rather ‘clear’ again and looking so forward to the coming academy and meeting Bernard. Bernard…..are you here yet? I’d love to meet all the others too…..Katrina — I don’t know you but I lost a really cool pal named Katrina about 4 years ago…..very unexpectedly — it was so traumatic and unbelievable — so your name kind of happily reminds me that we are all One……..don’t know if that makes sense….but it was kind of comforting to me! I am ending my year out here (actually 13 months) when I fly out on June 28. It has been such an incredible year — so many ups and downs…..also because my marriage has been questionable — there were times I thought I’d stay here….then I’d return to NY… about a roller coaster!! But I am returning home but Ken W. has promised me he will continue to be with me (in my mind!) –Just knowing we can tap on the loving presence that he is and represents………that is so freakin’ HEALING!! Thank you, Pam, also for sitting on the couch with me…….I did read that…..just couldn’t post as I was dealing with my ‘stuff!’
Jean W.
Katrina – Don’t worry about the appointment –
This is just Judgment Day… those of us who aren’t taken up in the Rapture
will presumable have 6 months before the “end” end.
There’s some really funny stuff going on on FaceBook
about Post-Rapture Looting, Zombies, etc.
Very funny stuff!
Good Morning All~
Jean, what a wonderful sharing – yes – so true. Ken will remain with you in your right mind, and what a symbol of the dm wanting to wake up in your decision to go to Temecula!
Still jealous about not being able to be in Temecula to meet my village friends…..but am looking without judging it, laughing gently, and – feel at this moment – that all of you are in my mind as we heal and head Home! 🙂
Love and Gratitude to you all,
Mayoral Hug …check
Mayoral Spouse Hug …check
I was so fully of giddyness that I drove my very trusting new friends in completely the wrong direction. Note to self; follow mapquest instruction and don’t improvise route when chatting incessantly (: Right away with the forgiveness lessons!!!!!
Bernard said he would be kind when he submits his report.
We just finished our morning coffee and are getting ready to be tourist for the day.
The sun is just lovely and the skies are blue …I think Bernard has some real connections with the gods it couldn’t be prettier.
Will keep you posted.
Big Hugs, Annie
After a really easy flight from Paris, we arrived in L.A. to the lovely smiling face of Annie and a bouquet of pink tulips for Pat – we decided we’re staying. Okay, so when she says she provides a free shuttle service from the airport, euh, be a little careful. “Annie, um, if we’re going north to your house, why’s the evening sun behind us for the past half hour…?
We have had a lovely visit to this illusion in Universal Studios little village – so many colors and sights, it was great! And now, after a leisurely breakfast (great coffee!) we’re off to take LA by storm. So many aspects of this weird and wonderful world… how nice to discover it with another Villager, the first of you I’ve ever met. You exist, you live!!
Will fill you in later. Love for now.
Annie, Bernard — how exciting !! Love it. I wish I could be there.
love n hugs,
re.824 You’re welcome Jean. That’s what the ‘couch’ is for quiet support while processing. Wish you could make a side trip through Nebraska on your way to New York; would love to have lunch with you. Maybe you can wave as you fly over and I’ll wave back. (-:
ditto Melody, Wish I was there also.
Dear Jean, re #824 – when you write about having a hard time, would you consider writing about it here – and then,sharing how Ken was helpful about helping you through it? for me, that would be very helpful!
As for the rapture thing… The first time (yrs ago)that I read about rapture I mis-read it as rupture and I could be wrong but I suspect that on the 22nd there will be quit a few “ruptured” ego concepts though I noticed the “backdoor” 6 month,fade into the woodwork-forget all about it, “escape” plan is in place also. (-;
Pam, about rapture…when i first heard this poem by Wordsworth, I was a child, and i felt this rapture of his pouring through me. I knew he was talking about Heaven. The two last lines sends me into rapture no again when I read it – may it bless all of you too –
“Daffodils” (1804)
I WANDER’D lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretch’d in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed — and gazed — but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
By William Wordsworth (1770-1850).
Nina lovely poem and yes the feeling of rapture comes through well.
The “rapture” I was referring to is the one that TexAnne and Katrina have been talking (re.822,823,825) about where certain more fundamental Christian types believe that they as “true” believers will experience the “rapture” of being lifted body and all to heaven by God tomorrow May 21st 2011 and the rest of us not true believers get “left behind” to suffer plagues and earthquakes and tornadoes so on and so forth for the next six months until God totally destroys the world.
And looting! Don’t forget about looting.
And here’s me – I thought they said “LUTE”
so I was like “Yessss! That’s going to be some pretty music!”
Hi All,
Thanks Melody – and I hope you aren’t missing the ‘symbol’ you are – perhaps your visit here last month was the ‘catalyst’ to get Bernard and Pat and others to come as well – so you started something in the ‘little village!’ And I’ll wave as we fly over Nebraska, Pam, if I can figure out when we are over it! sharing – yeah – well, some of it it stuff I’d rather not share – one big component being about my marriage – and it is very, very convoluted (that is what egos do here!) And then there is this ongoing thing about ‘projection’ — and how to be in the world now that I know it’s not there! What does Ken say? Well….first of all, ‘be kind.’ Actually that is his last word, too! Kind to my husband, kind to myself (no matter what the outcome is of our future together) – and he affirms me when I’m needing that. He is just as open and as clear as he can be to help you without having his own stuff come in (because he has transcended his own stuff – I suppose – which makes him able to be TOTALLY there for you). And that is just such a wonderful thing. I have laughed so much here…he has poured water over my head (as well as other silly shenanigans), but he would not do that unless he felt you would get the ‘content’ and not be insulted by the form! So it’s funny to feel so ‘honored’ to have water poured on your head! Anyways…..hope that helps…..each person’s journey is so different (because we are separated individuals here with all kinds of different experiences) But it can all be healed in the same way — and Ken is a Master at teaching this by demonstration!
Hi, everyone. Just writing to say I’ll write later… We just finished the seminar and have checked into the hotel. Ken gave us a lovely, really lovely few hours. Will fill you in later.
Hi Jean –
Good to read your thoughts in the “forgive” section. I agree – it’s very hard to have a normal conversation if ACIM thoughts are introduced every step of the way — you actually said it more eloquently, can’t remember exactly what you said.. oh wait, I can go to the Forgive section and quote it…”…..we couldn’t have a freakin’ conversation if we really tried to apply all concepts in ACIM to all things here!” (: – excellent, so true (:
Glad that you got to meet Bernard – am looking forward to the day when we can have a Village gathering in the South of France – now wouldn’t that be fun ? (:
Thanks a —- yeah -freakin’ is really eloquent!! tee hee But I have found that the more I try to ‘pretty it up’ the more it is like putting it in the wrong ‘frame’ as ACIM says……
I do want all to know I certainly mean no harm – sometimes I think I should be called ‘Calamity Jean’ — Ken has called me a ‘pisser’ and told Bernard I am one just yesterday! I truly just like ‘foolin’ with it all (while still I am reading and learning) – a bit of comedian in me….Ken helps my ‘inner comedian’ come out….sometimes not quite perfectly – so for that I just need to ask forgiveness…..the more practice…the clearer I’ll get I am sure….
I’m afreakin’ at the freakers ball Oh Yeah!-Dr. Hook an the Medicine Show band- It’s form vs content…Freakin’ with Holy Spirit is “eloquent” like a Ballroom dance, freakin’ with the ego is like slam dancing.((-;
Zafu came down from the LA area yesterday and we spent a lovely evening together. Such surprises! She gave us a bunch of great little gifts, not least of which was a beautiful blue dot in a lovely little Chinese style box, and a plate of the best choc chip with cranberry cookies she had baked that morning – we were feeling just so spoiled. We then made our way over to old Temecula town that, despite its touristy flavor, is actually kinda cute. Much better than a mall, in any case. We enjoyed a great meal with a very entertaining waiter by the name of Lars. We toasted the Village and spent a lovely moment together exchanging stories, then gave each other a big hug before heading our separate (but unseparated) ways again. Big hugs to everyone today.
Jean, smile, what does a pisser do, as ken sees it?
Just want to know, since I might be one too…
Soooo…… (:
I think I’m wedded to the idea of being a nice person, or at least wanting to perceive myself (and others to perceive me) as a nice person.
But I’m not a nice person.
I’m not thinking/saying I’m a bad person.
I’m thinking/saying that perhaps I’m not even a person at all…. just a character in a dream ??
How wierd… and cool….. and mind-contorting ? what the heck does this all mean ???? (:
love ya all (:
Toots (:
before you go to bed/maybe:) I love what I have dreamt you up as. Very nice dreamfigure.
thx, Nina (:
ps. I would love to meet Zafu too. Those cranberry cookies she got for Bernard and Pat sound rather tempting. (perhaps the first time i’ve felt yearning for any food/snacks that we’ve served virtually at our village – Bernard will be soo happy (:
love you,
Jean, Bernard, Pat – how cool that you could have breakfast together (again ?) !! (:
ps. Are any of you on Jennifer Hadley’s mailings on her 8-week Living out ACIM ? listenting to this week’s call as I write this. Loving that call. It happens Thu nights Pac time each week for the next 6 weeks.
Salutations Comrades –
I had a gift this morning from the mind, a rather slow learner that i am, some would say remedial even, although i not sure if that’s a compliment, medical condition, or insult. Anyway i digress, i am digress. Anyway this morning i was wrestling with my copy of ACIM, i thought i had it into submission on the carpet when i realized it had me in a head lock… it said this to me…
” For Christ (pun intended i believe) sake junior, your making things difficult for your self, i am simply a piece of soft ware stop getting all spacey and spiritual on me, simply down load me and do as i say”,
well i was shocked. What followed was humiliating to say the least.
“i hate to be the one to break the news junior, but your just puppet” said the book.
” what how dare you say that to ME”, i cried. ” have you seen my bank account, i worked my fingers to the bone for that money, it has to be real, look at my boney fingers,tap,tap”
” i’m sorry but you forced my hand, what can say, it had to come out sometime, i’m sorry junior, you’ll be better off this way, we can start again,a fresh approach, a more gentle, easy going approach, whaddaya say, c’mon wipe away those tears, it ain’t so bad, now lets tidy this place up”
sniff ” ok ” ….i got no strings to hold me up…de-dum-dum-trs-la-la
soft ware how simple is that, its just a piece of soft ware to put in the puppet…
love and peace fellow puppeteers….!
Not even anytime to read anything here tonight – it’s 11.45 pm and we just got back from attending Bob Draper’s class down the coast and then dinner with some of the other students. Phew! This is a whirlwind tour. We’re hitting the sack, will write later. Thinking of you all, wishing you all were here!! (We’d have to book a bigger table for breakfast)