Fireside IV
It is to the Village Square that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom. Then when their minds have been filled, they retire to the tavern on the western side of the square where they share in social discussion, learning of each other’s events and challenges, happinesses and sometimes sadnesses, too. With a mug or glass in hand, they collect in front of the great Fireplace that dominates the long wall. Benches and chairs are often filled on market day with those who have come from farther away, bringing news of events and views the local people delight in hearing.
If you are feeling disoriented by all the philosophical talk by the fountain in the Village Square, then come sit down on the bench here with us for a while just to soothe your mind and share a mug of tea or coffee. Let’s all make sure the conversation is quiet and simple, caring and thougtful, exactly the kind of talk you might have around a warm hearth, the only light filling the room coming from the fireplace.
This is the fourth installment in the Fireside discussion series. After we reach 900 comments, the page takes too long to load on your computer, and so we start another fresh page. To review previous discussions, we keep the old pages (Fireside I and Fireside II) which you can find under the ‘Village’ tab on the navigation bar at the top of screen under the image of the tree.
Hmmm. I’m seeing your post Anil as 1001.
I believe that if there has been any moderation that has taken place it holds your original post number for you to see but not for others….it’s most kind.
So here again what we are seeing is not really “reality” !
The layers of this illusion are endless-but the veil is thinning. Nevertheless, we work very
hard to keep the illusion as lovely, neat and fast as possible (:
Before I continue to ramble let me not forget to thank Nina for reminding me of the light!
I’m assuming your comment was in response to my previous post-although it was a good reminder for all for – any day of the week.
Turing more Village Squarish-you be funny Anil (:
Back to the Homeland for you?
I’m assuming for work?
With all the emotional reviewing going on for you these days how does it feel to reconnect physically with the land of your youth?
You actually sound very happy-but I’m being a little nosey?
And lastly, I’m sad to say that I’m not a loyal Craig Ferguson fan. I have failed him! I do enjoy watching him…but I never TIVO’d his show. And I can’t believe he’s been on 10 years taping his show in my back yard and I never bothered to go see him. I just thought he would be doing this forever…gosh how many things in life do we take for granted. So yesterday I went to the website to sign up and I’ve been wait-listed…there are probably plenty of folk like me coming out of the wood work now that he’s calling it quits. And (Katrina) I haven’t read anything about him passing up Letterman’s gig- I think it was the networks that passed him up and went with Colbert. And there I have to admit…that I have been a loyal Colbert fan and would choose him too. (Sophie’s choice)
I do have mixed feelings as I don’t want to see the end of the Colbert Reporrr either!!!!!
Also my slutty nightly indulgence of watching Chelsea Lately is coming to a close this December as well. I’m really not sure what I will have to look forward to come January 2015.
Have fun in Calcutta Anil and do your Lessons Well my Friends!!!
Annie I am so soft for you – have a great coffee and think of me, will you:)
Awww {{{Nina}}} I could feel the softness, ♥☀♦◆♣☀♥Thank You.♥☀♦◆♣☀♥
You don’t mind me using your signature Love Sandwich Ms. Michele? I needed to express my delight with Nina and sometimes words don’t suffice.
Speaking of coffee; a few weeks back I ran out of half and half but had some heavy cream -so I used that instead. And by golly – the thought of going back to half&half or just milk is now unheard of…like some sort of drug addict I needed to up the ante and I didn’t even know it. I am enjoying my coffee more these days-you must have some psychic abilities as well Nina (:
I pushed my annual physical till August – my cholesterol levels have always been fine but if it starts creeping up in August I may reconsider the heavy cream. Of course, I should be well addicted by then and the scenario I have set up for myself will surely lead to heart break or a heart attack…no winning….I know; enough with the drama!
I know someone who isn’t drinking their morning coffee today?!
Ms. Katrina is NPO after midnight.
I don’t know what time her shoulder surgery is but I hope its first thing in the morning so as not to deny her water and food all day. Love and Healing Prayers for a full recovery my friend. We will do our best to keep up with the Lessons!
a little ego-poem:
I don’t understand
why you went away
why you came back
why I tried to keep you
But most of all
why I fell for those crummy lies yet again
why I told myself I needed to hear those
why I ever thought that was necessary
What I understand most is
why I smiled bye bye and opened the door for you
why you suddenly turned around and smiled back
why everything was just perfect
NIna- the perfect dance of forgiveness (:
Interesting that you see my post as 1001, Annie
i see yours as 1001.
I guess it means each Villager sees their own numbers, hmmmm ! (:
Just like each of us have our own individual perceptions, seems fitting we should have our own numbers. (:
I was happy at the time I wrote that post. Or at least there was respite from the oppressive guilt from the hours prior to that post. Had made a few calls after that, my ego was suitably strengthened, the deep and substantial guilt buried therefore while the ego went about its daily businesss.
As I think back to that day, it becomes clear to me that there is some link there. Between the complete forgetting of guilt while my ego goes about its daily business, and the complete filling up of my mind that the guilt expands into when there is nothing to be done. Ie no work, or no calls, or no worldly planning.
Guilt seems to rush to fill in the vacuum left by the absence of daily activities. Perhaps that’s why, at least in India, growing up we were often told, an idle mind is the devils workshop. And the common cure for many depressing situations for people was to get busy. To throw oneself into work or some avocation.
Anyway, just wanted to say, there is no such thing as being nosey, Annie ! If you can’t enquire about where I am, happy, sad, etc, and I can’t ask you the same, then I would have to say that perhaps we should re-examine what our friendship really means ! (:
I say that because my notion of friendship is that one is free to speak freely. And the assumption *always* is that there is never any intent to hurt, or intrude. Just genuine curiosity about the well being of the friend/the other.
And if perchance something hurtful happens, and one or the other gets hurt or feels slighted, then one always extends the benefit of an alternative explanation of the others actions or words. That surely my friend could not have wanted to hurt me, there must be some other reason they said or did what they did…
Anyway, that’s quite a bit of writing for a simple question. I trust I did not test your patience or your goodwill with that. And if I did, then I will ask for your Forgivneess, but will ask that you write me a private email, one line will do, saying that my response was not a happy one to your simple question….
Thanks to Nina, I do get on email once a month or so now.. Nina, I am going to write back to your email to-do now…
Good weekend to all,
Anil, you did not test my patience (:
It was a genuine curiosity about your well being…and I like your notion of friendship.
Never edit your posts… I like a good long read.
If you have any down time please do come and write to your hearts content what you see out of your hotel window. I would like to join you on your travels.
Anil, I second your take on friendship♥
thats why I feel safe here: this is how I experience it – it is FREE here
Anil, I had never heard the saying: ” an idle mind is the devil’s workshop ” before and it made me smile ! How clever is the devil ( ego) ! The biggest threat to the ego is a still mind so of course it would tell us to get very busy in all possible worldly ways. Which we do !
One of my absolute favorite Ken quotes is ” I THINK, THEREFORE I AM NOT ”
I’m still reading the tributes and I feel a connection with each and everyone of them.
One lady wrote: Ken did not do something he believes, he was just walking the path and became part of it. I’m still trying to do something I believe in , and it doesn’t work !
This Sunday morning I’m 100% ego and I hate it ( and Ken would smile and say : You LOVE it !!!! )
Hedda, the last days when i find myself in such 1000%ego storms there comes a new thought: and I created this WITH the awesome power of God inside – what a power I have – and do i really want to experience this suckdom still?
– choosing again for me comes to be willing to let go of my perception of seeing any value at all in that hatred –
-and also remembering that all my problems have been solved, because my one problem has been solved 🙂
Thank you Nina for your comforting words 🙂 I will choose again and again….
Tee hee – my Fireside view shows Nina’s comment as 1000. That makes a triumvirent of 1000’s! I believe in them all!
Surgery is past. Comfortably lingering with the novacaine pain pump, not looking forward to the stupid pain pills. Little Amery is with other grandparents for a couple days. So, if NOW is good, forgiveness must be working.
Katrina, don’t make the pills stupid – they are neutral 🙂 bless them and receive their help for as long as needed – just sayin’
Yesterday I found this on facebook – by our wonderful friend Alan Dolit. Oh this is so simple and so powerful – a very short synopsis of the forgiveness process for me –
The other night I had a dream. It was similar to having one of the ghosts in Dickens’ Christmas Carol as a tour guide. Although there was no physical presence, my experience was that I was being shown certain unpleasant things which occurred in my past. One of them was the car incident I described. There were several others that I would occasionally think about. After viewing each incident, I experienced as much fear in viewing them as I had when they initially occurred.
I was then told that every event in my life is recorded as if on a 3D video tape, And I could take them out from a lending library, as it were, And each time I played it, I would actually experience it in a sort of virtual reality. I had the option to continue this forever, and be miserable each time and feel guilty and project the guilt onto my body in the form of illness or depression, or I could project it onto others in the form anger or resentment. Or I could bless it and thank it and forgive it and let it go. That it was the ego’s will for the former to make me feel guilty, or ashamed, or embarrassed, or sad or fearful. But it was God’s Will for me to let it go and return to being happy and joyful no matter what.
In the dream I thought there was some benefit to hold on to my fear or guilt. But the voice seemed to smile, and say. “Alan, look at it this way. Pretend you have rented the videos and they are so long overdue that the cost would be prohibitive if you had to pay for them. Bring them back so they can be erased and recycled. Would you rather be Right or Happy”? I smiled at this, for it is a line I have used frequently.
I woke up feeling refreshed and heard myself say: “Thank God I can finally let all that crap go. I can empty the garbage can without having to sift through every scrap first.”
“I think therefore I am not” ….Hedda. Thanks for sharing that gem! When something that I take for granted is turned upside down it gets my attention. And by golly that’s a keeper!
and Ken’s response that “you love it” and he’s talking to all of us with that response cuz he knew you would share it here one day … And I really needed to hear that this morning.
Gentle hug to Katrina.
Heard about a train derailment in India and I’m guessing Anil you don’t take public transportation but not seeing any postings here sent my mind off wondering.
Nina, thanks for sharing the DVD dream replay. It’s easier to make the choice when it’s seen from that perspective (nonpersonal).
Got to run now, Annie. But now am in Singapore already. With my current life situation I don’t leave Singapore for more than a few days each time. Mor later.
Thanks, Nina, Hedda.
Katrina, good to hear your doing well.
Ciao everyone.
Hedda, i’ve also heard Ken say i love being in the ego! So glad you reminded me. He says it with intensity, too. And it stays in the present tense!
Annie, your hugs are working. Pretty much pain free. Thanks everyone for your wellness thoughts, very string vibes that are working! I’m kinda getting a kick out of listening/watching Grandpa learn to babysit. Always fun to realize someone can grow new skills.
Anil, it really warmed my heart when you said you are never far away from Lucas for long now. I recognized the feeling of wanting my father near. That one deep longing to be with our Father, but enacted here on the ego scale. My father travelled, too, and we needed him so often. We jumped with joy when he got home – all 7 of us.
Nina, i just read Alan’s story. Isn’t he great. I guess we can just let Fritz Perls sift thru the garbage by himself. We can just dump it and skip away laughing!
Pychoanalysis has come a long way. I wonder did Fritz Perls and Ken Wapnick ever meet?
Time to empty some of my own mental trash… I’m always afraid I will loose the good memories too.
Isn’t that just like the ego to blare that one out.
Everyday is trash day!
Having technical difficulties with my MAC again…texting from my smart phone and it tediously slow.
Good to hear you r pain free Katrina & that you r home Anil. Hope you r still riding the wave of joy Tex (: Sending warm thoughts to my Village buddies with you All in Spirit <3
Just tiptoeing along, thanks to cut and paste . . .
Lesson 126
All that I give is given to myself.
More Ken quotes, this time from Ending our Resistance to Love: “you can only reach formlessness by dealing with the desolation of the ego thought system – the bridge that leads you home. It is not pleasant…….but what gives you the courage, strength and hope to prevail is realizing that it is an inevitable part of the process, and above all, that you do not have to go through it alone”
I know Ken is talking about Jesus in our mind being with us but You my dear Village Friends also represent Him in a disguised form I can accept right now <3
Dearest Hedda,
Thank you for yet another wonderful quote and reminder from Ken.
Anil’s prayer at the Garden last night seems to allude to the desire to leave behind the ego thought system. And who of us has not sent that prayer to heaven with an open heart and clear intention to learn the other way.
“It will not be pleasant”… Don’t we know it!!!
Still we will look at the desolation with courage and with patience.
I find strength from the passage where Jesus reminds us that our greatest successes have really been failures and our greatest failures were our greatest successes.
Anil, gentle hug for you my friend. I will include your name in my hourly lesson. I could feel my heart melt when reading your prayer in the garden and I opened the Course randomly to chapter 12:V The Sane Curriculum and that is where I drew my inspiration for my prayer in the Garden. It seemed to perfectly address your current situation and of course you being my mirror it was most appropriate for me to soften my heart and reconsider my priorities again.
The line ” you need offer only your undivided attention” …
Feels almost impossible but J is without a doubt that it will be done!
So with that assurance I send you my Village family all my best knowing we move together in our efforts today to share in Christ’s Vision.
I remember Ken telling a story about a nun who went to take her vows and then suddenly decided she should marry – or got sick – or got bit by a dog – or something… lol. I guess I don’t remember the story so much! But the point is there is that equal and opposite Reaction!
I have been sick in bed for a week! lol…. but I am still happy and have not lost that newly found peace of mind from a few days ago.
Whenever I get into trouble over ANYTHING – I don’t worry about forgiveness — that is too loft of a goal for my feverish mind. I just sit there and visualize myself in a bed, sleeping and having those little thought bubbles come up (like in a cartoon) and all of the crazy things we dream about…. lions…. tigers… bears… oh my….. death….crazy biothces….. food…. um – you get the idea… the never ending senseless parade of crud that marches by times infinity (ad nauseum)
Pretty soon I feel my shoulders relax, and I smile again – and know that my BabySitter is sitting there on the Cosmic Couch with me, watching these late night horror films with me, chomping popcorn (ugh, but hey – you get the visual!) AND reminding me that it is just a dream – a projection – a nasty old film in black and white – where if you look really close, you can see the zipper on the dragon….. and the shadows don’t line up in the “special” effects!
So far this technique has worked miracles!
Ahhhhhh a ghost into a curtain (veil?), a monster into a shadow and a dragon into a dream!
Turns out my BabySitter is cool after all!
Tex – or Anne darling – this is such a fountain of light and healing. Written from a wide awake space, it feels like being showered with Truth. Thank you 🙂 and warmest hug ever:)
Dearest Anil – to save you time and stress: you can go to my blog and click on the “services” page, and there are “testimonials” as a submenu – there you find your testimonial. If all is OK, just let me know here.:)
About the rollercoaster thing – I have had that always, and have a “light” bi-polar disorder – you may have the same. And so, then it IS a possibility for meds that could balance the rollercoasting – at least, it may be worth a try.
Much much love!
and checking if you sent the stone and the surprise _? 🙂
Tex!! You sound absolutely delightful even though your body is taking a time out.
I’m sorry you’ve been lying low for a week already …but your loving and playful Spirit
Is definitely shining thru❤️
My favorite line was “the zipper on the dinosaur”!
I love when you submit a long post and paint us a picture of
Your mental parade (: so much more exciting than anything
My imagination conjures up!
Feel Better xoxo
Wow maybe I will learn to love using my smartphone just because of the icons
Will go and check out Anil’s testimonial on your blog site Nina…
And now I’m curious about the stone and the surprise…I want one too!!!
How’s the weather in Norway Nina?
I have friends in Alberta who are still making snowmen in May!!
We had 90 degree temps last week and now we r barely hitting 70.
Gosh I just thought of Pam … She would find the conversion for Fahrenheit to
Celsius before posting… Miss her
Annie, today is ALMOST zero Celsius = – 32 fahrenheit
Dang thats cold for May!!!
Better stay here by the Fireside Nina and snuggle up to a good book (:
p.s. my math problem for today 2+2= (:
Annie, I like your answer even better than 2+2=5 🙂
Have a great weekend everybody !
Hedda, I didn’t think of the smile as the answer when I typed that out but since you pointed it out I think I like my answer better too!
The number 5 scrambles my brain…which of “Course” is the point Ken wants to make.
However, associated with that is still a feeling of resistance for me.
Unlike Anil, numbers are not necessarily my friends. (BTW I forgot your favorite # Anil)
Whereas a smile is accepting of form no matter what it is looks like.
When in doubt “smile”…that’s my motto.
And a quick Hello to Peggy. Enjoyed your morning meditation from Hawaii.
I like how your mother said “Yes” to the passport renewal with no hesitation!
Funny coincidence, I mailed off my mothers passport renewal yesterday. It’s her only form of a picture ID. However, there was an option to pay $30 for just a photo ID card or $110 for the actual book and I thought- who knows what the future will bring and I don’t want to limit an travel opportunities. And so Yes is always a good answer!
In case I sleep in tomorrow or am whisked away to an exotic land for Mothers Day – I send much love to all Mothers tomorrow and a quick Cheers to our Mother Superior whose cigar smoking antics still bring a smile to my face!
xoxo Annie
Oh no, Annie, that just won’t do… You forgot my favorite number, egad ! (:
Not much time to write, have to get ready for another meeting, its a good thing I invest in so many troubled companies, there’s always something to do (:
And I can continue to feel like the hero ( or villain) of my dream (:
Ps. Delighted to see that the Lesson bus continues to roll along, I love today’s lesson, which I may comment on tonight when “today” starts for the west.
Pps. Annie, all the odd numbers are my favorite numbers, the even numbers 2 4 6 8 are also getting there, but still a resistance to those, especially two. Which is probably my least favorite number.
Also, Nina, will go to your site to check out my testimonial. If I want to make edits to more accurately capture how I experienced your wonderful therapy session, I suppose I can mail you ?
Absolutely, Anil! I have only written what you originally wrote. Feel free to add:)
And i think of that session as yours 🙂
Anil, did you see the last question on May 8th? 🙂 For me, it says 1027 – but we may have different numbers
Oh yes-odd numbers are your favs…but wasn’t there a specific number?
And you must love that 2+2=5!
You least favorite number turned into an odd number-clearly that is what attracted you to
” A Course in Miracles”
And I know you were speaking to Anil …but FYI I see the last post on May 8th as 1029 Nina (:
And Katrina…I could just see you shaking you head and laughing when your grand daughter tripped and skipped her way into balance when coming over that gate!
Oh how one moment can change everything!
Gotta admit – watching DH change diapers though is priceless (:
Love and Hugs to All for a wonderful Day!
dear Anil – asking again: did you send the stone and the surprise _? I don’t have to have them:) but you told me you would send them right away – it might be the mail of course, that’s why I am asking here –
Not sent yet, Nina. Back in India now. Will write more later. Back in Singapore on Sunday. Busy times ! (:
Singapore on Sunday? Hope you get to go swimming!
Katrina, love your memory of the details of my life. Yes indeed, Singapore swimming date with my son today.(just landed) But I think we might not go today. He’s got a bad cough, lots of phlegm. We’ll play with his toys instead. perhaps. or whatever he feels like doing.
Annie dear , no favorite odd #. I love them all 1,3,5,7,9 ! and also zero. i love zero, but it’s not a number ? or is it ? (:
Nina, I think your envelope will be in the postal mail service, outbound to Norway by or before may 31st ! (:
ps Nina, never said “right away”. i never do *anything* right away (:. I’m still in this world instead of Heaven (: am very careful when I use the word/phrase “right away:”. have likely only used it once or twice in 45 years ! (: (last time was when I was in high school at 17.
love n hugs. (to all too)
Anil, please drop sending it if it feels like any obligation at all
No obligation at all, dear one !
It will be sent with *all* the love I am capable of mustering in my 45 years of existence ! (:
Just wanted you to know that I *never* do anything *right away* for anybody unless they are dying
And here in the village of all paces we know that no one is really dying, yes ? (:
Hugs n gentle kisses on your hair (:
I love you, Nina.
Please make further comments on the Fireside V page. Many thanks.
Hi everybody –
Playville by Nonsington
I left Gloomsbury early morning
It drizzled, and people on the train platform stood lined
up in straight rows, olive green raincoats, soaked tennis shoes
and dripping noses
No one waved
The Villages of Blueburn and Doomsbury whiffed past my
window, leaving a slight headache and a reminder of
rather old shoes
I ate a cucumber sandwich and took a sip of my
thermos with Earl Gray
while we made a short stop at Dullington.
A man at the platform had slid down from his bench,
His Times lay open beside him, pages slowly and
delicately turning, like being read by somebody
not really there.
His mops sat at his head, slowly turning its face after the train
At Gigglington a clear flute fanfare was heard, windows went
down and April air with scent of lemons filled
my compartment as the train softly slid onto the platform,
where a tiny jazz band with mice clad in white dresses with
red polka dots played “God Save the Queen” on banjos.
The train speeded up and there we were, in
Sidetrackington. I stayed for many years until
enough, moved on the next train and did not move a muscle
when we arrived at Boreington or Dullington – even though
the Railway Hotel looked smashing and they had a
horn-orchestra welcoming visitors.
Glamour City, however –
Freshly and pop-ishy decorated with gaudy
posters of faces of fame and fortune
I had to look a little closer
I heard the whistle in the last second
and hopped aboard again
Helped myself to a cuppa Lapsang Souchong and
a biscuit with Brie and two shrimps
Starting to feel expectant…where would my destination be?
I passed Simplicity, Hopewell and Faithington,
And although I really enjoyed the station of
Peacington, with its clear little lake with
3 swans and a Willow,
I could not see myself staying there
So –
Here I am now – in
Playville by Nonsington
The whole town is a theater, we all star,
And the Mayor welcomed me with
A bouquet of peacock feathers and
a glass of Moet & Chandon
I took his hand and we formed a
meandering chain, dancing in
a spiral into the marketplace
where the play never ends
and we all constantly end up in
always new beginnings
HEY- everyone! HI from Texas! Guess What – I was recently knocked down by some big dogs, and it broke my leg. I remember thinking the last thing before the dogs hit me was the line about the “hungry dogs of fear” … and then BAM! Yep – I guess they really do go out and fetch back whatever we ask for. Love to you all!
Hi Tex. good to hear from you. Hope your leg is healing fast. Your course reference makes me smile,..,the hungry dogs of fear indeed (:
Take care…
Hi Tex ~
I join Anil in wishing you a quick healing broken leg. When I broke my arm I learned some tips from my gym friends:
Avoid eating spinach as it can leech calcium from your bones.
Two types of homeopathic pills that promote bone healing by Boiron:
I got these at a store called Pharmaca…don’t know if you have them in Texas.
I went to Boiron’s site online which you can buy from.
1.Symphytum officinale 6C**
Symphytum officinale accelerates the formation of callus after a bone fracture has been reset and relieves the pain caused by bone trauma.
Dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until cast is removed.
2. Calcarea phosphorica 6C
Calcarea phosphorica helps in the consolidation of bone fractures.
Dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue twice daily until cast is removed.
Hi Anne, so sorry to hear about your mishap. What a scene, could just imagine those ‘hungry dogs’ (maybe they’re my own!!).
Hey Nina, I just read that poem, Playville by Nonsington, and really loved it. I found myself smiling while reading it. Really nice. I don’t know who wrote it – if you did, it’s a really excellent piece of writing. Hugs for sharing it. It would be nice to find a place for it where it might receive better exposure. Hugs, B.