
The bridge

The Quiet Garden of Forgiveness

Love, too, would set a feast before you, on a table covered with a spotless cloth, set in a quiet garden where no sound but singing and a softly joyous whispering is ever heard. T-19.IV.A.16:1

“There is a garden at the foot of this lovely statue with masses and masses of soft white lilies and little paths between to slowly walk and talk with Jesus. There is a fountain nearby and the forever trickling sound of water reminds us to leave the desert of wrong-minded thinking.” (Winnie)

Forgiveness is truly at the heart of the practice of A Course In Miracles. All of us have had moments of shifting our perception of a difficult situation, and finding peace. On this page I offer you the space to tell us about the stories that have stayed in your mind, times when you felt a real change occur in the way you were looking at a problem or upset. Maybe you were encountering aggressiveness in somone, or were being judged and belittled. Perhaps it was a loved one who had left you, or even a pet that had died. Or maybe there was fear, a threat in your life to you or to a loved one. In all these situations, at one time or another you have found peace beyond the pain, release from shame and sadness, and comfort and freedom in their place. There was always a presence there with you, the company of one who loves you and guides you to see differently. If you have had moments of finding that clear presence, please share it with us here.

A little more technically speaking, these would be moments when you reversed the projection and saw that the problem was not outside you, but with you, your perceptions and thoughts. A sudden moment of clarity perhaps when you saw that the upset was having pushed Love away, and not really what was happening outside you. Or perhaps it was just a moment when despite the upset or problem, you felt safely accompanied and that helped you remain unaffected by the problem, to get a little distance from it.

Please try to write concisely if your story requires a lot of explaining (and teach me something about brevity!). Also, please try to share from the heart and not from the head. It is always nice to hear the simple sincerity behind these inspiring stories.

1,203 Responses to “Garden”

  1. ninjanun says:

    Dear Companions along the way, very sweet to hear your voices and to remember the voices of the quiet ones and know we are together however it seems. Much love.

  2. Bernard says:

    Dear Lawrence,
    Many thanks for coming back and sharing your news with us. So sorry to hear about the neck. I do hope the future operation is more successful (if you choose that option). Bodies are such incredibly unreliable vehicles – makes you wonder why we designed them that way! Fortunately, our spirit/soul/mind knows none of these limitations, aches and pains. We shall all be united once more in that splendid place – in fact, we’re already there! It’s just our perception hasn’t yet adapted to see it. Hope to receive your future news. Thanks for loving presence, B.

  3. Nina says:

    dear all
    sharing where I am with the Course and Jesus and Spirit –
    about 1 1/2 year ago Jayem’s name popped up for me to notice, I felt a tremendous YES and recognition. I started to follow the teachings of “Way of the heart – followed audios and read the book, and found a Jesus that talks in a different way than to Helen – and that makes a lot of sense tome, that he speaks top everybody where they are. And Jayem and I and his students have a lot in common. March this year I started – with a couple of other old Villagers – a one year study course called The Jewel of the Christ Mind, and he includes a certain way of breathing that has made a lot of difference for me. I struggle much less here – and the radical Inquiry he teaches us is very much like I have trained before.

    We also have a big Forum with over 100 participants – so there is a lot of communications and assistance and LOVE going on there – and many of them in my age.

    I have written a novel last year – very much channeled – and it has been a very healing process.

    I am much more patient and loving with myself – and the lessons float so much easier this year. Above all, the one “Holy Son of God, give me your blessing” – awesome and instant results in about 90% when i say it. Grumpy people chnage and become all kind and loving – because I recognized that they were only my projection and chose again.
    Also, my first big love – 50 years ago, my God – recently gave me his Pentax camera because he just felt like it. For the first time i have an expensive great camera – and I have thought about buying one for years.

    Else? a lot tired – and a lot fast healings/feeling 100% better. For me, the body is not unpredictable at all – it never was – it is deeply faithful in reflecting where I save stuff I haven’t forgiven, and with breath and awareness I go deep into it and choose again – and the body answers with better health

    Love you all so very much, and hugging you all – the fountain is so lovely today, it sings, if you really listen.
    Hope Annie will turn up too.
    All my love always

    and include one of my latest poems. It is an answer to a poem by D.H.Lawrence, that I deeply love. Did I post this before, here? sorry 🙂 Maybe not.

    here is lawrence’s:

    The Song Of A Man Who Has Come Through
    by D.H.Lawrence
    Not I, not I, but the wind that blows through me!
    A fine wind is blowing the new direction of Time.
    If only I let it bear me, carry me, if only it carry me!
    If only I am sensitive, subtle, oh, delicate, a winged gift!
    If only, most lovely of all, I yield myself and am borrowed
    By the fine, fine wind that takes its course though the chaos of the world
    Like a fine, and exquisite chisel, a wedge-blade inserted;
    If only I am keen and hard like the sheer tip of a wedge
    Diven by invisible split, we shall come at the wonder, we shall find the Hesperides.

    Oh, for the wonder that bubbles into my soul,
    I would be a good fountain, a good well-head,
    Would blur no whisper, spoil no expression.

    What is the knocking?
    What is the knocking at the door in the night?
    It’s somebody wants to do us harm.

    No, no, it is the three strange angels.
    Admit them, admit them.

    here is my answer, that came right out of my soul in one big blast:

    At last you came!

    Come in come in and throw me to the floor
    With your tremendous laughter and wild hair
    Oh wild cascading hair like waves of ocean gods
    Who swallow me and spit me out
    As vibrant islands in tumultuous seas
    I will be used, I will, come make of me
    A cake with fragrant spices and a sweetness who will
    Bless and comfort those who find themselves quite snagged in
    Brambles and the kind of woods that trap you in eternal winter and
    Those winds that have no other words than die

    Now take my cake-voice to them, It will sing eternity and clouds
    And waterfalls, flamingos and the scarabé. I am a juicy cake!
    I taste of summer-rains and sage and strawberries and cream
    And when you least expect it, flames will burst
    Out from the sweetness and there I am as Phoenix
    Spreading out her wings and laughing with cascading hair
    Like waves of ocean gods

    going for dinner now

  4. Nina says:

    …hahaha wave of ocean god going to dinner xxx

  5. Hedda says:

    Hi dear Family, it’s good to hear from you ! I’m still reading the Manual for Teachers and I just ordered Ken’s DVD on Death and Dying. I’m on vacation now which means working in my garden and doing some repairs on the house. So far the weather has been cold and windy here up North. I’m doing OK but the world news are really sad and scary these days. I try to look at them with J by my side but far too often I forget .
    I wish you all a wonderful summer ,
    Love & Blessings from:

  6. Katrina says:

    Hi Lawrence and Hedda and Jean and Bernard and Nina and Michele and Tex and Anil (who will be so surprised when he checks in). —

    My world is spinning along just great. I spend my days waking up my 2 yr. old granddaughter, Amery, taking her for her morning daycare while I do my errands, bringing her home for nap. Then her daddy gets home to take over. It is delightful to have her precious exuberance and wonder making my life spicey and delightful with how funny learning to talk can be.

    It is 102 today. Grateful for no fires nearby. I’m rereading Disappearance of The Universe slowly. And forgiving, forgiving as needed, as always needed.

    I am sorry you have been laid up, Lawrence. Being sick goes at a slow pace, but lots of forgiveness lessons to build on, and lots of love surrounding you, from home and from here. Thank you for checking in and blessing us all! Bless you Brother.

    Hedda, you must have all the coolness pinned down up there. Maybe Nina has some, too. Nice that you can garden. It is way too hot to do that here. California is on drought commands to stop watering lawns. We’re moving to rock gardens. And veggie gardens are okay. I’m thinking those beautiful grass lawns at the Ojai resort are likely “California Gold” as we call crisp dry grass.

    Bernard, I saw your seminar post on Facebook. I wished myself there!! I don’t understand the words, but pick a few out. What a beautiful view of the Alps. . I just would be happy to lie on the lawns and look at the mountains. I’m so glad that the Course is becoming a big part of Patricia and your lives.

    Jean, it is so good to hear from you! What a great seminar that is. I’ve noticed that when the Foundation does the streaming classes that you can watch some of it later. I might be able to do one that way. Right now I don’t have ANY contiguous time spells! Amery is demanding to hold the Cookie Monster bandaid box herself right this minute. (She loves bandaids!). It sounds like Temecula is hot like here.

    Hi Nina. I love hearing from you on Facebook from time to time. There are some good Course groups. I like Vinnie Labascio’s “What Does a Course in Miracles Mean When It Says…” alot. I enjoy what so many people post. I like your interesting encounters and the way you explore so many different ways to love and grow.

    Hey, Tex, funny talking to you here! We’ve been working on some stuff and it is fun! Some of it exceeds all expectations! Love and dancing in the streets to you and your bestie!!!

    Anil, I miss your daily talking through your life. I check this site and read what gets posted. I just can’t sit down and post away. I toss out a comment to stuff on Facebook nowadays. I ‘hate’ the platform, but appreciate the frequent communication with my 5 sisters and 15 nieces with all the babies and family happenings. Did you say you have a blog once? I’d like to read it and hear how your world is going.

    And Annie and Zafu — miss you, too!!!

    Hugs and Love, Katrina

  7. Katrina says:

    Oh! heh Michele, ma’ belle, what’s new with you? Thank you so much for that DVD of your friends music. I put it on and Amery dances in circles. I’ll try to send you a short video I took of her doing it. It seemed like a continuation of life touch to see the music move from her to a dancing baby. Precious!
    Love to you, Katrina

  8. Anil says:

    Katrina –
    Hi ! (:
    Just a quick note to dash before I head to bed. I missed the June 30th 24 hour window by half an hour. (Am in NYC now, and just checked into the Holiday Inn).

    Yes, I was surprised when I checked in this morning. I was in Chicago then. Glad that Bernard’s idea worked out.

    It’s good (and interesting) that you like my daily ramblings. I know that for at least one Villager it was too much and drove that person away from here. Apologies (to that person and to any one else that found my ramblings too much).

    Life is good. And when things are not good, then I mostly remember it’s not life. Just a dream with the attraction to death as its underpinning.
    Its sneaks up upon me. And I feel calmer. But the few times I say it aloud to those of my earth family…. it doesn’t work.

    This really is a self-study Course (:

    In other news, met with Michele (and spoke with Annie) while I was in California. Very good to reconnect with them.

    And in more recent news (today/June 30th, etc)…I was so looking forward to today(June 30th’s) Lesson 181. I liked the intro. Then was let down at the lesson heading. Today, especially I was definitely not in the mood for that ! (:

    But the day went fine. And more than a few miraculous moments.

    All very good stuff to ponder on.

    Love to you and Bernard, Papa Lawrence, Hedda, Nina, Annie, Michele, Tex, Ninja Nun (andf everyone silent or not).

    ps. Guess it became longer post that intended ! See you all in two months was it Bernard ? August 31st ?


  9. Michele says:

    Companions along the Way ~

    Borrowing our Ninjanun’s expression, and starting with writing directly to you first…I just had the thought that you’re our sentry, steadfast in Temecula, enjoying the feast at the table there and holding it in our one mind.

    Along that line of thought Lawrence your writing: A night light that is ever on, dispelling the darkness and whose source will ever be a Light that shows the way…so beautiful and how I think of all of us Villagers seen and unseen, our eternally within our hearts intimate community, a gift that graces us all, that can never be diminished, everyone present and honored for their contributions that live in us. I hope the next steps with your neck situation bring relief to you.

    Bernard, it’s sounding like your and Pat’s creation is growing beautifully. When I sit and reflect on the feeling I get imagining the threads of connection you’re weaving through France, it’s a truly wonderful peaceful sense. It’s powerful work and as we know the reverberations will be unlimited in helping others in their undoing the blocks to love’s presence. Amazing heat wave news too, but not surprising given our global warming pit we humans dug. I hope you both get to enjoy a rain free holiday this year at some point if that is in the plan.

    Nina, so happy to learn you’ve found another from of practice and community that is working so well for you. You’ve always been one willing to plumb the depths and find the treasures within. I adore adore adore your gorgeous poem in answer to DHL’s. It’s soooo beautiful and transcendent.

    Katrina, feeling the joy in how everything for you is spinning along just great. How wonderful for all three of you and of course including your DH, that such a beautiful balance is at play in Emery’s care taking. And yes, what a magical thread Willow’s music is weaving with Emery spinning round in it. Smiling to picture her and you in your daily homemaking with your rock garden nests.

    Anil…you and I are a part of post 30 June team. I’m glad you edited the proper mailing address for you, prepare yourself for one for you and Lucas. Oh…speaking of which, sorry I was zonkered out that day dropping you off and totally forgot you had a pic of your darling boy for me to see back in your room.

    My news….
    My daughter and granddaughter are living in Jupiter, Florida. My daughter L was recruited out of Connecticut in early Jan with K joining her at her school break in March. K was sad to leave behind her boyfriend, but loves living there and just spend two weeks visiting with her boyfriend as they are still together in heart just apart in distance. L has been offered and accepted a position in a brand new fabulous A+ rating school that is 5 minutes drive.

    Today was the first time a conversation we were having lead me to read some excerpts from yesterday’s Lesson 181. It was relevant and so beautifully entwined within our conversation.
    We love our relationship and she is absolutely 360 degrees or is it 180 I should use…anyway she is thriving, so happy and grateful for all that has unfolded for her, plus she is very actively creating meaningful and fun relationships.

    I am also in a very wonderfully new era of my life. My work life I loved so, came into a new aspect of moving forward for the founder of our clinic, which will still continue it’s beautiful work. I got to create a wonderful evening event involving donors that I’ve worked with for the last 4 years. The drug company cure team and our founder gave presentations on very exciting findings our donors contributions allowed.

    The moving forward aspect also brought me to the retirement the founder and I had talked about last year.
    I am loving it!!! I do have two different ways I want to continue to serve. One of which is getting my certification in the Pete Egoscue Body Alignment work I’ve been doing for the last two years. It’s a powerful and extremely well thought out system with the goal of being pain free in the (bodily) areas that are problematic. I put the founder’s name above, and ex Viet Nam veteran who returned with chronic pain and wanted a solution, so y’all could google it if you wanted.

    The other form is being a volunteer for the San Francisco City Guides walking tours which are free to the public. I’m a native and have an ACIM friend in my monday night class who used to do them.

    I do get to continue to do our annual retreat up in the Gold County Amador County. Last year I think I may have written about how, in just the second day afternoon of our 4 day retreat, we had to flee a forest fire that had started up in the hills above us. We’re all looking forward to it being free of running for our lives this year.

    As far as my work within our lovely course of self study, it is progressing with the help of all my mighty companions, and my willingness to recognize my default ego machinations and as in yesterday’s lesson the helpful quote:
    It is not this I would look upon. I trust my brothers who are one with me

    I tried to Italicize looking right at the instructions on Wiki How and it didn’t work -:)

    Love to you All xoxox

  10. Bernard says:

    Hi Jean, Anil, Nina, Katrina, Hedda, Tex, Michele and Annie. I loved checking in with you all, and hearing about how life continues on its merry course in each of your lives. I’m glad that the Course is still part of your lives, in whichever way that fits best and inspires. That’s all that counts. Yes, Anil, that would be checking in again on August 31st, unless of course you all want to visite before that, which is every so fine.
    All my love, dear friends,

  11. Michele says:

    Hedda ~

    One of my first thoughts this morning was remembering you did indeed post Hedda and that I’d left off responding to yours directly. Enjoy your vacation and Ken’s DVD.

    Tex ~

    Thinking of you with love. I’m going to search for your latest post and savor your news.


  12. Nina says:

    Everybody, this is such a good idea – this 2-monthly coming together. Love hearing from all of you! And Anil, I wonder if you have misunderstood the one who said your ramblings were too much – ?
    And maybe you think you drove me away – no, the only reason I haven’t visited each day, is a sensation that we all are good with no daily contact, as before – but this way, a bi-monthly, or monthly get together is sweet, i get to feel how much i love and care about you all.

    warm hugs! see you August 1 – are we to bring food maybe? could be fun 🙂


  13. Anil says:

    hi sweet Nina,
    yes, and no (:
    i.e yes, that I may have misunderstood the one who….. (:
    and no, that thought about you staying away because of me did *not* cross my mind, and I’m glad to hear you confirm so (:

    i agree with you… it’s all good,
    the daily contact,
    the not-daily contact,

    todays lesson is so lovely…. I think Lesson 184 and 185 are going to be among my favorites forever…

    and they happen around July 4th, the day symbolizing America’s freedom, and also the day that Bill Thetford (who I think may have been enlightened before he died) made his transition, laying his body aside for the final time…

    love to you and all,
    here and not here…..
    from 42nd and 2nd in nyc…
    where bill and helen initiated our journey together.
    onwards to Heaven.

  14. anil says:

    Of the three possible reasons for writing in a quiet village, (wait, i just thought of a fourth possible reason, so now i write for three out of four reasons (:

    Yesterday i found myself unable to move forward to the next lesson in keeping with the lesson a day i had been following for 191 days this year…..although i cant be sure at this moment whether i started on jan 1, or jumped in a few days laater at the right, hah “right” (:, lesson number

    So today, this morning in hong kong, is the third day i repeat lesson 191, which really speaks to meand has been for three days now…..i wonder if i will want to do the same lesson repeated tomorrow too ? (:

    184, 185, 191….so many lessons resonating, so close together, and none of them memorable numbers for me, making it much harder for me to remember….(:

    Why do i need to remember ?

    Cannot it be that the right lesson will come to my mind at the right moment ? And can i not trust that reassurance ?

    I can.
    And I will.


  15. Bernard says:

    Hugs, bro.

  16. Nina says:

    Felt like sharing this from lesson194:

    “Now are we saved indeed. For in God’s Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us. If we forget, we will be gently reassured. If we accept an unforgiving thought, it will be soon replaced by love’s reflection. And if we are tempted to attack, we will appeal to Him Who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind. No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend.”

  17. Anil says:

    Thanks, Bro B. hugs to you too..

    Thanks, Nina.

    In other news……(:

    Walking back from buying milk for my morning coffee, and thinking that I should write back to Bernard’s hug from a few days ago, the thought came to me that Ken was right….

    “That the terror of giving up my Anil identity is perhaps vaster than I think….”

    (Paraphrasing one of the many Ken nuggets posted at the Monastery and the Village by various of our brothers and sisters who attended his Temecula classes)


  18. Anil says:

    Three months later in the garden….how stubborn I am, and therefore how stubborn this illusion…

    lesson 279 today asserts that Creations freedom promises my own.

    And yet I am not free, and I don’t see how the ego can ever be free.

    The best I can do is to start recognizing that I am not the ego, I am not the body, that nothing in my Ego world will ever be solved, but I can choose to start seeing it from above the battleground…

    This is a difficult course indeed, but what is the alternative….I can’t see any. I think I have worked myself into a position where I either turn off my mind, and become completely mindless, goal-less and irresponsible.. Or I continue to accept responsibility for my mind, the thoughts that appear there ceaselessly, and for the choices I make with the thoughts I identify with and those I let pass….

    A difficult choice indeed, but it seems impossible for me to turn off my mind, and so the choice seems inevitable,,,,the Course lives on….(:

  19. richard says:


    I think there is a line to two in the Course which mentions that once a little willingness to awaken from the dream is expressed within our lives, then we set in motion the atonement.

    In other words you swallowed the bait. Its a done deal. The prodigal son returns to his home.

    Just imagine one happy day, we will awaken and spend 24hrs without fear, judgement or opinion. There will be nothing but deep abiding peace, joy and guiltlessness.

    The laughter at what we thought to be fearful will be immense..



  20. Anil says:

    Richard, my brother,

    Loved reading your message last week. The guilt must have been deep within me, reading your letter elicited a solitary tear drop that found its way out of the corner of my left eye. I was surprised at my reaction, but enjoyed it onetheless (:

    (Tears are like raindrops to me, they soften the hard edges of my mind)

    I particularly liked the part that began with “just imagine”. I think I want to toe it out again…(:

    “Just imagin(ING) the happy day we will awaken and spend 24 hours without fear, judgement or opinion, there being nothing else but deep abiding peace, joy and guiltless ness”….this is a very happy thought to commence my day with…(:

    Almost makes Lesson 285 seem more believable to my mind (:
    “My holiness shines bright and clear today”


    Ps. Had a nice chat with Bernard last week. I told him of our conversations here…he sounded very happy to know that. I’m very tempted to fly to France. Perhaps in 2016 (:

  21. Hedda says:

    Just a little Hi everyone ! . I will pop in October 31st to see if there is a meeting. Right now I am listening to KW:s CD ” Make No Illusion Friend “. This is one I will listen to again and again; very helpful to me !! Love & Hugs

  22. richard says:

    greetings Anil & friends..

    The 24hr guiltlessness awakening will be doubly amazing I feel as will happen on an ordinary day, doing ordinary things…

    The washing up will get done, kids fed, bills paid, perhaps even crash the car or miss a flight etc… all this will unfold against a back drop of unmovable and palpable abiding peace and joy…

    not a flicker of angst or irritation will arise…guiltlessness is guiltlessness..

    this Course is priceless…



  23. Michele says:

    Richard ~

    Reading your posts are, as the students prayer beginning states, I am here to be truly helpful, certainly are to me!


  24. Anil says:

    Richard, this Course is priceless indeed.
    (like the old MasterCard ad ! (: — did you ever see those ads ?)

    Old, pointless joke (;

    I agree – the backdrop of awakening will be a normal day. Like this one I am experiencing right now (:

    I really believe I am a body. The depth of that belief shows up more and more each day.

    And the Course’s solution to that non-existent problem.. i.e the body, the world, the universe.

    All this seems real.

    If I could really believe the Course, and one of its most frequently repeated lessons “I am not a body. I am free. I am as God Created me” – all illusory problems will be just that…. illusory.

    This Course is priceless. and simple.

    But not easy.

    “A happy outcome to all things is sure”

    Lesson 292 is unequivocal in that.

    Maybe it’s true (:


    ps. Michele – did you get my SMS to your cell phone ? I called a few times. It kept going into v-mail directly. Like you were travelling or the phone was off/out of battery ? It seemed odd to me, because it happened many times over many days ? Happy to see your post here !

    pps. Bernard – Happy Appearance Day on the 31st this month ! (: I believe I have already wished you a happy Birth-day and birth-month, but hey, another repitition is fine, eh ? (: Happy October !

    ppps. Hi Hedda ! Good to see you dropping by.

  25. Hedda says:

    Hi dear Village Family, it is , as Anil put it : ” Appearence Day ” today ! I hope Everyone is doing well in whatever classroom situation you find yourself right now <3
    It is also All Saints Day today here in Finland . Ken is the symbol of my personal "Saint". Like everyone else I still take this mad dream seriously but one enormous light for me in the madness is Ken's presence in the form of texts and DVDs.
    I actually have two sets of " Make No Illusion Friend" (which is a proof of my resistance I didn't remember I had already bought it a year ago or so ! ) . I would be happy to send the other set to one of you who doesn't have it and would like to have it for free !
    I assume that you dear Bernard already have it ?
    Now I want to end my little note with a Ken quote suitable on All Saints Day:
    " nothing happens when you die. Everything is the same. Death is a thought, it is going from one room to the other. Death represents the thought that loss is real.
    From Ken's CD: Death and Dying.
    Hugs&Love to you All !!!

  26. Anil says:

    Hi Hedda and fellow inhabitants of our beloved Village:

    Happy All Saints Day to all. And we are blessed to have Ken as a saint in our lives. A very kind man. By everyone’s account. Even mine. ( and i never even met him (:

    All is in the well. I mean, All is well (:

    I wrote a lot of stuff. Then deleted it (:

    So I will end now, with extending love to all of you, as best I as I can.

    Take care, dear friends. God bless us EveryOne.

  27. Katrina says:

    Hellooooo Everyone who may stop by!!

    Not much new here, ‘cept my sweet granddaughters are growing. I am so surrounded by goodness.
    Today was a warm gorgeous day at San Simeon beach and pier. Baby loves the waves. Tonite she is out for her first trick or treat. For us, tomorrow is All Saints day. We have to really look at these evil ideas tonight. She wanted to be a witch, adamantly! I said she was a good witch, and she said NO i’m a scarey witch! You see, out of the mouths of babes — the opposite of God is fear.

  28. ninjanun says:

    Hello Dear Village from Temecula. Quiet here on this sunny morn with tea and dog nearby. Week after next the November Academy and I hope to see old friends there. And i will try to sneak in a wave or two if you are streaming, some times i get a text from someone in the middle of class from around the world, fun.

    And the best is the wonderful anthology of Ken’s from the Lighthouse Articles and on page 68 he says, my paraphrase…..and we suspend our need to understand and control the events in our individual and collective lives….and accept the curriculum (our life) as it is presented to us……and ask Jesus to see it with peace…..lovely and simple.

  29. Michele says:

    Hi Everyone November 1st!!!Love you all!!!

    Anil ~ I sent you this email on October 22 about you sending me an SMS and calling, but here is the place to get to you fastest.

    Had my smart phone tuned to Airplane mode a great deal for days in a row, except when I got back home, as I was involved with the Mill Valley Film Festival form Day one to day 9.

    That’s why it kept going straight to voicemail.

    One day when and if, you ever choose to join the smart phone world, you too will use airplane mode, save your data, and be undisturbed as well as undisturbing to others.

    Thanks for the checkin with me and the birthday wishes!

  30. Anil says:

    Dearest Michele,
    Thanks for your kind message. Have not been on email for almost two months now. I wonder if I should apologize for that ! (:

    I mean I am quite happy not being on email, but it seems to be that you prefer email. So our preferences are in direct opposition. ):

    Quite a conundrum and one that I do not know the solution for. At least at this moment…

    Its been a heavy morning already. So I will take your leave and mull over my stressful thoughts over a cup of coffee and perhaps some breakfast.

    Thanks for writing..I was already satisfied that all was well when I saw your Happy Appearance Day post to Bernard. (This additional post to me was truly not just icing, but the whole cake indeed (:


  31. Lawrence Wittig says:

    I have let the out side world hold sway over my emotions and my Love. I have lost a younger brother since I last posted. I have also lost one of my best friends and I hadn’t communicated with him in quite some time. I think sometimes we make our world too small, while all along thinking it’s to big.

    Sharon and I are the grandparents of two girls and a boy. Cory our son is getting married in June, his three sisters are all married already. I have and continue to have crazy operations and situations, but what else is new eh!

    I told myself I wasn’t coming back here, but our love, one for another is real. I was wrong in not checking back to see how you all were. I haven’t be en reading posts, nothing. I acted like a child and I am sorry. I struggle lately with my mortality. I am still not afraid of dying, not to worry no one told me I was. (just falling apart a little)

    I worry for my family, but in so doing and facing up to that truth, I remembered my family was a lot bigger than I was living and caring for. I don’t know what will change. But I do know I will, I feel it and it feels good.

    God Bless Us Every One

    papa lawrence

  32. Katrina says:

    God bless you. Papa Lawrence.
    Your story is my story. Sad for your beloved losses and body challenges, and grateful for all the new babies and family members. We contract and expand. We remember we love. You make us all holier with your love.

  33. Nina says:


  34. Bernard says:

    Hi Lawrence,
    Your thoughts, all of them, are lovely and show us more of your gentle soul. Our family here at the Village is getting quieter and quieter. Silence is perhaps the answer, to everything, just a gentle, quiet silence in which maybe we can feel that special Something Else. I do hope that we all manage to feel that kind, eternal presence keeping us all company, even as our lives dip and bounce and turn. We’re all going home together, no matter what that looks like for everyone individually. So, see you all there!
    Much love to you all, B.

  35. Nina says:

    My soul burst out in butterflies today
    and then delivered me from all those lies
    I was cocooned in, holding me grotesquely sway
    in bitterness and blame, and opening blue skies
    instead, oh, breathing out the sweetest prayer –

    dear Love, I see that beauty never dies

    I flew and watched and found my wings so versatile
    I had become the very substance of God’s smile

  36. Michele says:

    Wow! Nina what a beautiful poem! xox

  37. Michele says:

    Papa Lawrence, Bernard, Katrina, Nina and Village ~

    I am glad you posted your update Papa Lawrence, and Katrina and Bernard’s responses speak most eloquently and simply, and I add how you express yourself is and always has been, a balm of comforting truth.

    Truly all our posts are in one way or another, a balm of comforting truth. Maybe in Course speak…the content is a balm of comforting truth, joining me with you in our oneness, the form doesn’t matter really, but boy oh boy, I do love the way you all express yourselves in form as well!

    Shout out to our Scottish man of interesting pursuits and lovely posts Richard!

  38. richard says:

    Shout out heard Michelle,

    I have been very busy making babies. Four months ago my wee laddie Marcus incarnated for a ride on the merry-go-round.

    My partner and I have been cocooned in winter baby bliss, but the sun is shinning with increasing intensity and we are out n’ about with our wee bundle.

    I am still scratching a living from turning derelict land into community gardens. Today we were preparing our veggie beds (in an abandoned walled garden) for the growing season.

    Tomorrow I have a children’s group in garden for some weeding, tree climbing & hide n’ seek…

    As you can imagine my ACIM practice has notched up a gear, and this thing called forgiveness just keeps on getting deeper and deeper..and deeper..and..

    Much of life is lived in the moment, fumbling, one step at a time, breathing in as I hold the hands of my brothers & sisters, tentatively trying understand that there really is nothing to fear.

    Just to think those words “there is nothing to fear” is sometimes terrifying.. and yet at other times one gets lost in the love of those words contained…

    Mother and child are asleep now and I am about to squeeze myself in-between them, lie there for a while “just being” in the mystery, before the ebb and flow of their breath carries me off to the other dreaming place…

    love, love, love…… Richard

  39. Michele says:

    How Stupendously Wonderful to read!!! My heart is absolutely leaping with Joy to learn of Marcus, your beautiful Italian partner and yourself cocooning these last four months, able now to bundle him up and enjoy the whole new world it is for all of you outside with him.

    All the scenes, familiar corners you both have traipsed together now more glorious than ever because he is with you, folks walking by wanting a peek, these early months are so precious!

    Winter Baby Bliss …Our Village has a new baby boy!!!

    Love, Love, Love……Michele

  40. richard says:

    Hi Michelle, The early months are certainly heart expanding. Looking at the world through Marcus’s eyes, holding the wee soul in all his vulnerability, to be rewarded with those big gummy smiles..

    (The really good bit is that he like to sleep through most of the night…)

    peace, peace, peace..Richard

  41. Michele says:

    oh yes…sleeping though the night…..Priceless!!! Happy for you both of you tending to wee Marcus!!

    peace, peace , peace Michele

    oh…do you happen to be on Facebook? If so friend request me my last name is king and you’ll need to type my name with one L only

  42. Nina says:

    Michele, Richard,Anil all – BIG HUG

    I had such a great experience this morning and want to share –

    I had a webcast with a teacher who channels the Christ Council – Israel Ahn’ Asha.

    We were invited into breathing and connecting with each other, and suddenly some words sprung out to me, like written with fire: ‘whatever you think, you are loved’

    meaning – whatever you think, you are loved thinking that(in this moment)

    acting like that – judging like that – talking like that

    truly seeing that that LOVE that is my Source allows all my expressions –

    The God that I love allows all

    and allows all to be embraced by love,

    even my “bad memories” – actions – thoughts


    At first this was just thought – and then I was prompted from inside to allow this to be true and FELT and bodily experienced

    and that was when the fun started

    It feels like a huge bottlebrush is working me inside – I almost throw up, yawn, hiccup,sweat, and most frequently just watch it with wonder

    then i lose contact with it and then another thought of should not-comes – self criticism, critic of others – and at exactly the same time, this new thought comes again:

    you are loved WITH that thought – (resistance – judgment – memories etc)

    this is nothing I “need” to practice or remember –

    it just is turned on 🙂

    I am reminded of the TMI where Jesus tells us that as soon as that first thought of separation from God happened, He at once introduced the correction –

    Now I am experiencing that very correction each and every time my mind wanders into the familiar forests of separation

    Richard, if you could send me your mailadress, I have a link to a strange and wonderful gnomey-like gardening that i would love to share with you – my mail is leelah11 and then gmail dot com

  43. Nina says:

    Michele – would you have any news about Jamie?

  44. Anil says:

    Hi Nina,
    Long time. Good to hear from you. And thank you for sharing your march 20th experience ! I come to your site directly from time to time, but can’t comment because I have forgotten my WordPress password ! (:

    All is well with me. Had a purple of conversations with Michele while in the u.s.a where I am currently. And Annie and I also spoke a couple of weeks ago.

    We are all deep I our self-study course, I guess, Michele and I do talk about it from time to time, but other than that, the course lives on within us.

    Its been two years since you did a past-life regression for me, and the little gift I have for you is still stored safely in Singapore. It will mae its way over to you I am sure. One part of me feels like wanting to say sorry for its long delay, another part feels like all things happen at the eit time ! (:

    Love, always,

    Ps. Richard, congrats, my friend ! Had no idea you were in the family way !! (: cheers, bro….or s
    May be I can say, whisks and sunshine ! (;

  45. Michele says:

    Nina ~ Sorry Luv…no word on Jamie. xox

  46. Anil says:

    Michele, my dear.. Just landed in sfo tonight. Staying in Atherton with my ex-boss. Will call you tomorrow. (:

  47. Nina says:

    Hi all, {{{big hug}}}
    Michele – does that mean that you don’t know, or that he does not want anything to be known?

  48. Anil says:

    Thanks, Nina. Hugs to you too ! Greetings from NYC, where J/Big Blue/Holy Spirit dictated the course to Helen and Bill….

    Leaving tomorrow for Delhi,
    Love you all.

  49. Anil says:

    Friendship is such an interesting thing.

    I read the posts of all our friends from all around the world and watch the interplay of relationship between the various of our friends that still gather here from time to time.

    It is a pleasure, nay. Something life-affirming in the way the words unfold between us.

    Even though the conversation here dwindles. This year we had a few posts. Perhaps the time will come when there is only one post per year ! (:

    It will probably be mine (;

    Love ya all…I am loving Review Five these days.

    God is but Love, and so are you all….

  50. Bernard says:

    Another day on this crazy world of ours.
    Did we need any more proof of the insanity inherent in the mind of man?
    One more very solid reason to try to find reality elsewhere.
    And, fortunately, that elsewhere does exist.

    This is not escape in the sense of denial. It is looking straight at all that happens here and saying, We’re all insane in thinking we can find peace here.
    It’s not physical safety we’re really looking for. If that were the case, it would be better not to leave the house!
    It’s not locking up every person who might possibly use a gun, or use his car to ram people that will make us feel safer.
    It’s remembering innocence, a state of exceptional purity and beauty that has nothing to do with this world. With that memory in mind, we can look at the horror and know that, somewhere, we’re all safe, loved and protected. With that memory in mind, we feel peace and will do peace-inducing things, and help those who need a hand.

    Let’s try, just a little, to remember that special peacefulness that includes everyone, not just the victims, but everyone, on both sides of this insane conflict. When we remove the conflict from our minds, we’ll immediately feel safer, having taken a stance against taking sides, having taken a stance to include everyone.
    Everyone wants to be included in our kindness.
    Let’s not hold back.

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