Village Square III
In our AcimVillage, we have the plane tree that stands in the central village square. Its enormous branches spread out to cover an area wide enough to provide shade on a warm day for many a traveller or tradesman. Water bubbles and trickles from a stone fountain on the eastern side. It is under the plane tree and by the fountain that wandering sages have traditionally lead conversation with the local people, before setting off again on their way; it is here that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom.
Rules to ponder…
Study of A Course In Miracles benefits greatly from sharing our experiences in its practice. Here you can talk about what works, or doesn’t, for you, taking obvious care not to be ‘preachy’, please. We all learn best when someone talks from their own experience, rather than tries to tell us what we should be doing differently. Let’s take the position that none of us are teachers, we are all at the same point returning on the path Homeward. All of us will still be making mistakes for a while yet, so let’s be particularly humble and caring in how we deal with each other. Please keep in mind that this is a site dedicated to the approach Kenneth Wapnick takes to teaching ACIM. I shall certainly do my best to bring everyone back to the core principles as taught by him.
I would also like to point out that AcimVillage is the place to come to explore our judgments, but not to express them as judgments. If you feel you need to gripe, criticize and vent, even subtly, then contact me privately (at where I will receive you with kindness and understanding. Please do not do so in the forums where I will inevitably moderate out this kind of post. Remember, you will feel better only when you are able to move past the investment in your judgments, not simply by unloading them for everyone to see. This means taking responsibility for your perceptions and acknowledging that ultimately no one has prevented you from feeling completely peaceful and safe, despite what might appear to be the unfortunate conditions of your life at this time. (I know, this is hard. Contact me if you’re struggling.)
So, two basic rules here. One, we avoid mention of other approaches to the study of ACIM (non-Wapnickian) as well as to other philosophies we might be studying. This is purely to achieve a stable, comfortable learning forum where we are all aiming at the same goal, using the same symbols and language to get there. This is not to cast any judgment on any other approaches or philosophies. ACIM is a sufficiently difficult path to undertake without bringing more confusion into our study than our minds already contain! If you have benefited from other paths and would like to share your thoughts, by all means do so. Just please do this in the privacy of your personal emails. It’s also my personal opinion (take it or leave it) that at some point a student of ACIM is much better off sticking with one set of symbols and one teacher, and working with these thoroughly, instead of getting too dispersed. Rule two, we try not to play ‘teacher’ with each other here, reminding ourselves to be humble and always equal with our brother.
Enjoy the discussion!
Forgive me this is the wrong place to post this but I have tried the others and it won’t let me get to bottom of page. I found out about Pam this morning. I understand nothing, I understand everything two sides of a coin not being tossed, who are we to put time stamps on anything. Love Is as God Is and we? We are timeless.
This one stings when I allow it, and Pam wouldn’t want that.
Lesson 37
My holiness blesses the world. And Lawrence your holiness blesses our warm embrace of our tender loving sister, Pam. You are always in the right place. As is she.
A long time ago, I wanted to go see Ken in Roscoe, NY. But it was all the way across the continent. Then he moved to Temecula. Then I thought aaarrgh! I have to go thru LA to get there. After awhile I thought, wait a minute, if he moved across a whole continent to get close to me, i can at least make the effort to get thru. Pam always wanted to go to Temecula to see him, but couldn’t. Now he is where it was easy for her to go. Picture in my mind: Ken giving her the loving squeeze you will see in the pictures of the village girls in Bernard’s Workshop / Temecula section!
Today’s lesson (and yesterday’s) keep building on the gift I got on L 35, where I could feel the ease of moving between my wrong mind and my right mind. It wasn’t an ‘awakening’, but just a firm obviousness thatI really had a Right Mind. This entire physical world feels alien when I know my Right mind is even momentarily open. Yesterday I slipped up there and put WD40 on the door hinges to it. Now, when the 3D cr*p invades, I run up , elbow it open, take a quick peek at the rush of Light, roar with laughter, and return to talking to the insurance lady about the crummy amount she is offering for our totaled car. These blessings are not changing this dry and dirty manifestation. But this wasteland can not eliminate my refuge, either.
My plan today, when the crocodiles snap at my toes as they commonly do, is to wap the door wide open and grin like the Cheshire cat while the Light gushes onto them. Then let it close and try to act ‘normal’.
Katrina I was thinking the same thing about Pam and Ken and I loved what you said to Lawrence.
Lawrence I loved what you said about Pam not wanting it to sting. Your’e right,
I never look for a room here to post in. I know it makes some folks happy to enjoy the differences of the rooms but to me it’s all the same, I just go to the comment I want to click on and there I am.
{{{{{Anil and your dreams}}}}}}}}
38 there is nothing my holiness can not do!
I feel it. Because it is not mine per se — it is from the HS (and therefore “real” holiness) and my only job is to extend it…. rather – to step the h3ll out of the way (body) and let it extend though me! Enveloping everything.
There is that little glimmer of hope!
I was recently watching lol cats on youtube. there be some cray-cray cr@p out there! And I just looked and looked (as though in a hammock) and laughed out loud…. because it is impossible and ridiculous and just not worth not remembering not to laugh!
Yeahhhh! Tex, that’s what opened up for me, too. As long as I was trying to spread around the holiness I owned, I just couldn’t really do it. But HS musta decided to use my split mind for His purpose, and there was the little ego kachina doll over on the side playing jacks and seeing all the mean people. And my decision maker decided to leave her be and ran to the big door of holiness, opened it up and let it fly out all over the place. I have an intended target when I go for opening the door, but i don’t try to look at where it goes. Too bright to see, i even feel like I’m off to one side just getting the sideways rays which are just my size. The garage door opener fixer man who charged $225 just got a blast. My Kachina doll is aghast and cursing, why so much? I oughta blast her one, too. Oh, I forgot, she is just a puppet of the ego shape shifting. On the other side, my mind is a part of God’s. I am very holy. I already got the blast! (Oh, but Kachina tries anyway to deny it — look she has already found some other irritating proof. She is such a delicate wee victim.)
Bi-polarly ours, Katrina
Everything that happens to me, I want
very sobering thought right now – but the only way to choose again would be to admit that i want all this chaos first
I am just writing down all that I have chosen and want: I want to lose things that I(believe I ) need, like electronic equipment. I want to be sleepless, a special tortured nutcase a lot of the time, I want to be bored and feel stuck and left out and rejected. I want drama and specialness and comparisons and biting my nails
And now I am going to change all those wants to what I AM
Big hugs to everyone right now, Nina, Lawrence, Tex, Katrina, Michele, Anil, Annie, Ninja-Jean, Zafu, Richard-acimpunk (still there), Hedda, Laura, Leni, Bev, Cory and even Pam looking on. Love you all. You are all my collective manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Keep up the wonderful work. And keep smiling, no matter what’s going on in your lives. Peace is still there.
L39. My holiness is my salvation.
:: If guilt is hell, what is its opposite ? ::
Amazing question that, and that’s how this spectacularly powerful lesson starts. I love so many of the lines in this one… like…
:: We are not interested with intellectual feats or logical toys. We are dealing only with the obvious………… *which has been overlooked in the clouds of complexity in which you think you think* ::
Man, o man, [or perhaps more appropriate to the Village, should I say woman, o woman (=…
that phrase particularly hits home for me “the clouds of complexity in which i think i think”. Lovely.
I was moved to tears by the question “What about your own salvation ?” Guess the feeling of being a miserable sinner lies deep within me, and this lesson liberated that, at least to some degree.
:: My holiness is my salvation ::
How simple is salvation and how grateful I am for that.
ps. Nina, Lisa (Natoli) has a terrific write-up on her web-site for her journey through the lessons. for Lesson 38, it was particularly helpful for me y’day. I will read her L39 comments later today.
My Holiness is my salvation.
So really, there is nothing to fear. And literally, I am afraid of nothing. Nothing unreal exists.
I am starting to see this come together… hmmmm
Thanks for that big hug Bernard. You can let go now, no seriously, I can’t breath….thanks..gasp…(pretty strong for an aussie..)
I am still around the village but living a very quiet existence up in the fields growing vegetables and fruit. Not much to report, just feeling my way around the atonement and compost. Ken is obviously at the helm of my study, his gentle hand guiding and assisting the thoughts I choose to identify with. My cup over floweth with gratitude for his continued service.
wishing you all the peace that is yours.
stay cool – have fun
Whad’ya mean, pretty strong “for an Aussie”?
Happy atonement amongst the carrots and turnips. Don’t let your cauliflowers get you down, they never mean it. And don’t take those weeds personally. The Son of God shines brightly in them, too.
Seriously, I heard Kenneth say that our kindness should go out to everything, all people and objects. If it’s not kindness we’re giving, then it’s a projection we’re making, claiming that the frying pan, tire, rock or hoe ‘is doing it to us’. We’re always either extending our kindness through inclusion, or projecting the responsability for our poor choice through condemnation. So simple. So give a carrot a kiss today. You’re giving a real meaning to the “Garden of Forgiveness”, one of our favorite pages at the Village.
” I think the cauliflower more beautiful than the rose” – Uncle Monty, (Withnail & I)
Ken repeatedly makes this point about being kind to objects. You could flip the first commandment “thou shall not kill” and apply it to anything… thou shall not kill this bike, pair of shoes, pan of lentil soup, thou shall not kill this e-mail..bang….ugh….oh I just did.. sorry..
oh but can kill the email with a hug and a thanks, can’t you? they like that
Hi Richard ~
You’re fun…and I wish I could expand your gravatar and see what the image is. How would you describe it?
I am blessed as a Son of God.
And this is the most I have ever done the lessons.
This wonderful three days of rain here in the Bay Area was a great backdrop to staying in and finishing one of the most beautiful and deeply moving books I’ve ever read…Carol Howe’s Never Forget to Laugh book on Bill Thetford.
Greetings Michele,
I don’t know how to expand my gravatar. It is a flyer for the aikido club I attend.
If you lived in Scotland as I do, you would be considered quite nuts to describe three days of rain as wonderful. As we approach a vote for independence here in Scotland, the one thing that unites us a nation is that we all agree – Scotland is wet (and cold) and full of beardy ginger men in wee tartan skirts. That’s three things.. oh well..
Think I will head back up to the fields, I can sense I bring a deep shallowness to depth and studiousness of the village.
so long and God bless yer wallets.
I love your pondering, Richard. And i don’t feel a bit shallowed at all
Oh, Richard – I am glad you are here! We are plodding along in the WorkBook right now. I am being as diligent as possible to write something everyday.
Lesson 41
God goes with me wherever I go.
Well. I think I’ll tell Him that I will be right there, then go back to bed.
This should be comforting. What the h3ll?
Hi Tex
Oh your on the easy ones. Right up until lesson 357 Jesus intended those pages for doodling, paper airplanes and digestive aid. That’s what was in the original text before Ken messed with it.
In bed with God..ooookay..
Nina – thanks for the kind words.. There is no order of difficulty with shallowness..
I hear winter kale calling me back to the field o’ dreams..
Lesson 41
Munch, munch, i need a digestive aid. God goes with me wherever i go.
Maybe that’s what Ken meant when he said we were being too serious.
My car got totaled (by –>). My husband had 1 day off before his 6 day x 12 hr. shifts started. He was not hurt at all except a bruised hand. So, i figured it was better to shop for a used car WITH him in one day than take a week, even with God with me, and listen to the next 10 yrs. of why i chose wrongly. Only thing is, it is red, so now I expect the attention of traffic cops. I am trying to use cruise control on the freeways.
Michele, i loved Carol Howe’s book, too! It was so wonderful that she was able to ferret out so much about Bill Thetford. And our world is so much more ready to see the beauty of the many aspects of his relationship with Helen, the cia, etc. I knew a woman who was part of the San Diego group, in fact, she borrowed my book. I guess i need to get another copy. Alan and Margaret Dolit were good friends in Hawaii with Jack and Laleili (spelling off). When Bill told Judy Skutch he had finally forgiven everyone, i figured that was Ken and Helen and, of course, me. It seems like the ‘controversy’ happened to lay down that same last forgiveness challenge to us all… The smallest irritation is so alluring.
Where is that door to the Right side of my mind? Wap it open, and whoosh God floods out. I can’t believe he thinks I needed a red car!
Excellent Lesson. Reminds of the time my aunt once wished me May God be with you every step. Back in 2002. I was at my sisters house in Smerville, MA. We were speaking on the phone between Somerville MA and Jamshedpur, India.
Tears rushed to my eyes. I knew not why back then.
Like they did when reading this Lesson today. Now I know why the Tears came. They tell me I am not the miserable sinner I think I am.
Amazing Grace.
Ps. Good speaking to you, Annie today. And Bernard last week !
I am currently working on Chapter 30 “Rules for decision.”We are told that only when we choose with our “advisor” can we expect to be happy. So today, I wanted to go to the movies, and heard an insistent voice telling me not to go. Since it felt so non-loving and nagging, I took the bus anyway – and then I prayed for a sign that it was true that I should NOT go to town and movie.
There was a pram standing in front of me – its front turned 45 degrees away from me. I did not see the baby’s head earlier – but the second I prayed for a sign, the baby’s head shot out, turned 45 degrees so it looked right at me and smiled and smiled and smiled.
All doubt fell away. I exited the bus and returned home.
Richard ~ Scotland…how wonderful to know what part of not being here you reside in. An Aikido practicing, row/s of kale growing, remembering to laugh and providing many, brother in the mists. Which part of Scotland are you in?
Katrina…glad your DH is OK. I loved it that Jack was a former Marine and DA and neat to hear about them cavorting in the islands with the Dolits’.
God. Strength. Vision.
All these lessons have been talking about vision and seeing things differently. Now comes the time to join them all?
ok – I am in my hammonk – ready to go!
Greeting Michele,
I live in sleepy old back water village, which clings to the landscape on an outcrop of rocks deep in a highland glen at the top of mountain, known locally as Edinburgh. Apart from me, some squirrels and a half million Japanese ‘financial aid workers’ with cameras nothing much happens around here.
Rain, more rain…winter turns into winter, a wee bit of autumn and then back to winter.
peace in a small world
aloha richard … my family is from scotland …
family name is ‘walker’
have always guessed that’s why I walk all the time
hawaii has been blessed and beautiful … turtles on the beach this evening
whales leaping while the sun set
people visited today that were all happy delights
yes, tex, … it’s all God’s strength doing it …
vision … seeing not with the eyes
am appreciating all the lively sharings
anil on the road again sharing your travels
everyone checking in
aloha … sharing love and blessings
so thankful… things are looking bright again
Love to my Village Family
God is my Source. I cannot see this apart from Him.
Lots of Love here these days – I am glad to be part of it!
I guess I need it because I feel I don’t have it. Ugh. Now I am understanding how this all works.
I woke up all worried and scared about the future – scarcity, doubt, all kinds of fears… trying to really calm myself and trust J and HS and all the workbook promises… transitioning from the nosey bully in the front row always asking stupid questions – to the meek and sleek little nerd student who earnestly wants to learn the lessons this time!
Me too, Tex, me too ! (=. I.e happy to be here, because there is a lot of love here.
In gratitude, anil
Ps. Peggy, I have a special message for you. Will write to you again in the Garden tmrw….love, anil
Anil, to your anxiety -I want to share that those have been such a gift to me, now that I at last realize that when they come, they come to be allowed to be released…they are on their way out…unless we judge them as bad and real and make ourselves guilty and sinful –
thinking of Byron katie, who calls these energies confused energy wanting to go home – we can help them leave, when blessing the situation, surrendering deeper into whatever we are feeling, without listening to the stories
And then your post made me think about Ken and the story about how nuts he was about Gloria when they met – and i think that lasted all their life –
I love you
bless you
we are innocent – just as God created us
Hi all — it does feel warm here at the source. I had not heard that story about Ken and Gloria. How delightful, so nice to See it from His view. And love the Byron Katie insight on how to see anxieties. I’ve had them lately too. Good to see them as just feelings, and the stories extraneous. Ego lures . . .
The rules for decision are so nice and clear. I don’t read them enough. Thanks for the reminders, Nina!
Annie, hope things are staying sane, being back to work must have kicked things up a notch. Glad to hear you come in for a breath.
Tex, I have been so glad you have been carrying the ball each day. I’ve kinda been hanging onto the back of the bus, still with it, but knees scuffed somedays.
Go Team Village!
God is the Light in witches I see.
Wait – what?
God is the Light in which I see.
So I bring nothing (actually, that is what I bring – no things)… and HS brings Everything. God, Light, Creation (already made eternally by the Eternal) etc…and somehow all this light seemingly *filters* through me – my body, and dream – and it changes (in perception only…. nothing so blinding as perception of form)…
Am I getting this?
Today while doing the lesson i fell asleep. I recall thinking myself being sat down to my right, and i kept thinking I was just a mind sinking into Light. I kept rising into light, then think, sink down down. I heard dogs barking, the phone rang, i let it go, someone outside talked, i thought of all the tricks i pull to go back to me. Decided to push the darkness as the world in a cone around me, and sink into Light as in a tube extending below me. I was there a pretty long time, always willing down.
Then when I started to think i was done but hadn’t had any miraculous awareness, I decided i’d relax and just regular meditate using my usual mantra. So, i did that, which was back in my body at first, then seemingly deep into my head. It was a good one, no astral awakening, but a long detached rest.
Ken’s Journey notes say, if you stand aside from your ego you automatically stand aside with Jesus or the Holy Spirit in your right mind. That’s good. Whatever I was seeing before this session, i don’t recall. But i do feel like i am seeing peace now.
And it sure is difficult to think down into light. I think Jesus is trying to imply it is in all directions, and maybe rip at my coalesced preconceptions and definitions. I may not have it right yet. Because I do want to take the way out of hell, the way out of pain and suffering.
And to quote Ken: “Keep an awareness that i am attempting something very holy… I am a student of A Course in Miracles, and have chosen Jesus as my teacher. Moreover, I am doing the workbook because I want to escape from the hell of my life of judgment of others and myself. That is why I am the Course’s student: those judgments are the source of my pain and distress, which I no longer want.”
You cannot see in darkness, and you cannot make light.
:: God is the Love in which I forgive ::
Peggy, I didn’t know you were doing the Course with us on this round..very happy to have you here ! (I thought you were maybe on another cycle like Michele, or just joining with us as you, Lawrence, others usually do without the ‘structure’ of the daily Lessons.
I want to give Annie.a special hug today, and I encourage all our Village who feel so inspired to join in with their hugs, prayers, blessings, any and all forms of love….((((Annie))))
Today’s Lesson was especially hard for me to do. I couldn’t even do one of the three five minute sessions, but that’s OK (: I forgive myself my OCD ness in wanting to do the lessons perfectly, and zi forgive myself for being unable to do so anyway.
But I did manage to say several times today God is the Love in which I forgive you, xxxx to one particular member of my immediate family who has been a great source of preoccupation and complex emotions these last 10 days.
It’s wierd to feel that I made her up, and brought her into my life 7 years ago to learn these Lessons that I am learning now. But it’s OK, somewhere, somehow, everything is being released.
And when everything is washed away, all that remains is Love.
God bless us as everyone. End of another day for me as I lay my head down to rest at the Chicago Hilton. Good night and sweet dreams to everyone.
God Is.
God is the strength in which I trust…
I love this lesson. I buy all kinds of remedies…. and I know that they are nothing.
And Annie – love you so! {{hugs}} from my heart to your dear heart
anil … yes … if you can believe … I’ve been doing the lessons every day every year for 30 years
I raised my kids on ACIM … we did the lessons together every evening as part of their story time
the workbook is a part of my everyday
ACIM has been my guide in life since it found me in 1984
even though I study many other spiritual paths and sit with the sufi’s and zen buddhists and many others
I held weekly ACIM study groups in my home for over 10 years
my mom taught and had ACIM meetings in her home for 20 years
so the daily study and doing the daily lessons are part of our daily practice
even though I was never a participant and was an invisible guest, I was totally enthralled with the monastery and the many places and sharings of that magical place
I’ve attended ken’s workshops in new york before he moved to california several times … and many many times in temecula
I had lunch with bill thetford and he signed my ACIM book even!!
here on the north shore we are in a weekly yoga meditation group which is all based on the yoga teachings
for many many years I attended marianne’s meetings in southern california … she is pure love and has a great way of presenting the teachings … had lunch with her too in so many fun places … love her so much … even stayed as a guest in her santa barbara home
oh those many years of her humor and fashion and people … so many movie stars would be there … it was always a bizarre and enchanting world
so yes, all that in answer to yes, I do the lessons daily
and I love ACIM and this village and the daily practices and bernard for all he does and for providing a place for the monks and monkets and monkeys … and for each and every participant … and love to those who are invisible guests too
Peggy dearest, I love you even more now !! (=
And I loved you a lot to begin with ! (=
I am sooooo happy that you wrote out all the details you did. And didn’t just write a quick yes ! Thank you.
I’m going to read your response again to let it all soak in !
You are incredibly amazing ! Am so happy you are here…..
The 48th day brings us this gem…
:: There is nothing to fear ::
Looks like the shortest lesson in the book. Well, at least till now. And the easiest to fulfill. No extended periods ( the bane of my existence (=. ….
Just the frequent, as often as possible, rememberance that there is nothing to fear.
Deep breath.
That feels good.
The California sun is rising over Oakland, as I begin my day with….
There is nothing to fear.
Dear Village Family, I want to send each and everyone my love and an extra hug to you ((((Annie)))) !!! Thank you All for being here and forgive me for probably posting on the wrong page and about the wrong subject 😉
Now I have to share something ( BIG) that has happened to me, it’s a long story:
I use to say that Ken Wapnick is my Spiritual Father and Byron Katie is my Spiritual Mother and in my heart there is no conflict in what these two Masters teach.
I’ve seen Katie live twice during her one day seminars in Berlin and in Stockholm.
In Stockholm a woman beside me in the lunch line told me she had attended the 9 day school for the work with BK and when I wondered how on earth she could afford it she told me she got a scholarship. I had no idea about a scholarship possibility because you really have to search for it on her homepage to find it.
In December I noticed that she is doing the school in Germany and in the beginning of January I applied for a scholarship to the July school for the Work in Germany. I thought that I might as well give it a try.
Last Thursday evening i received an e-mail from BK International that I am accepted to participate in the School for the work in OJAI, CALIFORNIA ( !!!!) March 9th-18th 2014. I almost fainted !!!! I was overwhelmed and I still am !!! I didn’t sleep at all that night and I went to work with my head totally spinning. My boss said OK, I can take my winter leave then at this very short notice and yesterday I bought the ticket to L.A. ( only 575 euros Helsinki-London-LAX ! ).
When Ken died I was thinking that now I will probably never travel to the US or California again in this lifetime but I was wrong ! This is a huge adventure for me and I’m not scared but I am nervous jumping into the unknown !
I was so happy to see that Nina mentioned BK in an earlier post so I thought I have to share this with my Village Family. <3
Love, Hedda
Byron Katie is fantastic, Hedda ! A wonderful teacher to me too on the journey.
Congratulations ! That’s great news ! Have a wonderful trip…
Ps. Now I have to figure out where Ojai is ! (=
California is so big…. !!! I’m going to meet Michele in Sausalito shortly…yay !
Thanks Anil ! Ojai is northwest of L.A. Near Ventura 🙂
Hedda, I live in San Luis Obispo county in California, and Ojai is just down the road from me, in the next county – Santa Barbara. Horse country, wine country, movie star country. It is sunny here now and the hyacinths and daffodils are in bloom. I would say it is halfway between Annie and me. We will have to see what we can do about that. Hmmm.
Also, Anil and Michele, it would be a miracle, but, i will be in the San Francisco Bay area next Friday and Saturday, with time on my hands. When are you meeting up?
Lesson 49
God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.
“The part that is listening to the Voce of God is calm, always at rest, and wholly certain.”
Powerfully gentle and reassuring and I pray I am able thru todays dedication to the lessons to capture a glimpse of that Great Stillness.
I know that it is from that Great and Peaceful Stillness that your words of love and support were extended to me and my family at this very sad time and I do thank you all.
And to use Anil’s words, they were/are a balm to this parched and tired soul of mine.
And on another note, knowing that grounded confidence can move among the crazy earthly schedules and deadlines I smile, dear Hedda at the wonderful madness of things that must be attended to before you take off for California (: I am so happy for you!
Katrina is correct, Ojai is smack in the middle of our respective homes. Tell me when is your arrival to LAX? Better yet write to Bernard for my email- If you don’t mind sharing your itinerary, I would love to plan to meet you and Katrina up in Ojai. And if Ninjanun wants to come up to LA and hitch a ride with me to Ojai that would be all the better (:
It could be a Happy Belated Birthday Adventure?
Lawrence-Bro – you da Best!
And Sir Richard from Scotland-please bring some more of your bad ass perspectives here to the Village Square. You are like the ‘Banksy’ of the ACIM Village…and me loves Banksy (:
Never know when he will show up-but its no mistaking its him…a rebel Truth Sayer…
p.s. the day after you posted of Scotland’s upcoming vote to secede from the UK -NPR, a post I often refer to for any worldly news had it on their front page…looks like a lot of campaigning ahead…September will be here before you know it.
Big Hugs to All-Especially Bernard and Patricia.
ha ha Voce in Italian means Voice so it can’t be called a mistake (:
and since I’m back here posting one extra hug for you {{{Anil}}}
Perfect ! That Voice got me an extra hug ! (:
Thanks,((((Annie)))) (=
So lovely to see you here…
Oh my Goodness !!! I’m coming home to where my spiritual family lives !!! I didn’t know where you live !! I don’t mind sharing my schedule: I arrive in LAX , Saturday March 8th 14.55 ( 2.55 pm )
and I am planning to find a shuttle bus to Ventura Sheraton Hotel where I can spend the night and then I plan to take a taxi to Ojai on the 9th. The workshop registration is between 4-6 pm.
Annie, you put it just right: this is madness schedule and my head is still spinning but it sure is a once in a lifetime chance !
I must admit that it makes me incredibly happy to know that you are so close !!! I would so much love to meet you !! I wonder if Ken is behind all this ? hmmmmm…
I know Nina and Michele also have my e-mail and maybe Anil ?
I still do my lessons : today 167: There is one life, and that I share with God, (so beautiful !)
Love you
Keeping on with the Lessons –
I love them all and have been trying new things in my life…. things that are not working, I am swapping out… I wonder how God’s Voice speaks to me when I seem to need help just getting through the day sometimes. What would it say?
I like that J talks to me. Same? different? Form? Less Formal?
Formal ware – optional
Hedda, when you pack, bring something you really value, but are ready to give away. My friend only had her grandma’s ring with her, and kind of regretted only having that to give away. Some people at her seminar could only think of deeding over their home since they had brought nothing of value. I love how I hear the Course in Katie’s teachings. But still, as Ken always said, i like to be normal, too.
March 8 is my wee baby’s 1st birthday, and we have a party planned in Hanford. I may have to try for the ending of your seminar.