Village Square III
In our AcimVillage, we have the plane tree that stands in the central village square. Its enormous branches spread out to cover an area wide enough to provide shade on a warm day for many a traveller or tradesman. Water bubbles and trickles from a stone fountain on the eastern side. It is under the plane tree and by the fountain that wandering sages have traditionally lead conversation with the local people, before setting off again on their way; it is here that the townspeople come to exchange views and thoughts on their beloved spiritual philosophy, learning from each other in kindness and wisdom.
Rules to ponder…
Study of A Course In Miracles benefits greatly from sharing our experiences in its practice. Here you can talk about what works, or doesn’t, for you, taking obvious care not to be ‘preachy’, please. We all learn best when someone talks from their own experience, rather than tries to tell us what we should be doing differently. Let’s take the position that none of us are teachers, we are all at the same point returning on the path Homeward. All of us will still be making mistakes for a while yet, so let’s be particularly humble and caring in how we deal with each other. Please keep in mind that this is a site dedicated to the approach Kenneth Wapnick takes to teaching ACIM. I shall certainly do my best to bring everyone back to the core principles as taught by him.
I would also like to point out that AcimVillage is the place to come to explore our judgments, but not to express them as judgments. If you feel you need to gripe, criticize and vent, even subtly, then contact me privately (at where I will receive you with kindness and understanding. Please do not do so in the forums where I will inevitably moderate out this kind of post. Remember, you will feel better only when you are able to move past the investment in your judgments, not simply by unloading them for everyone to see. This means taking responsibility for your perceptions and acknowledging that ultimately no one has prevented you from feeling completely peaceful and safe, despite what might appear to be the unfortunate conditions of your life at this time. (I know, this is hard. Contact me if you’re struggling.)
So, two basic rules here. One, we avoid mention of other approaches to the study of ACIM (non-Wapnickian) as well as to other philosophies we might be studying. This is purely to achieve a stable, comfortable learning forum where we are all aiming at the same goal, using the same symbols and language to get there. This is not to cast any judgment on any other approaches or philosophies. ACIM is a sufficiently difficult path to undertake without bringing more confusion into our study than our minds already contain! If you have benefited from other paths and would like to share your thoughts, by all means do so. Just please do this in the privacy of your personal emails. It’s also my personal opinion (take it or leave it) that at some point a student of ACIM is much better off sticking with one set of symbols and one teacher, and working with these thoroughly, instead of getting too dispersed. Rule two, we try not to play ‘teacher’ with each other here, reminding ourselves to be humble and always equal with our brother.
Enjoy the discussion!
{{{{Katrina}}}}….man oh man!! Does this mean your shoulder is now relocated where it needs to be, you didn’t break anything, but it’s back in place and healing it comes in the form of muscles and tendons realigning themselves around it being back in place. I should just google the answer. I do understand the level two happiness of a firmly tied sling!
Holding you in thoughts of light weightless painless cotton wool comfort for you shoulder and some healing bodywork/massage down the road to help with the ways your body might be taking on extra challenge in accommodating your injury.
Lots of love being felt shined your way dearest one,
xoxox Michele
Lesson 102
I share God’s Will for Happiness for me.
I will read it later today just announcing I get to join you. Spent these last two days savoring the Epilog at the End of the Workbook.
I also got my Lighthouse….the last issue and got to read Winnie’s tribute in it, as well as yours Annie.
Now I’m going to go to the room from which various Village people has posted to reply a bit and update a bit.
Katrina dear, joining with you. What a shock! sending warmest love and wishes for perfect healing on all levels
Yay Michele ! So happy you’re here with us from 102. I share Gods Will for Happiness for me as a very good day for me too.
When I think of you, the entire charming town of Sausalito pops into my mind ! (: and then my thoughts turn to travel, gypsy that I am, or must have been. I really wish I could just close my eyes and be on the place I want to be. Sausalito right now. For a quick coffee with you. Then back to Singapore in 30 minutes to take Lucas swimming. Father and son Sunday date. We are starting to build a tradition for a weekly swim date each Sunday (if its not raining)
In short, teleportation is just my cup of tea. It would make my personal and business life so much easier ! And while I’m dreaming so, it comes to me that I don’t think to teleport myself to Heaven. So involved am I in my worldly dream.
The Ego, or what I imagine is Ego Voice chips in with ” see, your dedication to the Course, God, Heaven, Yada, yada, is all just talk…” I let it have its say. It is what is.
I am not going to feel bad about where I am, or where I think I should be, I am what I am, and I am where I am meant to be.
Take care, my friends, happy Sunday to you all, and to everyone in California enjoying Saturday night, have a lovely one….
Dear Katrina, so sorry to hear about your shoulder! What I still find so remarkable after all these years of reading your posts is that I always feel somehow uplifted by your way of looking at your life. There’s always that slight but important distance with the drama that helps us all how to be in the drama, but not only within it. You really know how to keep one eye on the ball, and that’s what’s so healing and helpful for all of us here. You always somehow manage to bring it back to that critical ‘something else’ that’s happening on another level. So I’m dreadfully sorry about your mishap and the pain, and I’m dreadfully happy that you can share with us your wise and special wisdom that carries us all forward.
Good luck with the healing work!
I myself have an eye problem at the moment. I was doing some strimming, my face fully protected by a pull down face-mask, and a leaf or something managed to fly around the side and into my eye. It seems the leaf was covered in some extremely fine little prickly things, probably like the fluff on nettles, which have decided to penetrate into the cornea, about a hundred or so. These cannot be removed (too small and fine), so we just have to wait and see what happens, if the prickles disappear with time or stay.
Physical mishaps always are a great opportunity to see the extent to which we still think we actually are bodies, and how much we think our happiness comes from well-functioning bodies. It doesn’t. Our true experience of peacefulness and happiness comes from a memory, a very present memory.
I would try to impose a thousand different obstacles between that knowledge, that memory and my awareness of it, be that my body, my money situation, my car situation, or my neighbor situation. But the truth is that none of these outside conditions is more powerful than my mind and its ability to remember a very simple, present truth.
So we call into question whether the pain in the body can erase another experience available to us. Then we ask ourselves why we allow the outside pain in the body to take such a large place in our minds. The answer is clear if we really listen. Something inside us actually is getting something on another level out of the physical pain. ‘I’ am suffering. There’s an identity hidden there within the pain.
This is certainly not bad or evil, but just a little crazy if we want to be happy and in less pain. It’s going to be hard to be in less pain if I actually get something out of it. Then my mind will come back to it time and time again and actually make it bigger in my perception, and will even want to draw the perception of others to my condition. That’s our current insanity, of all of us.
We’re all in pain in one way or the other (my tummy hurts! my finances hurt! my community’s environment hurts!) and we’re all actually getting something out of it in one way or another. What if Love were there right now and It’s presence made all these outside conditions fade into insignificance? That’s a lovely, beautiful image. But only to our right minds which dream of Home and Happiness.
To our wrong minds still “hell-bent” on being an individual self, it is an impossibly fearful and painful image, because it is the thought of erasing itself from existence. So something in us will be fighting our attempts to remember true peacefulness when we become aware of our pain. It will be fighting us on a level that we are not likely to see. We will simply have the experience that ‘it’s not so easy to feel happy when things are breaking down’. That’s what it looks like and feels like, but that’s not what’s actually happening.
What’s actually happening is that unconsciously we have seen the opportunity of finding that wonderful comfort and peacefulness above all the storms of our lives, and we’ve said ‘No way, Jose’. Because in that Peace, there is no more sense of a very specific ‘I’. There is just peacefulness, but not ‘me’, not as any big deal. There is still the perception of the self (we will not be ‘abruptly hurled into reality’), but not as anything interesting or important, just another image on a screen, and a screen that is itself not very interesting or important.
Our will settles on what is really important and true, and puts away the childish games and the objects (‘sharp-edged children’s toys’) with which we have been hurting ourselves. The body takes its true place, in the backseat of our perception, rather than occupying the driver’s seat. And all becomes more quiet and peaceful. Things can happen around us. Things can happen ‘to us’, and it’s really all okay.
((((Katrina)))) and (((((Bernard)))) get well soon !!
This Sunday morning I slowly started to read the testimonials for Ken. One of the first testimonials starts: ” I came into this world tired and discouraged. As a very young child , I knew that this had to be a turnaround lifetime for me….”
I could have written that line…
It’s therapy for me reading about Ken and today he has been very present in my heart <3
Have a peaceful Sunday beloved family !
The right words are “Memorial Tributes” not testimonials….
I think to remember even “only” once is all the Course is really asking of us!
“keeping one eye on the ball”- an interesting choice of words considering your eye situation Bernard…as that is exactly how your post felt to me.
Even with a hundred nettles lodged in your cornea you choose to keep your mind’s eye on Truth.
Before I go on, let me give you a Hug too {{Bernard}}
Hey Michele thanks for the heads up on the Lighthouse edition.
Last One!!! ):
And not that I have ever been to the La Jolla Branch but they are closing their doors.
I should take a trek down there before August.
If I had unlimited resources I would love to live in that city…it has got to be one of the most beautiful cities in S.California.
I noticed that some of the tributes were edited. Well, I didn’t notice till I reread mine (:
Honestly, it was a good edit. I’m guessing since the Lighthouse is also a printed document taking a sentence or two out of a few posts saved some bucks. However, I also noticed that Winnie’s post had a p.s. added at the end that was not in the electronic version of the memorial tributes. It was good to read a Winnie post (:
Joining in with Anil’s *sigh* for today’s request to; “Allow this one correction to be placed within your mind each waking hour today.”
Lesson # 103
“God, Being Love, is also happiness.”
“And it is happiness I seek today.
I cannot fail, because I seek the truth.”
Lesson # 104
I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
Lesson # 105
God’s peace and joy are mine.
And that reminds me of a church folk song I sang in my youth…
Peace I leave with you my friends.
If I can sing it on the hour
I shall fulfill todays requirement (:
Peace I leave with you, my friends:
Shalom my peace, in all you do.
Peace I leave with you, my friends,
I give to you, so you can give to others, too.
To share God’s love is why I came,
To show God’s kindness to the world
Go now my friends and do the same,
Until I come again…
Take my hand and be at peace,
The spirit of our love I send;
And with this love you will be free,
Until I come again…
With this love you all will know,
That loneliness is at an end,
Rejoice my people though I go
For I will come again…
God’s peace and joy are mine!
I had a brief and fleeting thought today that something – well… I forget it.
Something about everything is ok – and it really is a dream here – it REALLY IS!
And that is why it is ok.
Yay, Tex!!!
Lesson 106
Let me be still and listen to the truth
from the JTTWB…
” The title itself is extremely important because-as I have repeatedly emphasized, reflecting the Course’s emphasis-the means by which we have access to the truth and experience Jesus’ love is letting go of our egos. Recalling an earlier lesson, Jesus refers to the ego’s voice in our minds as “raucous shrieks” (W-pI.49.4:3). Its noise is always in our minds, and being still means our decision maker recognizes it made a mistake. Thus we choose against the ego thought system of specialness and for its correction: against illusion and for the truth. This lesson-and the title itself- is another reminder of the need for us to be still to the ego, by shifting our investment from being right to being happy.”
Some of my all time favorite lines today:
Be not afraid today to circumvent the voices of the world. Walk lightly past their meaningless persuasion. Hear them not. ….the thunder of the meaningless
What does it mean to give and to receive?
It will begin the ministry for which you came, and which will free the world from thinking giving is a way to lose.
short notes, rt. hand no worka for a bit.
Loved your prayer in the Garden Anil.
Katrina, a gentle kiss to right shoulder boo boo…you did good with favorite lines yesterday (:
Lesson 107
Truth will correct all errors in my mind
Lately, with the close of this Lenten season my mind seems to recall songs from my youth: when I finished reading the daily lessons..
I remembered the song: “Be not Afraid”, by John Michael Talbot
You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand.
You shall see the face of God and live.
Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come follow me, and
I will give you rest.
If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow’r of hell and death is at your side, know that
I am with you through it all.
Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh.
And if wicked men insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you!
I keep forgetting what anything means here… or there… or anywhere…. but I am learning to trust my Inner guide (wherever you call it). And being nice as I go merrily along my way can’t hurt either!
If it comes back to me a million times over – so be it… and if not so be it, too…
And all that zen jazz!
I noticed that when the hard stuff stopped and the angst let up a bit, then the lines turned to Imabic Pentameter and the words started to be much more reassuring!
Yes – Kissy-Boo-Boo to the shoulder, Miss K!
Love and Hugs and all to all!
It is Good Friday morning. My lesson is 190: I choose the joy of God instead of pain.
” the world does not literally change, just as the physical world did not change because Jesus appeared here. It was as hateful and cruel after he left as it was before he came. It is the perception of the world that changes, which means how the mind interprets it. When our minds have changed completely, we have attained the real world. This is not a place where the grass is green all year round, and the weather is temperate, but a state of mind in which a light shines constantly, regardless of the ego’s darkness that surrounds the world”
Easter hugs to All of you and thank you each and EveryOne for all the kind and always so healing and inspiring postings !
Thanks you, Hedda. happy Eastertime to you too !
Ps. Annie, you may have noticed that the prayer was lifted from the lines that spoke to me the most from the Lesson of that Day ! (=
Lesson 108
To give and to receive are one in truth.
I so loved reading todays lesson in the workbook. I had to force myself to stop- trusting that I will hold it as I get going with my day.
It feels so safe, these quiet mornings when its just me and the Holy Spirit I don’t want it to end.
Hello Hedda and Happy Easter to you and yours!
Where’s our aloha girl?
Have a lovely weekend Everyone!
aloha girl is here all the time
every morning I get the village updates and goings on
this morning after my 2 hour walk along the beach, I floated in the calm ocean with the sun glowing all around me while I repeated the mantra I REST IN GOD
floating like that was heavenly
floating after a long walk is so magnificent
from all that constant continuous movement to total floating stillness
am learning so much from the goings on around here in the village
from the beautiful ways bernard is recovering from the thistles in his eye and katrina is healing from her fall and how anil is in therapy with such delicate ambivalence about the whole venue
my heart was so wanting him to say he loves her with his every precious breath and is doing absolutely every single possible imaginable gratitude and appreciation and slaying dragons and diving through fire and ready to do whatever it takes to be with the love of his life …
since I’ve never met either of them, who knows why I always want love to love to love and work everything out
I do know it is not a test or a failure for people to journey together simply as long as they do and then go on their other paths
these 2 rumi poems are among my favorites:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field
I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too beautiful to talk about”
and this other one:
“Come to the orchard in Spring.
There is light and wine, and sweethearts
in the pomegranate flowers.
If you do not come, these do not matter.
If you do come, these do not matter.”
also … a kind of funny thing happened
I bought 3 avocados at the grocery store … she charged me for 4
now, avocados are over $2 each …. I saw her do it … I let it go
I didn’t want to stop how fast she was going through the groceries and punching all the buttons and it was a large grocery order
yes, I looked back over the receipt and I looked back into my avocado count … yes, only 3, charged for 4
this really was a bit of a conundrum simply because there it was
letting it go was ok, yet the thought remained
all guidance seemed to say make nothing of it, don’t sweat the small stuff, it doesn’t matter etc etc
then yesterday when I was at the same store … the same girl was ringing up this bakery order for my mother of hot crossed buns … ordered and made especially for mom … the girl had to go back into the bakery and get them … it was getting very involved … she was being helpful and kind …then when she got back to her check stand, she realized they didn’t have a price on them … and she said, “I’ll only charge you $4.99, though they are probably more like $7.99 … but I want to be sure I don’t overcharge you … so let’s just do this” !!
it was all a happy funny sweet gesture from the universal accounting system to bless and heal
very funny how that happens!!
blessings and aloha to everyone
Aloha Peggy, I long to that field <3
we all long for that field
I’ll meet you there hedda
love you
Happy and peaceful Easter to one and all. Reminder: Chapter 20, sections 1 and 2 for readings on the reinterpretation of the message of Easter. Easter is an important time of release from the illusions of sin, punishment and guilt. It is the end of myth of death,, the beginning of the memory of life. But Jesus says it so much more beautifully in these sections of his book. Please try to take the time to read them.
Peggy, I have that first Rumi-quote on my card since 15 years ago…lots of clients have come to me because of that poem – I love that you and we all love it and long for it
happy happy easter everyone
Happy Easter Everyone!
Bernard…thanks for pointing out the Easter place in the text for us.
I’ve been loving these last few lessons!!!
Ah….floated with you and Rumi Peggy
that is my ideal…a two hour walk, then floating in warm water.
Later today at Grace Cathedral,my dear friend Barbara and I will capture the final day of the Graced with Light exhibit. I will hold all your Village hands and spirits, along with those like Annie’s Dad, and other dear friends, with me as the healing balm of miles of ribbons streaming down from the highest arches, embossed with handwritten prayers, wishes and meditations descends. It will be yet another lofty view and uplifting experience like the kinds you all share with me as share your lives with me.
Love you so very much,
Have lots to share and will sometime this week.
Post #276 is in purgatory- I placed a link thinking a few spaces would circumvent the high security system. I was wrong. Sorry Mr. Mayor. I know you are busy and have no time for this.
It was an Easter greeting. Just know you were in my thoughts.
Today begins another review.
Seems so quick.
This review has an introduction…a review on how to do a review!
“This is a course in motivation”
“Jesus pleads with us to be mindful of our sneakiness.”
“All teachers desire their students to learn, and Jesus is no exception. He cannot help us without our wanting to be helped.”
I hear his pleads and today like New Years Day, I recommit to do my Lessons well.
Will keep you all in my prayers on the hour and half hour…
will meet you in the field…of our right mind
aloha michele
miles of ribbons streaming down from the highest arches with handwritten prayers wishes and meditations … wow
looking forward to all you have to share with us!!
here in haleiwa, easter was a really big deal … these huge white tents were all set up overlooking the beach
hundreds of chairs set up
a huge cross with long flower leis draped around it
music and people and food
many baptisms … they do these all the time in the ocean here
this is all the goings on that I see when I do my long morning beach walks
the service I went to with my mom was a yoga meditation … where we don’t do any moving kind of yoga … just the still quiet meditation kind
it was a beautiful day in soooo many wonderful ways
Lesson #110
I am as God created me
Chapter 20
Wonderful and inspiring readings this morning.
Thank you Bernard for the reminder of Chapter 20.
Happy Easter Sunday to All.
May you be surrounded by Lilies…
may you rest in Lilies like our Aloha Girl floating in the Pacific
(loved the avocado story too)
I wish to insert a youtube video…
http://www . godtube . com/watch/?v=0E02FMNU
(please remove the spaces around the dots)
It’s a remake of a Lenard Cohen song, “Hallelujah”
She got the rights to place her own lyrics and rerecord it.
I am thinking a Course Student somewhere out there needs to
do the same and tell the story of “peace not pain”,
Chapter 20 offers the inspiration.
Still, I was able to look beyond my past belief of the Christ story and be stirred by the
power of the music and the message of freedom in seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.
I shall meet you in that field of Lilies.
My time in purgatory was not soo long (thank you Bernard) …but still, why do I go there if can go straight to heaven?
Everyday the same questions?
I am learning a little more about Infinite patience.
Yesterday I can say I did my lessons well. And by bedtime I found that I reached a boundary that felt very uncomfortable. I’ve never had a full blown panic attack but I could feel an internal sensation building where I couldn’t maintain the train of thought; that there was no “one” out there. The resistance was strong and I could feel myself pull back mentally as my body felt like it was about to implode.
Now in the light of day I can ask who is the me that wanted to jump out of my skin? But last night it was about survival and the questions had to stop. I just needed to breathe and leave “me” alone. No more thinking, no more asking questions.
I need to trust that all is undoing in good time…p a t i e n c e .
Lesson #112
1. (93) Light and Joy and Peace abide in me.
I am the home of Light and Joy and Peace.
I welcome them into the home I share with God because I am a part of Him.
2. (94) I am as God created me.
I will remain forever as I was created by the changeless like himself.
And I am one with Him, and He with me.
Still doing the lessons and who knows what comes next –
no time to write out the Lesson today
so glad you are still in Tex
Big Hugs to You!!!!
Yesterday i forgot all day, while racing from drop offs to stores to pickups. One handed driving, can’t use the radio or AC then at night i remembered for one iteration before sleep. But today . . .
Lesson 113
(95) I am one Self, united with my Creator.
Serenity and perfect peace are mine, because I am one Self,
completely whole, at one with all creation and with God.
(96) Salvation comes from my one Self.
From my one Self, Whose knowledge still remains within my mind,
I see God’s perfect plan for salvation perfectly fulfilled.
Tex, keep on truckin’ Mama, truckin’ those blues away!
Next comes Lesson #114
(1) (97) I am spirit.
I am the Son of God. No body can contain my spirit, nor impose on me a limitation God created not.
(2) (98) I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation
What can my function be but to accept the Word of God, Who has created me for what I am and will forever be?
We are thus reminded of Who we are as spirit. This remembrance comes when we accept our function of forgiveness. It is not so much the words of the lessons that are important, but the willingness to think of them throughout the day. It is the thought in our minds that grants importance to the words-reflecting the Word of God-and that is the essence of these reviews. (JTTWB)
One story of a couple I’ve mentioned sharing here:
I have a former beloved sweetheart, and now dearest friend, who is slowly passing from ovarian cancer, but man oh man, she is kicking ass on her way out. She recorded 13 of her original songs up at a studio in Sebastopol. She did this in the last two weeks, using steroids, pain meds with hospice agreeing to giving her IV sustenance,as the cancer crept up into her intestines and she hasn’t been able to eat or drink for the last 4 weeks.
She took days of rest in between recording, then working on the sound mix. All of her world-class stellar musician friends came in to lay down the tracks with her. She’s heard the master final and it it’s exceeded her wildest expectations. She’s thrilled with it and pulled off a real miracle with loving companions. She’s a CD design /computer whiz too and has worked on the cover. The studio is close to where she lives in her own beautiful bungalow she designed that is maybe 30 ft away from the front door of the larger home of thecouple she’s been ohana/family with for many decades. For a single person this is an ideal situation. It’s a nice large property with a beautiful organic garden. The couple have tended to her from day one when she felt her first “I feel something strange”. She is Willow Wray, great niece of Fay Wray and has been in an award winning vocal trio for the last 30 years known as Nicholas, Glover and Wray. check out their music on ngwmusic dot com…Boswell sisters, Andrews sisters and many of all their own originals.
Last night there was a promising news update on the Caring Bridge site about her obstruction maybe going away. Willow has soooo many people who love her and have been supporting her throughout out this. Her writings of love and gratitude on the site have been so uplifting and the many people who write in are deeply loving, spiritual and creative people, people from all walks whose lives Willow has enriched and vice versa…dashing out to class now love you all
Thanks for this lovely story, Michele. All our blessings to your friend.
Anil…I miss you and wish we could talk on the phone. Is there any way we can that is affordable besides Skype?
Bernard…how is your eye doing?
I miss you Papa Lawrence and send you lots of love.
Tex…do you hear from ‘by the side of the road persona? …love you
Hedda how is it now being back at home?
Richard you have the best sense of humor and way with words I relish and delight in.
Katrina …really hope you’re feeling better and do you like that ccrider song?
Love to everyone…
I did write and keep a word doc to add a sweet addendum to the post about my daughter and a little about my own caregivers growing up. I was encouraged by you Peggy when you said you liked reading more about our lives…but also feel like I shouldn’t and it’s all just stories about the past. So please give me feedback on this.
☆☼☆☽♛晴♡♥♡☼☀April 26th is Anil’s Birthday☆☼☆☽♛晴♡♥♡☼☀
with Singapore time a day ahead of course
or perhaps some other spot on the globe
☆☼☆☽♛晴♡♥♡☼☀April 26th is Anil’s 45th Birthday☆☼☆☽♛晴♡♥♡☼☀
Michele, I love your stories. I pray that your friend will discover a spontaneous healing. I thought today’s latter lesson fit her amazing effort to record her songs — My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.
My rt hand is working better, but doesn’t have lasting power. Doesn’t matter because I have rotator cuff surgery on May 2 so it will be back to ground zero for a few weeks. I hear it will be like a new arm when it has healed. It has actually been kinda weak since the first time I dislocated it skiing about 7 years ago. The Dr said it was very unusual for a 66 yr old woman to tear the muscle off the bone, they always just break the shoulder. Wow, I felt like a superwoman, just having a gimpy interlude!
And yes, my email is directly from that iconic song. For years everyone laughed when I gave it to them — so easy to remember, and now young people do not recognize it AT ALL. That makes me feel like I am in this world, but not of it anymore. Progress!
Michele babe – we can easily talk anytime ! Just tell me what time suits you and I’ll call. I have your cell number on my mobile phone ! (:
Happy Birthday ANIL♥♥♥
Hope I got the right day 🙂
Your writing is so full of love and energy especially when you speak of the people who have touched your life. And they all seem to be wonderfully creative people, must be mirrors of you!
I did go and check out Willow’s music and she seems to channel Janice Joplin in her tribute! To have known her passion and purpose from a young age is a gift in itself. And to be able to complete & package that creativity and it surpass her wildest dreams…wow!
Still, to say good bye will not be easy. I feel for you my friend.
And Katrina-weaving the review lesson with the successful recording of Willow’s songs was an excellent observation and perfect example of sight vs vision. And so it goes that everything can be used by HS to bring us to our right mind. So let the stories flow Michele!
How to prepare for taking your right arm out of commission??? Oh, Katrina I know you must be scrambling to get as much in order as possible. And your greatest joy has been caring for Amery and even though she is living with you now -to not be able to carry her and care for her must be beyond frustrating. And needless to say I am already sulking that this upcoming surgery and recovery will keep you away from the Village ): But before I make it all about me (: I shall take a moment and ask that all goes smoothly with the operation and post op healing!
And Last but not Least…Happy Birthday Anil !!!!!!!!
In – but barely…. I love you all and think of you as family! It is all I can do to not get in the Truck and drive to Temecula and live in the parking lot – Wah!
As if that would cure anything…. but yeah – hanging in there……
There are only two nurses on this ped case i work and one of them took off – her Mum died….. and so I scooped up all the OT I could handle… to buy a saw!
I want to build a shelf. Must stand for something – in the metaphysics… creating – helping – doing something other than working and sleeping…
But yeah – hanging in there!
Happy birthday Anil ! By now it’s the 26th in Singapore !!
And Michele , thank you for asking ; I’m trying to be still and just look . I know this is a phrase we all have written here a hundred times before but right now it’s the only thing that helps me a little bit when I worry too much about worldly matters.
” It ( =the problem ) will recur and recur again and yet again, until it has been answered for all time and will not rise again in any form. And only the are you released from it ”
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday dear Anil
Happy Birthday to You……
And many more…..
You have the same birthday as my only grandson whose turning 4 tomorrow and he’s the love of my life, Milo. Your birthday is now etched in my mind. I was going to add forever but birthdays as we are trying to remember are just part of a dream and so forever is until we wake up from this dream. Yah? Have a great one, nonetheless. 🙂
Hedda, I had the most amazing break through this morning with the Work. I love to think of you having learned to do it. I have done it off and on for the last 20 years – and now, bam, a ton of hatred and fear just melted away. Timing is everything, eh 🙂
It is such a party to heat from Leni and Hedda and Nina and Michele and Tex and Annie all at once! No doubt we will be seeing Peggy and Lawrence come skipping down the beach.
Tex, it is so important to know that you are fully doing the lessons if you only read it once with just one eye half open before you fall asleep. The Holy Spirit is using your hands and brain and body all the livelong night to deliver His loving lesson to your little patient who feels like part of the sonship because of your caring touch and attention. You are the deliverer of Happiness. And when you do it, and come and remind us you are here with us, we are doing it too. If Anil remembeRs on the half hour, he does it for all of us. There is only One mind! Your extending your loving hands and funny careful humor is so much more than tending to a half hour reminder!
So, here is today’s and it is perfect for a Birthday present for Anil! I love these 2 together.
Lesson 116
(101) God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
God’s Will is perfect happiness for me. And I can suffer
but from the belief there is another will apart from His.
(102) I share God’s Will for happiness for me.
I share my Father’s Will for me, His Son.
What He has given me is all I want.
What He has given me is all there is.
On the hour:
God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
On the half hour:
I share God’s Will for happiness for me.